FlexSubThemesData class

Parameters used by FlexColorScheme to configure its used FlexSubThemes.

To enable the optional component theming feature in FlexColorScheme, pass in at least a default FlexSubThemesData to its subThemesData property. This gives you the default opinionated component theming setup.

The list of properties in the flat configuration class is very large. While it can be a bit tricky to maintain it, using it is easy and a convenient way to adjust commonly used properties on UI component widgets, by using a simple flat list of property values.

No need for deep ShapeBorder definitions for a simple border radius change, nor for the complex MaterialState properties. Well, not as long as the offered config options covers what you need.

A common use case for FlexSubThemes and FlexSubThemesData is easy customization of default border radius on all Flutter SDK Widgets and elements that supports border radius, typically via ShapeBorder but also some via BorderRadiusGeometry. The global border radius used by all widgets can be adjusted by giving defaultRadius the desired radius.

The following widgets have rounded corners, but are excluded from the global border radius impact:

  • Tooltip, generally so small that larger prominent rounding is not a good fit.
  • Scrollbar, rounding on edges of scrollbars are left to platform default.
  • The AppBar and BottomAppBar shape properties are left to defaults.
  • The floating SnackBar can be themed to also include border radius, but the none floating one should remain straight. This separation cannot can be done via current flutter theming features. If you use Material 3 this may not be problem since an M3 app is not supposed to use the fixed style SnackBar, so if you only use the floating one, you can modify its border radius. The M3 guide mentions it should never be stadium shaped, so consider keeping the radius modest, e.g. 10 or lower.
  • PopupMenuButton, menus in general like DropdownMenu and MenuAnchor, can get a border radius, but not via global default. Values above 10 are not a good idea, but up to 8 still works pretty well.
  • The selected item indicators on NavigationBar and NavigationRail are not impacted by global border radius setting, but can be modified via own properties.
  • The selected item indicator on NavigationDrawer is large and is thus included in elements impacted by the global border radius setting.
  • By default the very distinct FloatingActionButton is not impacted by the global border radius, but there is flag that can be set to include it.

By design the shape border radius rounding on included and supported sub-themes that use shapes, default to the border radius defined by the Material 3 guide per widget, see Material 3 Design guide. This is done also in Material 2 mode. This can give your Material 2 app a more modern look without using the Material 3 mode in Flutter ThemeData. If you want the actual border radius used in Material 2 for a Material 2 using application, set defaultRadius to 4 dp.

Additionally, the sub-theming offers a consistent button design on all buttons, including ToggleButtons that is styled to match size of OutlinedButton concerning the outline and the selected button color to ElevatedButton color. Hover and Focus colors are also matched. It is also size matched with the other buttons, and includes a theme implementation that makes it implement VisualDensity, which it does not do out of the box in the SDK.

On most sub-themes the used default colors from the theme's colorScheme for each component's color properties can be changed with an enum based SchemeColor selection value.

If the options included in FlexColorScheme are not enough, you can always modify any FlexColorScheme produced ThemeData object with ThemeData.copyWith to add custom component sub-theme designs that FlexColorScheme does not include or support directly.

It is not in-scope to provide every option possible via Flutter SDK component sub-themes to be configurable via FlexSubThemesData. Only a sub-set of commonly used properties are available as convenient sub-theme settings via this flat and easy to use configuration class.

Feel free to suggest additional sub-theming features in the repo https://github.com/rydmike/flex_color_scheme/issues as a new feature proposal.

These are the current custom and opinionated component themes available in FlexSubThemes as static theming helpers:

FlexColorScheme uses the FlexSubThemesData class to configure the opt-in sub-themes, based on the setup information provided via FlexColorScheme.subThemesData by passing properties defined in it to the above helpers that are then used to define the component sub-themes for the produced ThemeData.

