shelf_plus library

Shelf Plus is a quality of life addon for your server-side development within the Shelf platform.


A helper that calls several handlers in sequence and returns the first acceptable response.
A helper that makes it easy to compose a set of Middleware and a Handler.
An HTTP request to be processed by a Shelf application.
Reference class for different request body accessors. Provides basic accessors like asString or asJson.
The response returned by a Handler.
Annotation for handler methods that requests should be routed when using package shelf_router_generator.
A shelf Router routes requests to handlers based on HTTP verb and route pattern.
Extended request router based on shelf Router
An adapter with a concrete URL.
A connected pair of a Server and a Handler.


addChunkedEncoding Middleware
Middleware that adds chunked transfer coding to a responses if none of the following conditions are true:


addResponseHandler(List<ResponseHandler> handler) Middleware
cascade(List<Handler> handler) Handler
Merges multiple Handler into a cascade of handler. Uses the shelf Cascade ruleset.
createFileHandler(String path, {String? url, String? contentType}) Handler
Creates a shelf Handler that serves the file at path.
createMiddleware({FutureOr<Response?> requestHandler(Request)?, FutureOr<Response> responseHandler(Response)?, FutureOr<Response> errorHandler(Object error, StackTrace)?}) Middleware
Creates a Middleware using the provided functions.
createStaticHandler(String fileSystemPath, {bool serveFilesOutsidePath = false, String? defaultDocument, bool listDirectories = false, bool useHeaderBytesForContentType = false, MimeTypeResolver? contentTypeResolver}) Handler
Creates a Shelf Handler that serves files from the provided fileSystemPath.
download({String? filename}) Middleware
Changes the response headers in a way, browsers will handle the http response as a download.
logRequests({void logger(String message, bool isError)?}) Middleware
Middleware which prints the time of the request, the elapsed time for the inner handlers, the response's status code and the request URI.
params(Request request, String name) String
Get a URL parameter captured by the Router.
resolveResponse(Request request, dynamic result) Future<Response>
Resolves a shelf Response from generic result based on registered ResponseHandler.
setContentType(String mimeType) Middleware
Sets the content type header of the response to given mimeType.
shelfRun(FutureOr<Handler> init(), {int defaultBindPort = 8080, String defaultBindAddress = 'localhost', bool defaultEnableHotReload = true}) Future<ShelfRunContext>
Mechanism to quickly run a shelf app.
typeByExtension(String fileExtension, {String unknownMimeType = 'application/unknown'}) Middleware
Sets the content type header of the response to a mime-type that matches the give fileExtension.


Handler = FutureOr<Response> Function(Request request)
A function which handles a Request.
Middleware = Handler Function(Handler innerHandler)
A function which creates a new Handler by wrapping a Handler.
ResponseHandler = FutureOr<Object?> Function(Request request, dynamic data)
Model for converting an object into another one.

Exceptions / Errors

An exception used to indicate that a request has been hijacked.