version topic

Version Information APIs

The version information functions enable applications to query a version resource for file information and present the information in a clear format. This information includes the file's purpose, author, version number, and so on.


GetFileVersionInfo(Pointer<Utf16> lptstrFilename, int dwHandle, int dwLen, Pointer<NativeType> lpData) int version
Retrieves version information for the specified file.
GetFileVersionInfoEx(int dwFlags, Pointer<Utf16> lpwstrFilename, int dwHandle, int dwLen, Pointer<NativeType> lpData) int version
Retrieves version information for the specified file.
GetFileVersionInfoSize(Pointer<Utf16> lptstrFilename, Pointer<Uint32> lpdwHandle) int version
Determines whether the operating system can retrieve version information for a specified file. If version information is available, GetFileVersionInfoSize returns the size, in bytes, of that information.
GetFileVersionInfoSizeEx(int dwFlags, Pointer<Utf16> lpwstrFilename, Pointer<Uint32> lpdwHandle) int version
Determines whether the operating system can retrieve version information for a specified file. If version information is available, GetFileVersionInfoSizeEx returns the size, in bytes, of that information.
IsWindows10OrGreater() int version
Indicates if the current OS version matches, or is greater than, the Windows 10 version.
IsWindowsServer() int version
Indicates if the current OS is a Windows Server release. Applications that need to distinguish between server and client versions of Windows should call this function.
IsWindowsVersionOrGreater(int wMajorVersion, int wMinorVersion, int wServicePackMajor) int version
Indicates if the current OS version matches, or is greater than, the provided version information. This function is useful in confirming a version of Windows Server that doesn't share a version number with a client release.
VerFindFile(int uFlags, Pointer<Utf16> szFileName, Pointer<Utf16> szWinDir, Pointer<Utf16> szAppDir, Pointer<Utf16> szCurDir, Pointer<Uint32> puCurDirLen, Pointer<Utf16> szDestDir, Pointer<Uint32> puDestDirLen) int version
Determines where to install a file based on whether it locates another version of the file in the system. The values VerFindFile returns in the specified buffers are used in a subsequent call to the VerInstallFile function.
VerInstallFile(int uFlags, Pointer<Utf16> szSrcFileName, Pointer<Utf16> szDestFileName, Pointer<Utf16> szSrcDir, Pointer<Utf16> szDestDir, Pointer<Utf16> szCurDir, Pointer<Utf16> szTmpFile, Pointer<Uint32> puTmpFileLen) int version
Installs the specified file based on information returned from the VerFindFile function. VerInstallFile decompresses the file, if necessary, assigns a unique filename, and checks for errors, such as outdated files.
VerQueryValue(Pointer<NativeType> pBlock, Pointer<Utf16> lpSubBlock, Pointer<Pointer<NativeType>> lplpBuffer, Pointer<Uint32> puLen) int version
Retrieves specified version information from the specified version-information resource. To retrieve the appropriate resource, before you call VerQueryValue, you must first call the GetFileVersionInfoSize function, and then the GetFileVersionInfo function.