Mixed in types


FlexSubThemesData({bool interactionEffects = true, bool tintedDisabledControls = true, int? blendOnLevel, bool blendOnColors = true, bool useFlutterDefaults = false, FlexAdaptive? adaptiveRemoveElevationTint, FlexAdaptive? adaptiveElevationShadowsBack, FlexAdaptive? adaptiveAppBarScrollUnderOff, FlexAdaptive? adaptiveRadius, FlexAdaptive? adaptiveSplash, FlexSplashType? splashType, FlexSplashType? splashTypeAdaptive, bool blendTextTheme = false, bool? useTextTheme, bool useM2StyleDividerInM3 = false, double? defaultRadius, double? defaultRadiusAdaptive, Size? buttonMinSize, bool? alignedDropdown, EdgeInsetsGeometry? buttonPadding, double? thickBorderWidth, double? thinBorderWidth, double? textButtonRadius, SchemeColor? textButtonSchemeColor, MaterialStateProperty<TextStyle?>? textButtonTextStyle, double? filledButtonRadius, SchemeColor? filledButtonSchemeColor, MaterialStateProperty<TextStyle?>? filledButtonTextStyle, double? elevatedButtonRadius, double? elevatedButtonElevation, SchemeColor? elevatedButtonSchemeColor, SchemeColor? elevatedButtonSecondarySchemeColor, MaterialStateProperty<TextStyle?>? elevatedButtonTextStyle, double? outlinedButtonRadius, SchemeColor? outlinedButtonSchemeColor, SchemeColor? outlinedButtonOutlineSchemeColor, double? outlinedButtonBorderWidth, double? outlinedButtonPressedBorderWidth, MaterialStateProperty<TextStyle?>? outlinedButtonTextStyle, double? toggleButtonsRadius, SchemeColor? toggleButtonsSchemeColor, SchemeColor? toggleButtonsUnselectedSchemeColor, SchemeColor? toggleButtonsBorderSchemeColor, double? toggleButtonsBorderWidth, double? segmentedButtonRadius, SchemeColor? segmentedButtonSchemeColor, SchemeColor? segmentedButtonUnselectedSchemeColor, SchemeColor? segmentedButtonUnselectedForegroundSchemeColor, SchemeColor? segmentedButtonBorderSchemeColor, double? segmentedButtonBorderWidth, SchemeColor? materialButtonSchemeColor, SchemeColor? switchSchemeColor, SchemeColor? switchThumbSchemeColor, bool? switchThumbFixedSize, SchemeColor? checkboxSchemeColor, SchemeColor? radioSchemeColor, bool unselectedToggleIsColored = false, SchemeColor? sliderBaseSchemeColor, SchemeColor? sliderIndicatorSchemeColor, bool sliderValueTinted = false, FlexSliderIndicatorType? sliderValueIndicatorType, ShowValueIndicator? sliderShowValueIndicator, double? sliderTrackHeight, double? inputDecoratorRadius, SchemeColor? inputDecoratorSchemeColor, bool inputDecoratorIsFilled = true, Color? inputDecoratorFillColor, int? inputDecoratorBackgroundAlpha, SchemeColor? inputDecoratorBorderSchemeColor, FlexInputBorderType? inputDecoratorBorderType, bool inputDecoratorFocusedHasBorder = true, bool inputDecoratorUnfocusedHasBorder = true, bool inputDecoratorUnfocusedBorderIsColored = true, double? inputDecoratorBorderWidth, double? inputDecoratorFocusedBorderWidth, SchemeColor? inputDecoratorPrefixIconSchemeColor, SchemeColor? inputCursorSchemeColor, SchemeColor? inputSelectionSchemeColor, double? inputSelectionOpacity, SchemeColor? inputSelectionHandleSchemeColor, double? fabRadius, bool fabUseShape = false, bool fabAlwaysCircular = false, SchemeColor? fabSchemeColor, double? chipRadius, SchemeColor? chipSchemeColor, SchemeColor? chipSelectedSchemeColor, SchemeColor? chipDeleteIconSchemeColor, double? cardRadius, double? cardElevation, double? popupMenuRadius, double? popupMenuElevation, SchemeColor? popupMenuSchemeColor, double? popupMenuOpacity, TextStyle? dropdownMenuTextStyle, double? menuRadius, double? menuElevation, SchemeColor? menuSchemeColor, double? menuOpacity, EdgeInsetsGeometry? menuPadding, SchemeColor? menuBarBackgroundSchemeColor, double? menuBarRadius, double? menuBarElevation, Color? menuBarShadowColor, SchemeColor? menuItemBackgroundSchemeColor, SchemeColor? menuItemForegroundSchemeColor, SchemeColor? menuIndicatorBackgroundSchemeColor, SchemeColor? menuIndicatorForegroundSchemeColor, double? menuIndicatorRadius, double? tooltipRadius, Duration? tooltipWaitDuration, Duration? tooltipShowDuration, SchemeColor? tooltipSchemeColor, double? tooltipOpacity, FlexAdaptive? adaptiveDialogRadius, double? dialogRadius, double? dialogRadiusAdaptive, double? dialogElevation, SchemeColor? dialogBackgroundSchemeColor, bool? useInputDecoratorThemeInDialogs, SchemeColor? datePickerHeaderBackgroundSchemeColor, double? datePickerDialogRadius, double? timePickerDialogRadius, double? timePickerElementRadius, double? snackBarRadius, double? snackBarElevation, SchemeColor? snackBarBackgroundSchemeColor, SchemeColor? snackBarActionSchemeColor, SchemeColor? appBarBackgroundSchemeColor, bool? appBarCenterTitle, double? appBarScrolledUnderElevation, SchemeColor? bottomAppBarSchemeColor, SchemeColor? tabBarItemSchemeColor, SchemeColor? tabBarUnselectedItemSchemeColor, double? tabBarUnselectedItemOpacity, SchemeColor? tabBarIndicatorSchemeColor, TabBarIndicatorSize? tabBarIndicatorSize, double? tabBarIndicatorWeight, double? tabBarIndicatorTopRadius, Color? tabBarDividerColor, double? drawerRadius, double? drawerElevation, SchemeColor? drawerBackgroundSchemeColor, double? drawerWidth, double? drawerIndicatorRadius, double? drawerIndicatorWidth, SchemeColor? drawerIndicatorSchemeColor, double? drawerIndicatorOpacity, SchemeColor? drawerSelectedItemSchemeColor, SchemeColor? drawerUnselectedItemSchemeColor, SchemeColor? bottomSheetBackgroundColor, SchemeColor? bottomSheetModalBackgroundColor, double? bottomSheetRadius, double? bottomSheetElevation, double? bottomSheetModalElevation, TextStyle? bottomNavigationBarLabelTextStyle, double? bottomNavigationBarSelectedLabelSize, double? bottomNavigationBarUnselectedLabelSize, SchemeColor? bottomNavigationBarSelectedLabelSchemeColor, SchemeColor? bottomNavigationBarUnselectedLabelSchemeColor, bool? bottomNavigationBarMutedUnselectedLabel = true, double? bottomNavigationBarSelectedIconSize, double? bottomNavigationBarUnselectedIconSize, SchemeColor? bottomNavigationBarSelectedIconSchemeColor, SchemeColor? bottomNavigationBarUnselectedIconSchemeColor, bool? bottomNavigationBarMutedUnselectedIcon = true, SchemeColor? bottomNavigationBarBackgroundSchemeColor, double? bottomNavigationBarOpacity, double? bottomNavigationBarElevation, bool bottomNavigationBarShowSelectedLabels = true, bool bottomNavigationBarShowUnselectedLabels = true, BottomNavigationBarType? bottomNavigationBarType, BottomNavigationBarLandscapeLayout? bottomNavigationBarLandscapeLayout, TextStyle? navigationBarLabelTextStyle, double? navigationBarSelectedLabelSize, double? navigationBarUnselectedLabelSize, SchemeColor? navigationBarSelectedLabelSchemeColor, SchemeColor? navigationBarUnselectedLabelSchemeColor, bool? navigationBarMutedUnselectedLabel = true, double? navigationBarSelectedIconSize, double? navigationBarUnselectedIconSize, SchemeColor? navigationBarSelectedIconSchemeColor, SchemeColor? navigationBarUnselectedIconSchemeColor, bool? navigationBarMutedUnselectedIcon = true, SchemeColor? navigationBarIndicatorSchemeColor, double? navigationBarIndicatorOpacity, double? navigationBarIndicatorRadius, SchemeColor? navigationBarBackgroundSchemeColor, double? navigationBarOpacity, double? navigationBarElevation, double? navigationBarHeight, NavigationDestinationLabelBehavior? navigationBarLabelBehavior, FlexAdaptive? adaptiveRemoveNavigationBarTint, TextStyle? navigationRailLabelTextStyle, double? navigationRailSelectedLabelSize, double? navigationRailUnselectedLabelSize, SchemeColor? navigationRailSelectedLabelSchemeColor, SchemeColor? navigationRailUnselectedLabelSchemeColor, bool? navigationRailMutedUnselectedLabel = true, double? navigationRailSelectedIconSize, double? navigationRailUnselectedIconSize, SchemeColor? navigationRailSelectedIconSchemeColor, SchemeColor? navigationRailUnselectedIconSchemeColor, bool? navigationRailMutedUnselectedIcon = true, bool? navigationRailUseIndicator = true, SchemeColor? navigationRailIndicatorSchemeColor, double? navigationRailIndicatorOpacity, double? navigationRailIndicatorRadius, SchemeColor? navigationRailBackgroundSchemeColor, double? navigationRailOpacity, double? navigationRailElevation, NavigationRailLabelType? navigationRailLabelType, double? navigationRailGroupAlignment})
Default constructor, used to make an immutable FlexSubThemesData object.


