join<T> method

T join<T>(
  1. T first(
    1. A value
  2. T second(
    1. B value
  3. T third(
    1. C value
  4. T forth(
    1. D value
  5. T fifth(
    1. E value
  6. T sixth(
    1. F value

Transform all the potential types that value can take into a single unique type.

For example, we can use join to convert a Union2<String, int> into an int:

Union2<String, int> union2;

int result = union2.join(
  (value) => int.tryParse(value) ?? 0,
  (value) => value,

Alternatively, join can return unions too, for more advanced cases that map cannot handle.

For example, we could use join to transform Union2<String, int> into Union2<int, FormatException>, to have a clean error handling on parse errors:

Union2<String, int> union2;

Union2<int, FormatException> res = union2.join(
  (value) {
    final parsed = int.tryParse(value);
    return parsed != null
        ? parsed.asFirst()
        : FormatException().asSecond();
  (value) => value.asFirst(),


// ignore: missing_return, the switch always returns
T join<T>(
  T first(A value),
  T second(B value),
  T third(C value),
  T forth(D value),
  T fifth(E value),
  T sixth(F value),
) {
  late T res;
    (a) => res = first(a),
    (a) => res = second(a),
    (a) => res = third(a),
    (a) => res = forth(a),
    (a) => res = fifth(a),
    (a) => res = sixth(a),
  return res;