sensors library


Discrete reading from an accelerometer. Accelerometers measure the velocity of the device. Note that these readings include the effects of gravity. Put simply, you can use accelerometer readings to tell if the device is moving in a particular direction.
Discrete reading from a gyroscope. Gyroscopes measure the rate or rotation of the device in 3D space.
Like AccelerometerEvent, this is a discrete reading from an accelerometer and measures the velocity of the device. However, unlike AccelerometerEvent, this event does not include the effects of gravity.


accelerometerEvents Stream<AccelerometerEvent>
A broadcast stream of events from the device accelerometer.
no setter
gyroscopeEvents Stream<GyroscopeEvent>
A broadcast stream of events from the device gyroscope.
no setter
userAccelerometerEvents Stream<UserAccelerometerEvent>
Events from the device accelerometer with gravity removed.
no setter