adaptiveAppBarScrollUnderOff FlexAdaptive?
Controls if the AppBar scroll under elevation tint feature is used in Material 3 theming on the AppBar.
adaptiveDialogRadius FlexAdaptive?
Controls if the dialogRadiusAdaptive is used instead of dialogRadius on configured platforms.
adaptiveElevationShadowsBack FlexAdaptive?
Controls shadow usage on elevated surfaces in Material 3 theming.
adaptiveRadius FlexAdaptive?
Controls if the defaultRadiusAdaptive is used instead of defaultRadius on configured platforms.
adaptiveRemoveElevationTint FlexAdaptive?
Controls adaptive elevation tint color usage in Material 3 theming.
adaptiveRemoveNavigationBarTint FlexAdaptive?
Controls adaptive elevation tint color usage on the NavigationBar.
adaptiveSplash FlexAdaptive?
Controls if the splashTypeAdaptive is used instead of splashType on configured platforms.
alignedDropdown bool?
If true, then a DropdownButton and DropdownButtonFormField menu's width will match the button's width.
appBarBackgroundSchemeColor SchemeColor?
Defines which Theme based ColorScheme based color the AppBar background uses.
appBarCenterTitle bool?
Whether the AppBar title should be centered.
appBarScrolledUnderElevation double?
The elevation that will be used if this app bar has something scrolled underneath it.
blendOnColors bool
Set to true to enable blendOnLevel based onColor blending also on onPrimary, onSecondary and onTertiary colors.
blendOnLevel int?
Sets the blend level strength of container color used on its onColor.
blendTextTheme bool
Use selection surfaceMode and blendLevel in FlexColorScheme.light and FlexColorScheme.dark to also blend primary color into text themes for both ThemeData.textTheme and ThemeData.primaryTextTheme.
bottomAppBarSchemeColor SchemeColor?
Defines which Theme based ColorScheme based color the BottomAppBar uses as background color.
bottomNavigationBarBackgroundSchemeColor SchemeColor?
Select which color from the theme's ColorScheme to use as background color for the BottomNavigationBar.
bottomNavigationBarElevation double?
Elevation of BottomNavigationBar.
bottomNavigationBarLabelTextStyle TextStyle?
Optional text style for the BottomNavigationBar labels.
bottomNavigationBarLandscapeLayout BottomNavigationBarLandscapeLayout?
The arrangement of the bottom navigation bar's items when the enclosing MediaQueryData.orientation is Orientation.landscape.
bottomNavigationBarMutedUnselectedIcon bool?
If true, the unselected icon in the BottomNavigationBar use a more muted color version of the color defined by bottomNavigationBarUnselectedIconSchemeColor. The muting is unselected color with blendAlpha(unselected color, kUnselectedBackgroundPrimaryAlphaBlend) and withAlpha(kUnselectedAlphaBlend).
bottomNavigationBarMutedUnselectedLabel bool?
If true, the unselected label in the BottomNavigationBar use a more muted color version of the color defined by bottomNavigationBarUnselectedLabelSchemeColor. The muting is unselected color with blendAlpha(unselected color, kUnselectedBackgroundPrimaryAlphaBlend) and withAlpha(kUnselectedAlphaBlend).
bottomNavigationBarOpacity double?
BottomNavigationBar background opacity.
bottomNavigationBarSelectedIconSchemeColor SchemeColor?
Select which color from the theme's ColorScheme to use as base for the BottomNavigationBar's selected item icon color.
bottomNavigationBarSelectedIconSize double?
The size of the icon on selected BottomNavigationBar item.
bottomNavigationBarSelectedLabelSchemeColor SchemeColor?
Select which color from the theme's ColorScheme to use as base for the BottomNavigationBar's selected label text color.
bottomNavigationBarSelectedLabelSize double?
The size of the text label on selected BottomNavigationBar item.
bottomNavigationBarShowSelectedLabels bool
Whether the labels are shown for the selected BottomNavigationBarItem.
bottomNavigationBarShowUnselectedLabels bool
Whether the labels are shown for the unselected BottomNavigationBarItems.
bottomNavigationBarType BottomNavigationBarType?
Defines the layout and behavior of a BottomNavigationBar.
bottomNavigationBarUnselectedIconSchemeColor SchemeColor?
Select which color from the passed in ColorScheme to use as base for the BottomNavigationBar's unselected items icon color.
bottomNavigationBarUnselectedIconSize double?
The size of the icon on unselected BottomNavigationBar items.
bottomNavigationBarUnselectedLabelSchemeColor SchemeColor?
Select which color from the theme's ColorScheme to use as base for the BottomNavigationBar's unselected label text color.
bottomNavigationBarUnselectedLabelSize double?
The size of the text label on unselected BottomNavigationBar items.
bottomSheetBackgroundColor SchemeColor?
Defines which Theme based ColorScheme based color that the BottomSheet uses as background color when presented as a none modal bottom sheet.
bottomSheetElevation double?
Elevation of none modal BottomSheet.
bottomSheetModalBackgroundColor SchemeColor?
Defines which Theme based ColorScheme based color that the BottomSheet uses as background color when presented as a modal bottom sheet.
bottomSheetModalElevation double?
Elevation of modal BottomSheet.
bottomSheetRadius double?
Border radius value for BottomSheet.
buttonMinSize Size?
Minimum button size for all buttons.
buttonPadding EdgeInsetsGeometry?
Padding on TextButton, ElevatedButton and OutlinedButton.
cardElevation double?
Elevation of Card.
cardRadius double?
Border radius value for Card.
checkboxSchemeColor SchemeColor?
Defines which Theme based ColorScheme based color the Checkbox and CheckboxListTile use as base themed color.
chipDeleteIconSchemeColor SchemeColor?
Defines which Theme based ColorScheme based color the Chips use as color of the delete icon.
chipRadius double?
Border radius value for Chip widgets.
