utils library


asciiToBytes(String input) Uint8List
bytesToAscii(Uint8List input) String
bytesToHex(Uint8List input) String
Converts Unit8List into Hex
bytesToInt(Uint8List bytes) BigInt
getRandomBytes(int length) Uint8List
Get random Uint8List of a given length.
hexToBytes(String input) Uint8List
hexToInt(String input) BigInt
hmacSha512(Uint8List key, Uint8List input) Uint8List
intToBytes(BigInt number) Uint8List
intToHex(BigInt? input) String
isHexString(String value) bool
checks if input string is a hex String
prepend0x(String input) String
Append "0x" at the begin of a string.
remove0x(String input) String
Remove "0x" at the begin of a string.
remove0x04(Uint8List input) Uint8List
@param input the byte sequence. @return the byte sequence.