Command class

Base class for commands that create, load, manipulate, and save images. Commands are not executed until either the execute or executeThread methods are called.


Command([Command? input])


dirty bool
getter/setter pair
firstSubCommand Command?
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
input Command?
getter/setter pair
outputBytes Uint8List?
Output bytes generated by the command.
getter/setter pair
outputImage Image?
Output Image generated by the command.
getter/setter pair
outputObject Object?
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
subCommand Command
getter/setter pair


addFrames(int count, AddFramesFunction callback) → void
Add animation frames to an image.
adjustColor({Color? blacks, Color? whites, Color? mids, num? contrast, num? saturation, num? brightness, num? gamma, num? exposure, num? hue, num amount = 1, Command? mask, Channel maskChannel = Channel.luminance}) → void
bakeOrientation() → void
billboard({num grid = 10, num amount = 1, Command? mask, Channel maskChannel = Channel.luminance}) → void
bleachBypass({num amount = 1, Command? mask, Channel maskChannel = Channel.luminance}) → void
bulgeDistortion({int? centerX, int? centerY, num? radius, num scale = 0.5, Interpolation interpolation = Interpolation.nearest, Command? mask, Channel maskChannel = Channel.luminance}) → void
bumpToNormal({num strength = 2}) → void
chromaticAberration({int shift = 5, Command? mask, Channel maskChannel = Channel.luminance}) → void
colorHalftone({num amount = 1, int? centerX, int? centerY, num angle = 180, num size = 5, Command? mask, Channel maskChannel = Channel.luminance}) → void
colorOffset({num red = 0, num green = 0, num blue = 0, num alpha = 0, Command? mask, Channel maskChannel = Channel.luminance}) → void
compositeImage(Command? src, {int? dstX, int? dstY, int? dstW, int? dstH, int? srcX, int? srcY, int? srcW, int? srcH, BlendMode blend = BlendMode.alpha, bool linearBlend = false, bool center = false, Command? mask, Channel maskChannel = Channel.luminance}) → void
contrast({required num contrast, Command? mask, Channel maskChannel = Channel.luminance}) → void
convert({int? numChannels, Format? format, num? alpha, bool withPalette = false}) → void
Convert an image by changing its format or number of channels.
convolution({required List<num> filter, num div = 1.0, num offset = 0, num amount = 1, Command? mask, Channel maskChannel = Channel.luminance}) → void
copy() → void
Create a copy of the current image.
copyCrop({required int x, required int y, required int width, required int height, num radius = 0, bool antialias = true}) → void
copyCropCircle({int? radius, int? centerX, int? centerY, bool antialias = true}) → void
copyExpandCanvas({int? newWidth, int? newHeight, int? padding, ExpandCanvasPosition position =, Color? backgroundColor, Image? toImage}) → void
copyFlip({required FlipDirection direction}) → void
copyImageChannels({required Command? from, bool scaled = false, Channel? red, Channel? green, Channel? blue, Channel? alpha, Command? mask, Channel maskChannel = Channel.luminance}) → void
copyRectify({required Point topLeft, required Point topRight, required Point bottomLeft, required Point bottomRight, Interpolation interpolation = Interpolation.nearest}) → void
copyResize({int? width, int? height, bool? maintainAspect, Color? backgroundColor, Interpolation interpolation = Interpolation.nearest}) → void
copyResizeCropSquare({required int size, num radius = 0, Interpolation interpolation = Interpolation.nearest, bool antialias = true}) → void
copyRotate({required num angle, Interpolation interpolation = Interpolation.nearest}) → void
createImage({required int width, required int height, Format format = Format.uint8, int numChannels = 3, bool withPalette = false, Format paletteFormat = Format.uint8, Palette? palette, ExifData? exif, IccProfile? iccp, Map<String, String>? textData}) → void
Create an Image.
decodeBmp(Uint8List data) → void
decodeBmpFile(String path) → void
decodeExr(Uint8List data) → void
decodeExrFile(String path) → void
decodeGif(Uint8List data) → void
decodeGifFile(String path) → void
decodeIco(Uint8List data) → void
decodeIcoFile(String path) → void
decodeImage(Uint8List data) → void
decodeImageFile(String path) → void
decodeJpg(Uint8List data) → void
decodeJpgFile(String path) → void
decodeNamedImage(String path, Uint8List data) → void
decodePng(Uint8List data) → void
decodePngFile(String path) → void
decodePsd(Uint8List data) → void
decodePsdFile(String path) → void
decodePvr(Uint8List data) → void
decodePvrFile(String path) → void
decodeTga(Uint8List data) → void
decodeTgaFile(String path) → void
decodeTiff(Uint8List data) → void
decodeTiffFile(String path) → void
decodeWebP(Uint8List data) → void
decodeWebPFile(String path) → void
ditherImage({Quantizer? quantizer, DitherKernel kernel = DitherKernel.floydSteinberg, bool serpentine = false}) → void
dotScreen({num angle = 180, num size = 5.75, int? centerX, int? centerY, num amount = 1, Command? mask, Channel maskChannel = Channel.luminance}) → void
drawChar(String char, {required BitmapFont font, required int x, required int y, Color? color, Command? mask, Channel maskChannel = Channel.luminance}) → void
drawCircle({required int x, required int y, required int radius, required Color color, bool antialias = false, Command? mask, Channel maskChannel = Channel.luminance}) → void
drawLine({required int x1, required int y1, required int x2, required int y2, required Color color, bool antialias = false, num thickness = 1, Command? mask, Channel maskChannel = Channel.luminance}) → void
drawPixel(int x, int y, Color color, {BlendMode blend = BlendMode.alpha, bool linearBlend = false, Command? mask, Channel maskChannel = Channel.luminance}) → void