chipSchemeColor SchemeColor?
Defines which Theme based ColorScheme based color the Chips use as their base tint color.
chipSelectedSchemeColor SchemeColor?
Defines which Theme based ColorScheme based color the Chips use as their selected color.
datePickerDialogRadius double?
Border radius value for DatePickerDialog.
datePickerHeaderBackgroundSchemeColor SchemeColor?
The background color of the header in a DatePickerDialog.
defaultRadius double?
Border radius used on all widgets when FlexColorScheme use its FlexSubThemesData to configure sub-themes with FlexSubThemes.
defaultRadiusAdaptive double?
The defaultRadiusAdaptive has the same definition and usage defaultRadius, but is used as default radius on platforms as configured by adaptiveRadius.
dialogBackgroundSchemeColor SchemeColor?
Defines which Theme based ColorScheme based color dialogs use as as their background color.
dialogElevation double?
Elevation of Dialog.
dialogRadius double?
Border radius value for Dialog.
dialogRadiusAdaptive double?
The defaultRadiusAdaptive has the same definition and usage dialogRadius, but is used as default radius on platforms as configured by adaptiveRadius.
drawerBackgroundSchemeColor SchemeColor?
Defines which Theme based ColorScheme based color Drawer uses as as its background color.
drawerElevation double?
Elevation of Drawer and NavigationDrawer.
drawerIndicatorOpacity double?
Defines the opacity used on the NavigationDrawer's indicator color.
drawerIndicatorRadius double?
Border radius of the selection indicator on the NavigationDrawer.
drawerIndicatorSchemeColor SchemeColor?
Defines which Theme based ColorScheme based color NavigationDrawer uses as as its background color on the selection indicator.
drawerIndicatorWidth double?
Defines the width of NavigationDrawer's indicator.
drawerRadius double?
Border radius value for Drawer, also used by NavigationDrawer.
drawerSelectedItemSchemeColor SchemeColor?
Defines which Theme based ColorScheme based color NavigationDrawer uses as as its selected item color.
drawerUnselectedItemSchemeColor SchemeColor?
Defines which Theme based ColorScheme based color NavigationDrawer uses as as its unselected item color.
drawerWidth double?
Defines the width of Drawer and NavigationDrawer.
The TextStyle of the text entry in a DropDownMenu.
elevatedButtonElevation double?
Elevation of ElevatedButton.
elevatedButtonRadius double?
Border radius value for ElevatedButton.
elevatedButtonSchemeColor SchemeColor?
Defines which Theme based ColorScheme based color, that the ElevatedButton used as its main color.
elevatedButtonSecondarySchemeColor SchemeColor?
Defines which Theme based ColorScheme based color, that the ElevatedButton uses as its secondary color.
elevatedButtonTextStyle MaterialStateProperty<TextStyle?>?
The style for the ElevatedButton's Text widget descendants.
fabAlwaysCircular bool
Always use circular Shape on Floating Actions Button.
fabRadius double?
Border radius value for FloatingActionButton.
fabSchemeColor SchemeColor?
Defines which Theme based ColorScheme based color the Floating Action Buttons (FABs) use as their base color.
fabUseShape bool
Use shape theming on Floating Action Button (FAB).
filledButtonRadius double?
Border radius override value for FilledButton.
filledButtonSchemeColor SchemeColor?
Defines which Theme based ColorScheme based color the FilledButton use as its base theme color.
filledButtonTextStyle MaterialStateProperty<TextStyle?>?
The style for the FilledButton's Text widget descendants.
hashCode int
Override for hashcode, dart.ui Jenkins based.
no setteroverride
inputCursorSchemeColor SchemeColor?
The SchemeColor based color of the cursor in the text field.
inputDecoratorBackgroundAlpha int?
Defines the alpha, opacity channel value used as opacity on effective InputDecorator background color.
inputDecoratorBorderSchemeColor SchemeColor?
Defines which Theme based ColorScheme based color the input decorator uses as color for the border color when they are used.
inputDecoratorBorderType FlexInputBorderType?
Determines the type of border InputDecorator uses.
inputDecoratorBorderWidth double?
The border width of unfocused InputDecoration when it has a border.
inputDecoratorFillColor Color?
Determines the color of the filled InputDecorator.
inputDecoratorFocusedBorderWidth double?
The border width of focused InputDecoration when it has a border.
inputDecoratorFocusedHasBorder bool
Determines if the InputDecorator focused state has a border.
inputDecoratorIsFilled bool
Determines if the InputDecorator is filled with a color.
inputDecoratorPrefixIconSchemeColor SchemeColor?
The icon color of the prefixIcon in a focused InputDecoration.
inputDecoratorRadius double?
Border radius value for InputDecoration.
inputDecoratorSchemeColor SchemeColor?
Defines which Theme based ColorScheme based color the input decorator uses as color for the border and fill color when they are used.
inputDecoratorUnfocusedBorderIsColored bool
Determines if the InputDecorator unfocused state has a colored border.
inputDecoratorUnfocusedHasBorder bool
Determines if the InputDecorator unfocused state has a border.
inputSelectionHandleSchemeColor SchemeColor?
The SchemeColor based color of the selection handles on the text field.
inputSelectionOpacity double?
The opacity applied to selectionSchemeColor.
inputSelectionSchemeColor SchemeColor?
The SchemeColor based background color of selected text.
interactionEffects bool
Flag used to enable color tinted hover, focus, highlight, selected, pressed and splash interaction state effects.
materialButtonSchemeColor SchemeColor?
Defines which Theme based ColorScheme based color, that the old MaterialButton use as its main theme color.
Select which color from active ColorScheme to use as background color for the MenuBar.
