
  • Packages
Results38 packages owned by flutterando.com.br
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Show Snackbars, dialogs, ModalSheets and more in a single provider. Simple and Clean.
Smart project structure with dependency injection and route management
Implementation of the Segmented State Pattern (SSP) nicknamed Triple.
Result for dart. It is an implementation based on Kotlin Result and Swift Result.
Automatic Dependency Injection System, but without build_runner :)
Uno is a multiplatform HTTP client, based on Axios and built following the Clean Dart approach by the Flutterando Community.
Folder-based route manager inspired by NextJS and created by the Flutterando community.
Lint rules for Flutter and Dart, created for the open source projects of the Flutterando Community.
The purpose of Radial Button is facilitating the creation for FloatingActionButton and for the purpose that you need, using complete circle, semi-circle.
Connect your Flutter/Dart apps to Hasura simply. All the power of GraphQL and Postgres in Flutter.