drawPolygon({required List<Point> vertices, required Color color, Command? mask, Channel maskChannel = Channel.luminance}) → void
drawRect({required int x1, required int y1, required int x2, required int y2, required Color color, num radius = 0, num thickness = 1, Command? mask, Channel maskChannel = Channel.luminance}) → void
drawString(String string, {required BitmapFont font, required int x, required int y, Color? color, bool wrap = false, bool rightJustify = false, Command? mask, Channel maskChannel = Channel.luminance}) → void
dropShadow(int hShadow, int vShadow, int blur, {Color? shadowColor}) → void
edgeGlow({num amount = 1, Command? mask, Channel maskChannel = Channel.luminance}) → void
emboss({num amount = 1, Command? mask, Channel maskChannel = Channel.luminance}) → void
encodeBmp() → void
encodeBmpFile(String path) → void
encodeCur() → void
encodeCurFile(String path) → void
encodeGif({int samplingFactor = 10, DitherKernel dither = DitherKernel.floydSteinberg, bool ditherSerpentine = false}) → void
encodeGifFile(String path, {int samplingFactor = 10, DitherKernel dither = DitherKernel.floydSteinberg, bool ditherSerpentine = false}) → void
encodeIco() → void
encodeIcoFile(String path) → void
encodeJpg({int quality = 100}) → void
encodeJpgFile(String path, {int quality = 100}) → void
encodePng({int level = 6, PngFilter filter = PngFilter.paeth}) → void
encodePngFile(String path, {int level = 6, PngFilter filter = PngFilter.paeth}) → void
encodePvr() → void
encodePvrFile(String path) → void
encodeTga() → void
encodeTgaFile(String path) → void
encodeTiff() → void
encodeTiffFile(String path) → void
execute() Future<Command>
executeCommand() Future<void>
executeIfDirty() Future<void>
executeThread() Future<Command>
fill({required Color color, Command? mask, Channel maskChannel = Channel.luminance}) → void
fillCircle({required int x, required int y, required int radius, required Color color, bool antialias = false, Command? mask, Channel maskChannel = Channel.luminance}) → void
fillFlood({required int x, required int y, required Color color, num threshold = 0.0, bool compareAlpha = false, Command? mask, Channel maskChannel = Channel.luminance}) → void
fillPolygon({required List<Point> vertices, required Color color, Command? mask, Channel maskChannel = Channel.luminance}) → void
fillRect({required int x1, required int y1, required int x2, required int y2, required Color color, num radius = 0, Command? mask, Channel maskChannel = Channel.luminance}) → void
filter(FilterFunction filter) → void
Run an arbitrary function on the image within the Command graph. A FilterFunction is in the form Image function(Image). A new Image can be returned, replacing the given Image; or the given Image can be returned.
flip({required FlipDirection direction}) → void
forEachFrame(FilterFunction callback) → void
Call a callback for each frame of an animation.
gamma({required num gamma, Command? mask, Channel maskChannel = Channel.luminance}) → void
gaussianBlur({required int radius, Command? mask, Channel maskChannel = Channel.luminance}) → void
getBytes() Future<Uint8List?>
getBytesThread() Future<Uint8List?>
getImage() Future<Image?>
getImageThread() Future<Image?>
grayscale({num amount = 1, Command? mask, Channel maskChannel = Channel.luminance}) → void
hdrToLdr({num? exposure}) → void
hexagonPixelate({int? centerX, int? centerY, int size = 5, num amount = 1, Command? mask, Channel maskChannel = Channel.luminance}) → void
image(Image image) → void
Use a specific Image.
invert({Command? mask, Channel maskChannel = Channel.luminance}) → void
luminanceThreshold({num threshold = 0.5, bool outputColor = false, num amount = 1, Command? mask, Channel maskChannel = Channel.luminance}) → void
monochrome({Color? color, num amount = 1, Command? mask, Channel maskChannel = Channel.luminance}) → void
noise(num sigma, {NoiseType type = NoiseType.gaussian, Random? random, Command? mask, Channel maskChannel = Channel.luminance}) → void
normalize({required num min, required num max, Command? mask, Channel maskChannel = Channel.luminance}) → void
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
pixelate({required int size, PixelateMode mode = PixelateMode.upperLeft, Command? mask, Channel maskChannel = Channel.luminance}) → void
quantize({int numberOfColors = 256, QuantizeMethod method = QuantizeMethod.neuralNet, DitherKernel dither = DitherKernel.none, bool ditherSerpentine = false}) → void
reinhardTonemap({Command? mask, Channel maskChannel = Channel.luminance}) → void
remapColors({Channel red =, Channel green =, Channel blue =, Channel alpha = Channel.alpha}) → void
scaleRgba({required Color scale, Command? mask, Channel maskChannel = Channel.luminance}) → void
separableConvolution({required SeparableKernel kernel, Command? mask, Channel maskChannel = Channel.luminance}) → void
sepia({num amount = 1, Command? mask, Channel maskChannel = Channel.luminance}) → void
setDirty() → void
sketch({num amount = 1, Command? mask, Channel maskChannel = Channel.luminance}) → void
smooth({required num weight, Command? mask, Channel maskChannel = Channel.luminance}) → void
sobel({num amount = 1, Command? mask, Channel maskChannel = Channel.luminance}) → void
stretchDistortion({int? centerX, int? centerY, Interpolation interpolation = Interpolation.nearest, Command? mask, Channel maskChannel = Channel.luminance}) → void
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
trim({TrimMode mode = TrimMode.transparent, Trim sides = Trim.all}) → void
vignette({num start = 0.3, num end = 0.75, Color? color, num amount = 0.8, Command? mask, Channel maskChannel = Channel.luminance}) → void
writeToFile(String path) → void


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.