blake 0.1.1 copy "blake: ^0.1.1" to clipboard
blake: ^0.1.1 copied to clipboard


Experimental static site generator for Dart with Markdown support, mustache templates and live-reload.

Pub Version

Blake: Static Site Generator #

Did he smile his work to see?
Did he who made the Lamb make thee?

Blake is an experimental static site generator in Dart language.

Features as of now:

  • Markdown support.
  • YAML configuration and front-matter.
  • Mustache templates.
  • Live-reload.
  • Single native binary.

Remember that this project is WIP. Everything can change at any time.

Usage #

Use blake init to setup a new project in the current directory. blake init <name> will setup the project inside the <name> directory.

Use blake build to generate the site from your files. By default, generated files will be outputted into the public folder.

Use blake serve to start a webserver to see your site instantly. The site will be rebuilt every time you change files in your project and the browser tab will be reloaded automatically.

And as usual, blake or blake help will show usage help.

Structure #

content directory contains all Markdown files which will be transformed into HTML files.

static directory files will be copied into public folder without change.

public contains generated files.

templates should contain templates which will be used to process Markdown files inside content.

config.yaml configures build options for your site.

Build #

To create native binary use the following command. You need to have installed full Dart SDK at your computer (Dart packaged with Flutter is not enough).

# Windows
dart2native bin/blake.dart -o bin/blake.exe

# Linux or macOS
dart2native bin/blake.dart -o bin/blake

You can also run this project without compiling native binary.

dart bin/blake.dart

Activate blake globally #

Use blake everywhere by using pub global activate --source path . inside this project's root.

pub points



Experimental static site generator for Dart with Markdown support, mustache templates and live-reload.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)


ansicolor, args, html, http_server, markdown, meta, mustache_template, path, watcher, yaml


Packages that depend on blake