orm 2.2.1 copy "orm: ^2.2.1" to clipboard
orm: ^2.2.1 copied to clipboard

◭ Next-generation ORM for Dart & Flutter | PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQL Server, SQLite, MongoDB and CockroachDB.

2.2.1 #

🌟 Help us spread the word about Prisma ORM for Dart by starring the repo or Tweeting about the release. 🌟

Major improvements #

Auto fix enum name and model name conflicts:

enum role {

model user {
 id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
 role role

Before this release, the above schema would result in a role enum and a user model. This is not valid in Dart, so we now auto fix the enum name to Role and the model name to User.

Thanks to @moepoi

Bug fixes #

  1. Fixed $transaction options not being passed.
  2. FIxed Using lowercase keywords in schema.prisma cannot generate clients correctly. - #26

Other #

  • Update code_builder to ^4.3.0.

2.2.0 #

🌟 Help us spread the word about Prisma ORM for Dart by starring the repo or Tweeting about the release. 🌟

Major improvements: #

Input object Types without PrismaUnion wrapper, Before:

final User user = await prisma.user.create(
   data: PrismaUnion(
      zero: UserCreateInput(name: 'odroe'),


final User user = await prisma.user.create(
   data: UserCreateInput(name: 'odroe'),

Bug fixes: #

  • Nullable fields generating broken field implementations - #23

Features: #

  • Add precache command, Populate the Prisma engines cache of binary artifacts.

2.1.3 #

🌟 Help us spread the word about Prisma ORM for Dart by starring the repo or Tweeting about the release. 🌟

Major improvements: #

  1. refactor PrismaClientKnownRequestError, Prisma Client throws a PrismaClientKnownRequestError exception if the query engine returns a known error related to the request - for example, a unique constraint violation. Reference 👉 PrismaClientKnownRequestError
  2. All exceptions on the client side will throw predictable errors,Reference 👉 PrismaClientKnownRequestError
  3. query_engine renamed to engine_core

Better error message #

Take transaction errors as an example, before simply throwing PrismaServerError without any friendly prompts. Now:

Use the `prisma.$transaction()` API to run queries in a transaction.

Add the following to your `schema.prisma` file:

generator client {
  provider        = "prisma-client-js"
  previewFeatures = ["interactiveTransactions"]

Read more about transactions in our documentation:
 - https://github.com/odroe/prisma-dart#qa
 - https://www.prisma.io/docs/concepts/components/prisma-client/transactions#interactive-transactions-in-preview

If the engine is not found:

  message: Could not find query engine binary for current platform "macos" in query-engine path.

This probably happens, because you built Prisma Client on a different platform.

Searched Locations:
  - /Users/seven/workspace/prisma/example
  - /Users/seven/workspace/prisma/example/.dart_tool/prisma
  - /Users/seven/workspace/prisma/example/prisma
  - /Users/seven/workspace/prisma/example/.dart_tool/pub/bin/example

You already added the platform "macos" to the "generator" block in the "schema.prisma" file as described in https://pris.ly/d/client-generator, but something went wrong. That's suboptimal.

Please create an issue at https://github.com/odroe/prisma-dart/issues/new
  errorCode: null
  clientVersion: 2.1.2

$transaction options #

prisma.$transaction now supports the following options:

final prisma = PrismaClient();
await prisma.$transaction((prisma) async {
   // ...
}, TransactionOptions(
   maxWait: 2000,
   timeout: 5000,
   isolationLevel: TransactionIsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted,

More details 👉 Interactive transactions

Bug fixes #

  1. Fixed packageVersion not updating with version
  2. Fixed binary query engine not automatically searching when executable is specified
  3. Fixed binary query engine not automatically searching when specifying PRISMA_QUERY_ENGINE_BINARY environment variable

Engines version #


2.1.2 #

🌟 Help us spread the word about Prisma ORM for Dart by starring the repo or Tweeting about the release. 🌟

Bug fixes #

  • Fix the problem of repeated operation of the lookup runtime configuration
  • Fix setting owerwrite datasources causing engine startup failure

Refactor #

Refactored to owerwrite datasources to convert to engine readable settings

2.1.1 #

Support custom runtime configuration.

