
  • Packages
Results19 packages owned by odroe.com
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A Dart library for Format number into beautiful string, Format the number into a beautiful, readable and short string.
Next-generation ORM for Dart & Flutter | PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQL Server, SQLite, MongoDB and CockroachDB.
An implementation of the Time-based One-time Password (TOTP).
Spry is an HTTP middleware framework for Dart to make web applications and APIs server more enjoyable to write.
An implementation of the HMAC-based One-time Password (HOTP).
High-performance trie-node router. It is based on Trie-Node and supports dynamic, static, parameter, wildcard routing, etc.#routing#router#routing-kit#trie#trie-node
A Dart implementation of the Web Fetch API that allows you to make requests and process results just like using fetch in a browser.
Singleton mode container to store global singleton resources.
A minimalist DateTime library for validating, parsing, manipulating and formatting times.
Easy to use, simple configuration can send SMS messages to Phone. Easily expandable gateways, messages customized according to scenarios.