reorderable_grid_view library


DragEnableConfig = bool Function(int index)
DragWidgetBuilder = Widget Function(int index, Widget child)
Build the drag widget under finger when dragging. The index here represents the index of current dragging widget The child here represents the current index widget dragWidgetScreenshot If you pass screenshotDragWidget true, then will take a screenshot of the drag widget. deprecated , use DragWidgetBuilderV2 instead
OnDragStart = void Function(int dragIndex)
The drag and drop life cycle.
OnDragUpdate = void Function(int dragIndex, Offset position, Offset delta)
Called when the position of the dragged widget changes.
PlaceholderBuilder = Widget Function(int dropIndex, int dropInddex, Widget dragWidget)
build the target placeholder
ScrollSpeedController = double Function(int timeInMilliSecond, double overSize, double itemSize)
Control the scroll speed if drag over the boundary. We can pass time here?? timeInMilliSecond is the time passed. overPercentage is the scroll over the boundary percentage overSize is the pixel drag over the boundary itemSize is the drag item size Maybe you need decide the scroll speed by the given param. return how many pixels when scroll in 14ms(maybe a frame). 5 is the default