build 0.3.0+2 copy "build: ^0.3.0+2" to clipboard
build: ^0.3.0+2 copied to clipboard

outdatedDart 1 only

A build system for Dart.

Changelog #

0.3.0+2 #

  • Enable serving files outside the server root by default (enables serving files from other packages).

0.3.0+1 #

  • Fix an AssetGraph bug where generated nodes might be created as non-generated nodes if they are attempted to be read from previous build steps.

0.3.0 #

  • BREAKING Renamed values of three enums to be lower-case: BuildType, BuildStatus, and PackageDependencyType.
  • Updated to crypto ^1.0.0.
  • Added option to resolve additional entry points in buildStep.resolve.
  • Added option to pass in a custom Resolvers instance.

0.2.1 #

  • Added the deleteFilesByDefault option to all top level methods. This will skip the prompt to delete files, and instead act as if you responded y.
    • Also by default in a non-console environment the prompt no longer exists and it will instead just exit with an error.
  • Added support for multiple build scripts. Each script now has its own asset graph based on a hash of the script uri.
    • You need to be careful here, as you can get in an infinite loop if two separate build scripts keep triggering updates for each other.
    • There is no explicit link between multiple scripts, so they operate as if all changes from other scripts were user edits. This will usually just do the "right thing", but may result in undesired behavior in some circumstances.
  • Improved logging for non-posix consoles.

0.2.0 #

  • Updated the top level classes to take a PhaseGroup instead of a List<List<Phase>>.
  • Added logic to handle nested package directories.
  • Basic windows support added, although it may still be unstable.
  • Significantly increased the resolving speed by using the same sources cache.
  • Added a basic README.
  • Moved the .build folder to .dart_tool/build. Other packages in the future may also use this folder.

0.1.4 #

  • Added top level serve function.
    • Just like watch, but it provides a server which blocks on any ongoing builds before responding to requests.
  • Minor bug fixes.

0.1.3 #

  • Builds are now fully incremental, even on startup.
    • Builds will be invalidated if the build script or any of its dependencies are updated since there is no way of knowing how that would affect things.
  • Added lastModified to AssetReader (only matters if you implement it).

0.1.2 #

  • Exposed the top level watch function. This can be used to watch the file system and run incremental rebuilds on changes.
    • Initial build is still non-incremental.

0.1.1 #

  • Exposed the top level build function. This can be used to run builds.
    • For this release all builds are non-incremental, and delete all previous build outputs when they start up.
    • Creates a .build directory which should be added to your .gitignore.
  • Added resolve method to BuildStep which can give you a Resolver for an AssetId.
    • This is experimental and may get moved out to a separate package.
    • Resolves the full dart sdk so this is slow, first call will take multiple seconds. Subsequent calls are much faster though.
    • Will end up marking all transitive deps as dependencies, so your files may end up being recompiled often when not entirely necessary (once we have incremental builds).
  • Added listAssetIds to AssetReader (only matters if you implement it).
  • Added delete to AssetWriter (also only matters if you implement it).

0.1.0 #

  • Initial version