snackBarRadius property

double? snackBarRadius

Corner radius of the SnackBar.

If not defined, defaults to 4 dp, but only when SnackBar.behavior style SnackBarBehavior.floating is used. This default is based on SDK widget default behavior and is based on M3 Specification

NOTE: If this theme property is set both SnackBars with behavior fixed and floating will get the assigned radius. See issue:

Due to this issue snackBarRadius does currently not follow the defaultRadius, additionally SnackBar is an element that based on Material 2 and 3 design guide should avoid very rounded corners, in particular fully stadium rounded corners. Set rounding with modesty and be aware that it also affects the fixed style. If you use M3 mode, you should prefer to use the floating style as depicted in the M3 guide, so that the fixed style gets rounded is less critical then. The simplest solution is to just keep snackBarRadius at its default and get default behavior on it.


final double? snackBarRadius;