The elevation of the MenuBar container.
The border radius of the MenuBar container.
The shadow color of the MenuBar container.
The elevation of Menu containers.
Select which color from the active ColorScheme to use as the highlighted SubmenuButtons and MenuItemButtons indicator background color.
Select which color from active ColorScheme use as the highlighted SubmenuButtons and MenuItemButtons indicator foreground color.
The themed corner border radius of SubmenuButtons and MenuItemButtons.
Select which color from active ColorScheme to use as SubmenuButtons and MenuItemButtons background color for unselected, not hovered, menu items.
Select which color from active ColorScheme to use as SubmenuButtons and MenuItemButtons foreground color.
Menu background opacity.
The padding between the menu's boundary and its child.
The border radius of Menu containers.
The ColorScheme based color used as background color on MenuBar, MenuAnchor and DropDownMenu.
Select which color from the theme's ColorScheme to use as background color for the NavigationBar.
The z-coordinate to be used for the NavigationBar's elevation.
Height of the container for the Material 3 NavigationBar.
Opacity used on the NavigationBar indicator.
Border radius of the selection indicator on the NavigationBar.
Select which color from the theme ColorScheme to use as base for the NavigationBar's selected item indicator.
Specifies when each NavigationDestination's label should appear.
Optional text style for the NavigationBar labels.
If true, the unselected icon in the NavigationBar use a more muted color version of the color defined by navigationBarUnselectedIconSchemeColor. The muting is unselected color with blendAlpha(unselected color, kUnselectedBackgroundPrimaryAlphaBlend) and withAlpha(kUnselectedAlphaBlend).
If true, the unselected label in the NavigationBar use a more muted color version of the color defined by navigationBarUnselectedLabelSchemeColor. The muting is unselected color with blendAlpha(unselected color, kUnselectedBackgroundPrimaryAlphaBlend) and withAlpha(kUnselectedAlphaBlend).
NavigationBar background opacity.
Select which color from the theme's ColorScheme to use as base for the NavigationBar's selected item icon color.
The size of the icon on selected NavigationBar item.
Select which color from the passed in ColorScheme to use as base for the NavigationBar's label text color.
The size of the text label on selected NavigationBar item.
Select which color from the theme's ColorScheme to use as base for the NavigationBar's unselected item icon color.
The size of the icon on unselected NavigationBar items.
Select which color from the theme's ColorScheme to use as base for the NavigationBar's unselected label text color.
The size of the text label on unselected NavigationBar items.
Select which color from the theme's ColorScheme to use as background color for the NavigationRail.
The z-coordinate to be used for the NavigationRail's elevation.
The vertical alignment for the group of destinations within a NavigationRail.
Opacity used on the NavigationBar indicator.
Border radius of the selection indicator on the NavigationRail.
Select which color from the theme ColorScheme to use as base for the selected NavigationRails's highlighted item.
Optional text style for the NavigationRail labels.
Defines the layout and behavior of the labels for the un-extended NavigationRail.
If true, the unselected icon in the NavigationRail use a more muted color version of the color defined by navigationBarUnselectedIconSchemeColor. The muting is unselected color with blendAlpha(unselected color, kUnselectedBackgroundPrimaryAlphaBlend) and withAlpha(kUnselectedAlphaBlend).
If true, the unselected label in the NavigationRail use a more muted color version of the color defined by navigationRailUnselectedLabelSchemeColor. The muting is unselected color with blendAlpha(unselected color, kUnselectedBackgroundPrimaryAlphaBlend) and withAlpha(kUnselectedAlphaBlend).
NavigationRail background opacity.
Select which color from the theme's ColorScheme to use as base for the NavigationRail's selected item icon color.
The size of the icon on selected NavigationRail item.
Select which color from the theme's ColorScheme to use as base for the NavigationRail's selected label text color.
The size of the text label on selected NavigationRail item.
Select which color from the passed in ColorScheme to use as base for the NavigationRail's unselected items icon color.
The size of the icon on unselected NavigationRail items.
Select which color from the theme's ColorScheme to use as base for the NavigationRails's unselected label text color.
The size of the text label on unselected NavigationRail items.
Whether or not the selected NavigationRail item should include a NavigationIndicator.
outlinedButtonBorderWidth double?
The border width of the OutlineButton.
outlinedButtonOutlineSchemeColor SchemeColor?
Defines which Theme based ColorScheme based color, that the OutlinedButton uses as its outline color.
outlinedButtonPressedBorderWidth double?
The border width of the pressed OutlineButton.
outlinedButtonRadius double?
Border radius value for OutlinedButton.
outlinedButtonSchemeColor SchemeColor?
Defines which Theme based ColorScheme based color, that the OutlinedButton use as its main theme color.
outlinedButtonTextStyle MaterialStateProperty<TextStyle?>?
The style for the OutlinedButton's Text widget descendants.
popupMenuElevation double?
Default elevation of PopupMenuButton.
popupMenuOpacity double?
Popup menu background opacity.
popupMenuRadius double?
Border radius override value for the menu on PopupMenuButton.
popupMenuSchemeColor SchemeColor?
The ColorScheme based color used as background color on PopupMenuButton.
