navigationBarLabelTextStyle property

TextStyle? navigationBarLabelTextStyle

Optional text style for the NavigationBar labels.

If useFlutterDefaults is false, the text style ThemeData.textTheme.labelMedium will be used as base style for the text style.

If useFlutterDefaults is true, null will be passed to FlexSubThemes.navigationBarTheme and along to theme creation, if all labeling modifying properties (size and scheme color) are also null, it will then be passed along as null, allowing it to remain undefined and widget default behavior sets the default. If label size or scheme is defined, a default TextStyle() will be created, if navigationBarLabelTextStyle is undefined, that gets the requested size and color applied.

The size and colors defined in any of the text size and color properties are applied as overrides on the text style.


final TextStyle? navigationBarLabelTextStyle;