StringScrewdriver extension

Provides extensions for String.



capitalized String
Converts the first character of this to upper case. Note that this does not work if the first character of this string is an Emoji character.
no setter
isBinary bool
Returns true if this is a binary string which only contains 1's and 0's
no setter
isBlank bool
Returns true if this only contains white-spaces.
no setter
isDecimal bool
Returns true if this is an int
no setter
isDouble bool
Returns true if this is a double
no setter
isEmail bool
Returns true if this happens to be an email This uses RFC822 email validation specs which is widely accepted. check this: Original Ref:
no setter
isHexadecimal bool
Returns true if this is a hex string which only contains 0-9 and A-F | a-f
no setter
isNotBlank bool
Returns true if this contains characters other than white-spaces.
no setter
isOctal bool
Returns true if this is a hex string which only contains 0-7
no setter
reversed String
Returns a reversed string of this
no setter
toggledCase String
Toggles the case of the characters
no setter
words List<String>
This would tokenize this into words by breaking it with space.
no setter


count(String match, {bool caseSensitive = true}) int
Returns count of given match in this string
equalsIgnoreCase(String matcher) bool
Compares two strings ignoring the case.
find(Pattern match) int
alias for indexOf
parseJson() Map<String, dynamic>
Converts this to a JSON map.
parseJsonArray() List<Map<String, dynamic>>
Converts this to a JSON map.
removePrefix(String prefix) String
removes prefix from this and returns remaining. e.g. 'hello-world'.removePrefix('hello'); // returns -world 'hello-world'.removePrefix('world'); // returns hello-world
removeSuffix(String suffix) String
removes suffix from this and returns remaining. e.g. 'hello-world'.removeSuffix('world'); // returns hello- 'hello-world'.removeSuffix('hello'); // returns hello-world
splitMap<R>(RegExp regex, {R? onMatch(RegExpMatch match)?, R? onNonMatch(String text)?}) List<R>
An alternative to String.splitMapJoin which allows to return mapped values from onMatch and onNonMatch callbacks unlike the original String.splitMapJoin which only allows to return String values.
splitMapJoinRegex(RegExp regex, {String onMatch(RegExpMatch match)?, String onNonMatch(String text)?}) String
An alternative to String.splitMapJoin which provides access to RegExpMatch instead of Match. Match does not provide access to named groups. RegExpMatch does. Reference:
title() String
Makes all the words capitalized in this string Note that this does not work properly if the first character of any word is an Emoji character.
toBoolOrNull() bool?
Returns true only if this equals to be true (insensitive of case) or if a non-zero integer.
toDateTimeOrNull() DateTime?
Tries to convert this into a DateTime.
toDoubleOrNull() double?
Returns this as double or null
toIntOrNull({int? radix}) int?
Returns this as int or null Radix be between 2..36
unwrap(String prefix, [String? suffix]) String
unwraps this between prefix and suffix. Uses prefix as suffix if suffix is null. e.g. 'hello'.unwrap("*"); // returns hello ''.unwrap('<','>'); // returns html
wrap(String prefix, [String? suffix]) String
wraps this between prefix and suffix. Uses prefix as suffix if suffix is null. e.g. 'hello'.wrap("*"); // returns hello 'html'.wrap('<','>'); // returns