rx 0.0.4 copy "rx: ^0.0.4" to clipboard
rx: ^0.0.4 copied to clipboard


Reactive Extensions Library for Dart providing an API for asynchronous programming with observable streams.

Reactive Dart #

Pub Package Build Status Coverage Status GitHub Issues GitHub Forks GitHub Stars GitHub License

Reactive Extensions Library for Dart providing an API for asynchronous programming with observable streams.

Reactive is created in the style of ReactiveX, and does not depend on Dart Streams. At this point this code is quite experimental, and might miss features or have serious bugs.

The package depends on the latest development version of Dart 2.6.0-dev.8.0. It does not work with earlier version due to extensive use of static extension methods.

This library is open source and well tested. Development happens on GitHub. Feel free to report issues or create a pull-request there. General questions are best asked on StackOverflow.

The package is hosted on dart packages. Up-to-date class documentation is created with every release.

License #

The MIT License, see LICENSE.

pub points


verified publisherlukas-renggli.ch

Reactive Extensions Library for Dart providing an API for asynchronous programming with observable streams.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)


collection, meta, more


Packages that depend on rx