widgets library

A library to include the visual layer of the swayze.


A result of a conversion of a cell's coordinates into it's offset and size
A widget that forces all children to render at maximum size possible given the current BoxConstraints
A result of a conversion of a column/row index into a pixel offset.
A result of a conversion of a pixel offset into column/row index.
SliverSwayzeTable<CellDataType extends SwayzeCellData>
A sliver StatefulWidget that represents one single table on a scroll view.
Describes a collection of colors for headers in a determinate state.
Describes a set of interface options used by elements inside a table.
A ChangeNotifier that manages has ViewportAxisContextState as subject.
A immutable value that is the subject of ViewportAxisContext.
Interface that provides information about the visible rows and columns: Their sizes, which space in the viewport each one occupies and their respective offset.


Used by PixelResult and PositionResult to describe if the result is off the viewport.


kColumnHeaderHeight → const double
The height of the column headers.
kDefaultCellHeight → const double
kDefaultCellWidth → const double
kDefaultScrollAnimationCurve → const Cubic
kDefaultScrollAnimationDuration → const Duration
kRowHeaderWidth → const double
The starting width of row headers.


headerWidthForRange(Range range) double
Get the width of the rows headers given the actual range, this adjusts the size of the header to show larger numbers.


InlineEditorBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, IntVector2 coordinate, VoidCallback requestClose, {String? initialText, required bool overlapCell, required bool overlapTable})
Type signature of functions that builds the widget that allows the editing of an individual cell in the same physical position as the once occupied by the cell in the table.
WrapBoxBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, Widget child)
A builder that builds a widget that wraps the box parts of a SliverSwayzeTable.
WrapHeaderBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, ViewportContext viewportContext, Axis axis, Widget child)
A builder that builds a widget that wraps the headers of SliverSwayzeTable.
WrapTableBodyBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, ViewportContext viewportContext, Widget child)
A builder that builds a widget that wraps the main area of SliverSwayzeTable.