InlineEditorBuilder typedef

InlineEditorBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, IntVector2 coordinate, VoidCallback requestClose, {String? initialText, required bool overlapCell, required bool overlapTable})

Type signature of functions that builds the widget that allows the editing of an individual cell in the same physical position as the once occupied by the cell in the table.

See also:

  • SwayzeInlineEditorController that defines if the inline editor is open or not.
  • InlineEditorPlacer internal widget that answers to SwayzeInlineEditorController and adds an OverlayEntry when the editor is open.
  • generateOverlayEntryForInlineEditor that creates the OverlayEntry that will contain the widget built here.


typedef InlineEditorBuilder = Widget Function(
  BuildContext context,
  IntVector2 coordinate,
  VoidCallback requestClose, {
  required bool overlapCell,
  required bool overlapTable,
  String? initialText,