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A Dart mocking library which simplifies mocking with null safety support and no manual mocks or code generation.

🍹 mocktail #

Pub build coverage License: MIT

Mock library for Dart inspired by mockito.

Mocktail focuses on providing a familiar, simple API for creating mocks in Dart (with null-safety) without the need for manual mocks or code generation.

Creating a Mock #

import 'package:mocktail/mocktail.dart';

// A Real Cat class
class Cat {
  String sound() => 'meow!';
  bool likes(String food, {bool isHungry = false}) => false;
  final int lives = 9;

// A Mock Cat class
class MockCat extends Mock implements Cat {}

void main() {
  // Create a Mock Cat instance
  final cat = MockCat();

Stub and Verify Behavior #

The MockCat instance can then be used to stub and verify calls.

// Stub the `sound` method.
when(() => cat.sound()).thenReturn('meow');

// Verify no interactions have occurred.
verifyNever(() => cat.sound());

// Interact with the mock cat instance.

// Verify the interaction occurred.
verify(() => cat.sound()).called(1);

// Interact with the mock instance again.

// Verify the interaction occurred twice.
verify(() => cat.sound()).called(1);

Additional Usage #

// Stub a method before interacting with the mock.
when(() => cat.sound()).thenReturn('purrr!');
expect(cat.sound(), 'purrr!');

// You can interact with the mock multiple times.
expect(cat.sound(), 'purrr!');

// You can change the stub.
when(() => cat.sound()).thenReturn('meow!');
expect(cat.sound(), 'meow');

// You can stub getters.
when(() => cat.lives).thenReturn(10);
expect(cat.lives, 10);

// You can stub a method for specific arguments.
when(() => cat.likes('fish', isHungry: false)).thenReturn(true);
expect(cat.likes('fish', isHungry: false), isTrue);

// You can verify the interaction for specific arguments.
verify(() => cat.likes('fish', isHungry: false)).called(1);

// You can stub a method using argument matchers: `any`.
when(() => cat.likes(any(), isHungry: any(that: isFalse)).thenReturn(true);
expect(cat.likes('fish', isHungry: false), isTrue);

// You can stub a method to throw.
when(() => cat.sound()).thenThrow(Exception('oops'));
expect(() => cat.sound(), throwsA(isA<Exception>()));

// You can calculate stubs dynamically.
final sounds = ['purrr', 'meow'];
when(() => cat.sound()).thenAnswer((_) => sounds.removeAt(0));
expect(cat.sound(), 'purrr');
expect(cat.sound(), 'meow');

// You can capture any argument.
when(() => cat.likes('fish')).thenReturn(true);
expect(cat.likes('fish'), isTrue);
final captured = verify(() => cat.likes(captureAny())).captured;
expect(captured.last, equals(['fish']));

// You can capture a specific argument based on a matcher.
when(() => cat.likes(any())).thenReturn(true);
expect(cat.likes('fish'), isTrue);
expect(cat.likes('dog food'), isTrue);
final captured = verify(() => cat.likes(captureAny(that: startsWith('d')))).captured;
expect(captured.last, equals(['dog food']));

Resetting Mocks #

reset(cat); // Reset stubs and interactions
pub points



A Dart mocking library which simplifies mocking with null safety support and no manual mocks or code generation.

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unknown (LICENSE)


collection, matcher, test_api


Packages that depend on mocktail