radioSchemeColor SchemeColor?
Defines which Theme based ColorScheme based color the Radio and RadioListTile use as base themed color.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
segmentedButtonBorderSchemeColor SchemeColor?
Defines which Theme based ColorScheme based color the SegmentedButton use as its border themed color.
segmentedButtonBorderWidth double?
The border width of SegmentedButton.
segmentedButtonRadius double?
Border radius value for SegmentedButton.
segmentedButtonSchemeColor SchemeColor?
Defines which Theme based ColorScheme based color a selected SegmentedButton use as its background theme color.
segmentedButtonUnselectedForegroundSchemeColor SchemeColor?
Defines which Theme based ColorScheme based color the SegmentedButton use as the foreground color for unselected buttons.
segmentedButtonUnselectedSchemeColor SchemeColor?
Defines which Theme based ColorScheme based color the SegmentedButton use as the background color for unselected buttons.
sliderBaseSchemeColor SchemeColor?
The ColorScheme based color used on the Slider as its overall base color.
sliderIndicatorSchemeColor SchemeColor?
The ColorScheme based color used on the Slider indicator color.
sliderShowValueIndicator ShowValueIndicator?
Whether the value indicator should be shown for different types of sliders.
sliderTrackHeight double?
The height of the Slider track.
sliderValueIndicatorType FlexSliderIndicatorType?
Enum used to select the type of built-in value indicator used by Slider.
sliderValueTinted bool
If true, the value indicator becomes a tinted high contrast version of current sliderIndicatorSchemeColor, with a bit of opacity.
snackBarActionSchemeColor SchemeColor?
Defines which Theme based ColorScheme based color the SnackBar actions use as their color.
snackBarBackgroundSchemeColor SchemeColor?
Defines which Theme based ColorScheme based color the SnackBars use as their base color. Typically one of inverse brightness compared to theme's surface color brightness.
snackBarElevation double?
Elevation of SnackBar.
snackBarRadius double?
Corner radius of the SnackBar.
splashType FlexSplashType?
Controls the type of splash factory ThemeData.splashFactory will use.
splashTypeAdaptive FlexSplashType?
Controls the type splash factory ThemeData.splashFactory will use on platforms defined by adaptiveSplash.
switchSchemeColor SchemeColor?
Defines which Theme based ColorScheme based color the Switch and SwitchListTile use as base themed color.
switchThumbFixedSize bool?
Set to true to keep the Switch thumb size fixed.
switchThumbSchemeColor SchemeColor?
Defines which Theme based ColorScheme based color the Switch and SwitchListTile use as themed thumb color.
tabBarDividerColor Color?
The color of the divider.
tabBarIndicatorSchemeColor SchemeColor?
Defines which Theme based ColorScheme based color the TabBar indicator uses.
tabBarIndicatorSize TabBarIndicatorSize?
Defines how the selected tab indicator's size is computed.
tabBarIndicatorTopRadius double?
The top left and right corner radius of the underline border indicator on the TabBar.
tabBarIndicatorWeight double?
The thickness of the underline border indicator on the TabBar.
tabBarItemSchemeColor SchemeColor?
Defines which Theme based ColorScheme based color the TabBar items use.
tabBarUnselectedItemOpacity double?
Defines the opacity used on the TabBar unselected items.
tabBarUnselectedItemSchemeColor SchemeColor?
Defines which Theme based ColorScheme based color the TabBar unselected items use.
textButtonRadius double?
Border radius override value for TextButton.
textButtonSchemeColor SchemeColor?
Defines which Theme based ColorScheme based color the TextButton use as its base theme color.
textButtonTextStyle MaterialStateProperty<TextStyle?>?
The style for the TextButton's Text widget descendants.
thickBorderWidth double?
Default for thicker border width state of Widgets with an outline border.
thinBorderWidth double?
Default for normal border width of Widgets with an outline border.
timePickerDialogRadius double?
Border radius value for TimePickerDialog.
timePickerElementRadius double?
Default border radius on time entry elements in TimePickerDialog.
tintedDisabledControls bool
Use color tint on disabled controls.
toggleButtonsBorderSchemeColor SchemeColor?
Defines which Theme based ColorScheme based color the ToggleButtons use as its border themed color.
toggleButtonsBorderWidth double?
The border width of ToggleButtons.
toggleButtonsRadius double?
Border radius value for ToggleButtons.
toggleButtonsSchemeColor SchemeColor?
Defines which Theme based ColorScheme based color the ToggleButtons use as its base theme color.
toggleButtonsUnselectedSchemeColor SchemeColor?
Defines which Theme based ColorScheme based color the ToggleButtons use as the foreground color for unselected toggle buttons.
tooltipOpacity double?
Tooltip background opacity.
tooltipRadius double?
Border radius value for Tooltips.
tooltipSchemeColor SchemeColor?
The ColorScheme based color used as background color on Tooltips.
tooltipShowDuration Duration?
The length of time that the tooltip will be shown once it has appeared.
tooltipWaitDuration Duration?
The length of time that a pointer must hover over a tooltip's widget before the tooltip will be shown.
unselectedToggleIsColored bool
Defines is unselected Switch, Checkbox and Radio also use their themed color.
useFlutterDefaults bool
Set to true to use Flutter SDK default component theme designs.
useInputDecoratorThemeInDialogs bool?
Set to true to use the app overall app InputDecoration theme in dialogs themes.
useM2StyleDividerInM3 bool
Determines if M2 style opacity based divider is used in Material 3.
useTextTheme bool?
Determines if Material-3 TextTheme and Typography is used.


