googleapis_beta 0.46.1 copy "googleapis_beta: ^0.46.1" to clipboard
googleapis_beta: ^0.46.1 copied to clipboard


Auto-generated client libraries for accessing the following APIs:adexchangebuyer2:v2beta1, appengine:v1beta, appengine:v1beta4, appengine:v1beta5, clouderrorreporting:v1beta1, cloudresourcemanager:v1b [...]

Auto-generated Dart libraries for accessing Google APIs.

Usage #

First, obtain OAuth 2.0 access credentials. This can be done using the googleapis_auth package. Your application can access APIs on behalf of a user or using a service account.

After obtaining credentials, an API from the googleapis package can be accessed with an authenticated HTTP client.

Example #

The following command line application lists files in Google Drive by using a service account.

Create a pubspec.yaml file with the googleapis_auth and googleapis dependencies.

  googleapis: any
  googleapis_auth: any

Create a service account in the Google Cloud Console and save the credential information.

Then create a Dart application to list files in a spececific project. In the example below, files from the dart-on-cloud project are listed.

// bin/list_files.dart

import 'package:googleapis/storage/v1.dart';
import 'package:googleapis_auth/auth_io.dart';

final _credentials = new ServiceAccountCredentials.fromJson(r'''
  "private_key_id": ...,
  "private_key": ...,
  "client_email": ...,
  "client_id": ...,
  "type": "service_account"

const _SCOPES = const [StorageApi.DevstorageReadOnlyScope];

void main() {
  clientViaServiceAccount(_credentials, _SCOPES).then((http_client) {
    var storage = new StorageApi(http_client);
    storage.buckets.list('dart-on-cloud').then((buckets) {
      print("Received ${buckets.items.length} bucket names:");
      for (var file in buckets.items) {

Available Google APIs #

The following is a list of APIs that are currently available inside this package.

Logo Ad Exchange Buyer API II - adexchangebuyer2 v2beta1

Accesses the latest features for managing Ad Exchange accounts, Real-Time Bidding configurations and auction metrics, and Marketplace programmatic deals.

Official API documentation:

Logo App Engine Admin API - appengine v1beta

The App Engine Admin API enables developers to provision and manage their App Engine applications.

Official API documentation:

Logo App Engine Admin API - appengine v1beta4

The App Engine Admin API enables developers to provision and manage their App Engine applications.

Official API documentation:

Logo App Engine Admin API - appengine v1beta5

The App Engine Admin API enables developers to provision and manage their App Engine applications.

Official API documentation:

Logo Stackdriver Error Reporting API - clouderrorreporting v1beta1

Groups and counts similar errors from cloud services and applications, reports new errors, and provides access to error groups and their associated errors.

Official API documentation:

Logo Cloud Resource Manager API - cloudresourcemanager v1beta1

The Google Cloud Resource Manager API provides methods for creating, reading, and updating project metadata.

Official API documentation:

Logo Cloud Tasks API - cloudtasks v2beta2

Manages the execution of large numbers of distributed requests. Cloud Tasks is in Alpha.

Official API documentation:

Logo Dataflow API - dataflow v1b3

Manages Google Cloud Dataflow projects on Google Cloud Platform.

Official API documentation:

Logo Dialogflow API - dialogflow v2beta1

An end-to-end development suite for conversational interfaces (e.g., chatbots, voice-powered apps and devices).

Official API documentation:

Logo Google Cloud DNS API - dns v2beta1

Configures and serves authoritative DNS records.

Official API documentation:

Logo Cloud Firestore API - firestore v1beta1

Official API documentation:

Logo Cloud Natural Language API - language v1beta1

Provides natural language understanding technologies to developers. Examples include sentiment analysis, entity recognition, entity sentiment analysis, and text annotations.

Official API documentation:

Logo Cloud Natural Language API - language v1beta2

Provides natural language understanding technologies to developers. Examples include sentiment analysis, entity recognition, entity sentiment analysis, and text annotations.

Official API documentation:

Logo Stackdriver Logging API - logging v2beta1

Writes log entries and manages your Stackdriver Logging configuration.

Official API documentation:

Logo Cloud OS Login API - oslogin v1alpha

Manages OS login configuration for Google account users.

Official API documentation:

Logo Cloud OS Login API - oslogin v1beta

Manages OS login configuration for Google account users.

Official API documentation:

Logo Proximity Beacon API - proximitybeacon v1beta1

Registers, manages, indexes, and searches beacons.

Official API documentation:

Logo Cloud Pub/Sub API - pubsub v1beta2

Provides reliable, many-to-many, asynchronous messaging between applications.

Official API documentation:

Logo Google Compute Engine Instance Group Manager API - replicapool v1beta2

[Deprecated. Please use Instance Group Manager in Compute API] Provides groups of homogenous Compute Engine instances.

Official API documentation:

Logo Google Compute Engine Instance Group Updater API - replicapoolupdater v1beta1

[Deprecated. Please use compute.instanceGroupManagers.update method. replicapoolupdater API will be disabled after December 30th, 2016] Updates groups of Compute Engine instances.

Official API documentation:

Logo Google Compute Engine Instance Groups API - resourceviews v1beta2

The Resource View API allows users to create and manage logical sets of Google Compute Engine instances.

Official API documentation:

Logo Cloud Runtime Configuration API - runtimeconfig v1beta1

The Runtime Configurator allows you to dynamically configure and expose variables through Google Cloud Platform. In addition, you can also set Watchers and Waiters that will watch for changes to your data and return based on certain conditions.

Official API documentation:

Logo Cloud Speech API - speech v1beta1

Converts audio to text by applying powerful neural network models.

Official API documentation:

Logo Cloud SQL Administration API - sqladmin v1beta3

Creates and configures Cloud SQL instances, which provide fully-managed MySQL databases.

Official API documentation:

Logo Cloud SQL Administration API - sqladmin v1beta4

Creates and configures Cloud SQL instances, which provide fully-managed MySQL databases.

Official API documentation:

Logo TaskQueue API - taskqueue v1beta2

Accesses a Google App Engine Pull Task Queue over REST.

Official API documentation:

Logo Cloud Tool Results API - toolresults v1beta3

Reads and publishes results from Firebase Test Lab.

Official API documentation:

Logo Cloud TPU API - tpu v1alpha1

TPU API provides customers with access to Google TPU technology.

Official API documentation:

pub points



Auto-generated client libraries for accessing the following APIs:adexchangebuyer2:v2beta1, appengine:v1beta, appengine:v1beta4, appengine:v1beta5, clouderrorreporting:v1beta1, cloudresourcemanager:v1beta1, cloudtasks:v2beta2, dataflow:v1b3, dialogflow:v2beta1, dns:v2beta1, firestore:v1beta1, language:v1beta1, language:v1beta2, logging:v2beta1, oslogin:v1alpha, oslogin:v1beta, proximitybeacon:v1beta1, pubsub:v1beta2, replicapool:v1beta2, replicapoolupdater:v1beta1, resourceviews:v1beta2, runtimeconfig:v1beta1, speech:v1beta1, sqladmin:v1beta3, sqladmin:v1beta4, taskqueue:v1beta2, toolresults:v1beta3, tpu:v1alpha1



unknown (LICENSE)


_discoveryapis_commons, http


Packages that depend on googleapis_beta