2.1.0 #

🌟 Help us spread the word about Prisma ORM for Dart by starring the repo or Tweeting about the release. 🌟

Major improvements: #

Runtime configuration

Previously, use prisma.yaml to configure Prisma:

   DATABASE_URL: postgres://user:password@localhost:5432/mydb

Now, we have introduced a new configuration method, Runtime Configuration compatible with dotenv format:

# .prismarc

# Database host

If you have dotenv in mind, you just need to add the database URL configuration to .env:


For more usage of runtime configuration, please see 👉 https://pub-web.flutter-io.cn/packages/rc

Custom configuration

Now, you can customize your prisma project configuration in pubspec.yaml:

   prismarc: path/a/b/c/custom.prismarc
   dotenv: path/a/b/c/custom.env
   schema: path/a/b/c/custom.prisma
Parameter Description Default
prismarc Custom runtime configuration path .prismarc
dotenv Custom dotenv path .env
schema Custom Prisma schema path prisma/schema.prisma

Custom engine path

Previously, the Prisma engine was downloaded into the .dart_tool/prisma directory, now you can customize it.

Custom engines path with runtime configuration
# Query binary engine
PRISMA_QUERY_ENGINE_BINARY(path) = custom-engines/query-engine

# Migration binary engine
PRISMA_MIGRATION_ENGINE_BINARY(path) = custom-engines/migration-engine

# Introspection binary engine
PRISMA_INTROSPECTION_ENGINE_BINARY(path) = custom-engines/introspection-engine

# Format binary engine
PRISMA_FMT_BINARY(path) = custom-engines/prisma-fmt
Custom engines path with dotenv

Refactored package:orm/configure.dart

Previously, we have package:orm/configure.dart to configure Prisma, now we have refactored it to package:orm/prisma.dart:

import 'package:orm/configure.dart';


Now, you can use package:orm/configure.dart to configure Prisma:

import 'package:orm/configure.dart';


Bug fixes: #

  1. Fix map and throws binary errors - #16
  2. Problems using Model with relation - #14

Features: #

  1. Generator generate import support show.
  2. Prisma CLI debug allow set to dotenv or runtime configuration.
  3. Prisma CLI debug print stack trace.

2.0.1 #


  1. Fixed model relation deserialization is a must - #7

Runtime #

  1. Fixed Create throws assertion error - #10
  2. Fixed UTF-8 decoding error - #11

2.0.0 #

🌟 Help us spread the word about Prisma ORM for Dart by starring the repo or Tweeting about the release. 🌟

Major improvements: #

All packages merged into one #

We have reasonably integrated all the packages we split before, before:

   orm: 1.0.0
   prisma_cli: 1.0.0


   orm: 2.0.0

Support transactions (preview) #

Interactive transactions are a stable feature in Prisma For Dart, but a preview feature for the Prisma engine. Interactive transactions are easier to handle for ORMs:

final result = await prisma.$transaction((prisma) async {
   final user = await prisma.user.create(...);
   final post = await prisma.post.create(...);

   return post;


  • Added db pull function
  • Complete refactoring of generate command
  • Built-in RPC engine service refactoring
  • The binary download engine supports the verification version, and the marked version will be downloaded automatically when the engine is updated

Runtime #

  • Added GraphQL SDL generation
  • Added prisma.$connect() method
  • Added prisma.$disconnect() method
  • Refactored engine interface and entry parameters
pub points


verified publisherodroe.com

◭ Next-generation ORM for Dart & Flutter | PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQL Server, SQLite, MongoDB and CockroachDB.

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unknown (LICENSE)


archive, args, code_builder, dart_style, http, json_annotation, path, rc, retry, yaml


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