copyWith({bool? interactionEffects, bool? tintedDisabledControls, int? blendOnLevel, bool? blendOnColors, bool? useFlutterDefaults, FlexAdaptive? adaptiveRemoveElevationTint, FlexAdaptive? adaptiveElevationShadowsBack, FlexAdaptive? adaptiveAppBarScrollUnderOff, FlexAdaptive? adaptiveRadius, FlexAdaptive? adaptiveSplash, FlexSplashType? splashType, FlexSplashType? splashTypeAdaptive, bool? blendTextTheme, bool? useTextTheme, bool? useM2StyleDividerInM3, double? defaultRadius, double? defaultRadiusAdaptive, Size? buttonMinSize, bool? alignedDropdown, EdgeInsetsGeometry? buttonPadding, double? thickBorderWidth, double? thinBorderWidth, double? textButtonRadius, SchemeColor? textButtonSchemeColor, MaterialStateProperty<TextStyle?>? textButtonTextStyle, double? filledButtonRadius, SchemeColor? filledButtonSchemeColor, MaterialStateProperty<TextStyle?>? filledButtonTextStyle, double? elevatedButtonRadius, double? elevatedButtonElevation, SchemeColor? elevatedButtonSchemeColor, SchemeColor? elevatedButtonSecondarySchemeColor, MaterialStateProperty<TextStyle?>? elevatedButtonTextStyle, double? outlinedButtonRadius, SchemeColor? outlinedButtonSchemeColor, SchemeColor? outlinedButtonOutlineSchemeColor, MaterialStateProperty<TextStyle?>? outlinedButtonTextStyle, double? outlinedButtonBorderWidth, double? outlinedButtonPressedBorderWidth, double? toggleButtonsRadius, SchemeColor? toggleButtonsSchemeColor, SchemeColor? toggleButtonsUnselectedSchemeColor, SchemeColor? toggleButtonsBorderSchemeColor, double? toggleButtonsBorderWidth, double? segmentedButtonRadius, SchemeColor? segmentedButtonSchemeColor, SchemeColor? segmentedButtonUnselectedSchemeColor, SchemeColor? segmentedButtonUnselectedForegroundSchemeColor, SchemeColor? segmentedButtonBorderSchemeColor, double? segmentedButtonBorderWidth, SchemeColor? materialButtonSchemeColor, SchemeColor? switchSchemeColor, SchemeColor? switchThumbSchemeColor, bool? switchThumbFixedSize, SchemeColor? checkboxSchemeColor, SchemeColor? radioSchemeColor, bool? unselectedToggleIsColored, SchemeColor? sliderBaseSchemeColor, SchemeColor? sliderIndicatorSchemeColor, bool? sliderValueTinted, FlexSliderIndicatorType? sliderValueIndicatorType, ShowValueIndicator? sliderShowValueIndicator, double? sliderTrackHeight, double? inputDecoratorRadius, SchemeColor? inputDecoratorSchemeColor, bool? inputDecoratorIsFilled, Color? inputDecoratorFillColor, int? inputDecoratorBackgroundAlpha, SchemeColor? inputDecoratorBorderSchemeColor, FlexInputBorderType? inputDecoratorBorderType, bool? inputDecoratorFocusedHasBorder, bool? inputDecoratorUnfocusedHasBorder, bool? inputDecoratorUnfocusedBorderIsColored, double? inputDecoratorBorderWidth, double? inputDecoratorFocusedBorderWidth, SchemeColor? inputDecoratorPrefixIconSchemeColor, SchemeColor? inputCursorSchemeColor, SchemeColor? inputSelectionSchemeColor, double? inputSelectionOpacity, SchemeColor? inputSelectionHandleSchemeColor, double? fabRadius, bool? fabUseShape, bool? fabAlwaysCircular, SchemeColor? fabSchemeColor, double? chipRadius, SchemeColor? chipSchemeColor, SchemeColor? chipSelectedSchemeColor, SchemeColor? chipDeleteIconSchemeColor, double? cardRadius, double? cardElevation, double? popupMenuRadius, double? popupMenuElevation, SchemeColor? popupMenuSchemeColor, double? popupMenuOpacity, TextStyle? dropdownMenuTextStyle, double? menuRadius, double? menuElevation, SchemeColor? menuSchemeColor, double? menuOpacity, EdgeInsetsGeometry? menuPadding, SchemeColor? menuBarBackgroundSchemeColor, double? menuBarRadius, double? menuBarElevation, Color? menuBarShadowColor, SchemeColor? menuItemBackgroundSchemeColor, SchemeColor? menuItemForegroundSchemeColor, SchemeColor? menuIndicatorBackgroundSchemeColor, SchemeColor? menuIndicatorForegroundSchemeColor, double? menuIndicatorRadius, double? tooltipRadius, Duration? tooltipWaitDuration, Duration? tooltipShowDuration, SchemeColor? tooltipSchemeColor, double? tooltipOpacity, FlexAdaptive? adaptiveDialogRadius, double? dialogRadius, double? dialogRadiusAdaptive, double? dialogElevation, SchemeColor? dialogBackgroundSchemeColor, bool? useInputDecoratorThemeInDialogs, SchemeColor? datePickerHeaderBackgroundSchemeColor, double? datePickerDialogRadius, double? timePickerDialogRadius, double? timePickerElementRadius, double? snackBarRadius, double? snackBarElevation, SchemeColor? snackBarBackgroundSchemeColor, SchemeColor? snackBarActionSchemeColor, SchemeColor? appBarBackgroundSchemeColor, bool? appBarCenterTitle, double? appBarScrolledUnderElevation, SchemeColor? bottomAppBarSchemeColor, SchemeColor? tabBarItemSchemeColor, SchemeColor? tabBarUnselectedItemSchemeColor, double? tabBarUnselectedItemOpacity, SchemeColor? tabBarIndicatorSchemeColor, TabBarIndicatorSize? tabBarIndicatorSize, double? tabBarIndicatorWeight, double? tabBarIndicatorTopRadius, Color? tabBarDividerColor, double? drawerRadius, double? drawerElevation, SchemeColor? drawerBackgroundSchemeColor, double? drawerWidth, double? drawerIndicatorWidth, double? drawerIndicatorRadius, SchemeColor? drawerIndicatorSchemeColor, double? drawerIndicatorOpacity, SchemeColor? drawerSelectedItemSchemeColor, SchemeColor? drawerUnselectedItemSchemeColor, SchemeColor? bottomSheetBackgroundColor, SchemeColor? bottomSheetModalBackgroundColor, double? bottomSheetRadius, double? bottomSheetElevation, double? bottomSheetModalElevation, TextStyle? bottomNavigationBarLabelTextStyle, double? bottomNavigationBarSelectedLabelSize, double? bottomNavigationBarUnselectedLabelSize, SchemeColor? bottomNavigationBarSelectedLabelSchemeColor, SchemeColor? bottomNavigationBarUnselectedLabelSchemeColor, bool? bottomNavigationBarMutedUnselectedLabel, double? bottomNavigationBarSelectedIconSize, double? bottomNavigationBarUnselectedIconSize, SchemeColor? bottomNavigationBarSelectedIconSchemeColor, SchemeColor? bottomNavigationBarUnselectedIconSchemeColor, bool? bottomNavigationBarMutedUnselectedIcon, SchemeColor? bottomNavigationBarBackgroundSchemeColor, double? bottomNavigationBarOpacity, double? bottomNavigationBarElevation, bool? bottomNavigationBarShowSelectedLabels, bool? bottomNavigationBarShowUnselectedLabels, BottomNavigationBarType? bottomNavigationBarType, BottomNavigationBarLandscapeLayout? bottomNavigationBarLandscapeLayout, TextStyle? navigationBarLabelTextStyle, double? navigationBarSelectedLabelSize, double? navigationBarUnselectedLabelSize, SchemeColor? navigationBarSelectedLabelSchemeColor, SchemeColor? navigationBarUnselectedLabelSchemeColor, bool? navigationBarMutedUnselectedLabel, double? navigationBarSelectedIconSize, double? navigationBarUnselectedIconSize, SchemeColor? navigationBarSelectedIconSchemeColor, SchemeColor? navigationBarUnselectedIconSchemeColor, bool? navigationBarMutedUnselectedIcon, SchemeColor? navigationBarIndicatorSchemeColor, double? navigationBarIndicatorOpacity, double? navigationBarIndicatorRadius, SchemeColor? navigationBarBackgroundSchemeColor, double? navigationBarOpacity, double? navigationBarElevation, double? navigationBarHeight, NavigationDestinationLabelBehavior? navigationBarLabelBehavior, FlexAdaptive? adaptiveRemoveNavigationBarTint, TextStyle? navigationRailLabelTextStyle, double? navigationRailSelectedLabelSize, double? navigationRailUnselectedLabelSize, SchemeColor? navigationRailSelectedLabelSchemeColor, SchemeColor? navigationRailUnselectedLabelSchemeColor, bool? navigationRailMutedUnselectedLabel, double? navigationRailSelectedIconSize, double? navigationRailUnselectedIconSize, SchemeColor? navigationRailSelectedIconSchemeColor, SchemeColor? navigationRailUnselectedIconSchemeColor, bool? navigationRailMutedUnselectedIcon, bool? navigationRailUseIndicator, SchemeColor? navigationRailIndicatorSchemeColor, double? navigationRailIndicatorOpacity, double? navigationRailIndicatorRadius, SchemeColor? navigationRailBackgroundSchemeColor, double? navigationRailOpacity, double? navigationRailElevation, NavigationRailLabelType? navigationRailLabelType, double? navigationRailGroupAlignment}) FlexSubThemesData
Copy the object with one or more provided properties changed.
debugFillProperties(DiagnosticPropertiesBuilder properties) → void
Flutter debug properties override, includes toString.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toDiagnosticsNode({String? name, DiagnosticsTreeStyle? style}) DiagnosticsNode
Returns a debug representation of the object that is used by debugging tools and by DiagnosticsNode.toStringDeep.
toString({DiagnosticLevel minLevel = DiagnosticLevel.info}) String
A string representation of this object.
toStringShort() String
A brief description of this object, usually just the runtimeType and the hashCode.


operator ==(Object other) bool
Override for equality operator.