fluxmap 0.2.0 copy "fluxmap: ^0.2.0" to clipboard
fluxmap: ^0.2.0 copied to clipboard


A map to handle real time location updates for multiple devices. Automatic devices network status management

Fluxmap #

pub package Build Status

A map to handle real time location updates for multiple devices. The map takes a stream of Device objects for input and manages their state on the map

  • Automatic network status management: the devices network status is calculated from their last position report. Callbacks are available for state changes
  • Access to the map state: the state of the map is available via a provider

Screenshot #


Usage #

Declare state mutations actions #

Define you callbacks and options for devices state changes:

final flux = FluxMapState(
   onDeviceDisconnect: (device) =>
       print("Device ${device.name} is disconnected"),
   onDeviceOffline: (device) =>
       print("Device ${device.name} is offline"),
   onDeviceBackOnline: (device) =>
       print("Device ${device.name} is back online"),
   markerGestureDetectorBuilder: (context, device, child) {
       return GestureDetector(
           child: child,
           onTap: () {
             print("Tap $device");
           onDoubleTap: () {
             print("Double tap $device");
           onLongPress: () {
             print("Long press $device");

Use the positions stream #

Create a stream controller for your positions updates:

final StreamController<Device> _devicesFlux = StreamController<Device>();

Place the map widget in your widgets tree:

Widget map = FluxMap(state: flux,
        devicesFlux: _devicesFlux.stream));

Then feed the map with location updates:

final device = Device(
   name: "phone 1",
   position: GeoPoint(latitude: 0.0, longitude: 0.0, speed: 31.0));

Use map controls #

To manage the map assets and controls an instance of Map controller is available:

flux.map.addMarker(name: "My marker",
                   marker: Marker( /* A Flutter Map marker*/))

Access to the map state #

It is possible to plug on the map state with Provider: in a parent widget:

import 'package:fluxmap/fluxmap.dart';
import 'package:provider/provider.dart';

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  return StreamProvider<FluxMapStore>.value(
      initialData: FluxMapStore(),
      value: fluxMapStoreController.stream,
      child: MyWidget());

In the widget:

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  final mapState = Provider.of<FluxMapStore>(context).state;
  final device = mapState.devices[deviceId];
  Color color;
  switch (device.networkStatus) {
    case DeviceNetworkStatus.online:
      color = Colors.green;
    case DeviceNetworkStatus.disconnected:
      color = Colors.orange;
    case DeviceNetworkStatus.offline:
      color = Colors.lightBlueAccent;
      color = Colors.grey[300];
  /// ...
  return SomeWidget();
pub points


unverified uploader

A map to handle real time location updates for multiple devices. Automatic devices network status management

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cupertino_icons, device, extra_pedantic, flutter, flutter_map, geodesy, geojson, geopoint, latlong, map_controller, pedantic, provider, rxdart


Packages that depend on fluxmap