sidekick_plugin_installer library

Support library for sidekick plugins


Global parameters passed from sidekick into the plugin installer


addDependency({required DartPackage package, required String dependency, String? versionConstraint, String? localPath, String? hostedUrl, String? gitUrl, String? gitRef, String? gitPath}) → void
Adds dependency to package as a path, hosted, or git dependency.
addImport(File file, String import) Future<void>
Adds a dart import to file
addSelfAsDependency() → void
Add the plugin itself as dependency to the sidekick CLI
pubAddDependency(DartPackage package, String dependency, {String? version}) → void
This function is deprecated. Use addSelfAsDependency instead
pubAddLocalDependency(DartPackage package, String path) → void
This function is deprecated. Use addSelfAsDependency instead
pubGet(DartPackage package) → void
Runs pub get on package
registerPlugin({required DartPackage sidekickCli, required String command, String? import}) Future<void>
Registers the command to the SidekickCommandRunner