over_react library

Base classes for UI components and related utilities.


This class is present:
This class is present:
This class is present:
This class is present:
This class is present:
This class is present:
This class is present:
This class is present:
This class is present:
This class is present:
Annotation used with the over_react builder to declare an abstract UiComponent class for an abstract component.
Annotation used with the over_react builder to declare an abstract UiComponent2 class for an abstract component.
Annotation used with the over_react builder to declare an abstract UiProps mixin for an abstract component.
Annotation used with the over_react builder to declare an abstract UiProps class for an abstract component.
AbstractTransitionComponent<T extends AbstractTransitionProps, S extends AbstractTransitionState>
How to use AbstractTransitionComponent:
Annotation used with the over_react builder to customize individual accessors (props/state fields).
AccessorMeta<T extends _Descriptor>
A MapView with the typed getters/setters for all aria props.
Base class for generic strongly-typed callback chaining utilities.
Generic callback chaining utilities for callbacks with no arguments.
Generic strongly-typed callback chaining utilities for callbacks with one argument.
CallbackUtil2Arg<T1, T2>
Generic strongly-typed callback chaining utilities for callbacks with two arguments.
CallbackUtil3Arg<T1, T2, T3>
Generic strongly-typed callback chaining utilities for callbacks with three arguments.
CallbackUtil4Arg<T1, T2, T3, T4>
Generic strongly-typed callback chaining utilities for callbacks with four arguments.
A StringBuffer-backed CSS class builder optimized for adding classNames, with support for blacklisting CSS classes.
A named constant with a helpful string representation that contains a CSS class name value.
Annotation used with the over_react builder to declare a UiComponent class for a component.
Annotation used with the over_react builder to declare a UiComponent2 class for a component.
Provides a list of PropDescriptors and a top-level list of their keys, for easy access.
A typed props class for the Context.Consumer from a Context object created with createContext.
The return type of createContext, Wraps ReactContext for use in Dart. Allows access to Provider and Consumer Components.
A MapView with typed getters/setters for all CSS-class-related props.
A CSS length value, with a number and unit component, for use in CSS properties such as width, top, padding, etc.
A named constant with a helpful string representation.
A class that provides namespacing for static DOM component factory methods, much like React.DOM in React JS.
Dummy component useful for:
ErrorBoundaryComponent<T extends ErrorBoundaryProps, S extends ErrorBoundaryState>
A MapView with the typed getters/setters for ErrorBoundaryPropsMixin.
Annotation used with the over_react builder to declare a UiFactory for a component.
FluxUiComponent<TProps extends FluxUiProps>
Builds on top of UiComponent, adding w_flux integration, much like the FluxComponent in w_flux.
FluxUiComponent2<TProps extends FluxUiProps>
Builds on top of UiComponent2, adding w_flux integration, much like the FluxComponent in w_flux.
FluxUiProps<ActionsT, StoresT>
Deprecated. Use FluxUiPropsMixin instead.
FluxUiStatefulComponent<TProps extends FluxUiProps, TState extends UiState>
Builds on top of UiStatefulComponent, adding w_flux integration, much like the FluxComponent in w_flux.
FluxUiStatefulComponent2<TProps extends FluxUiProps, TState extends UiState>
Builds on top of UiStatefulComponent2, adding w_flux integration, much like the FluxComponent in w_flux.
A view into a JavaScript object (jsObject) that conforms to the Dart Map interface.
Key values that are returned from SyntheticKeyboardEvent.key.
MapViewMixin<K, V>
Provides dart.collection.MapView-like behavior by proxying an internal map.
Provides a representation of a single prop declared within a UiProps subclass or props mixin.
Annotation used with the over_react builder to declare a UiProps mixin for a component.
PropsFactory<TProps extends UiProps>
Helper class to keep track of props factories used by uiFunction,
Works in conjunction with MapViewMixin to provide dart.collection.MapView-like functionality to UiProps subclasses.
Metadata for the prop fields declared in a specific props class-- a class annotated with @Props, @PropsMixin, @AbstractProps, etc. for which prop accessors are generated.
A collection of metadata for the prop fields in all prop mixins used by a given component.
Annotation used with the over_react builder to declare a mixin for use in a UiProps class.
A typed props class for the Context.Provider from a Context object created with createContext.
Creates a ReactJS virtual DOM instance (ReactElement on the client).
A virtual DOM element representing an instance of a DOM element, React component, or fragment.
Information on an error caught by componentDidCatch.
ReducerHook<TState, TAction, TInit>
The return value of useReducer.
When this is provided as the ref prop, a reference to the rendered component will be available via current.
Used with ResizeSensorHandler to provide information about a resize.
A MapView with the typed getters/setters for all HitArea display variation props.
Options for WAI-ARIA role values.
A class that manages the top-level rendering of a ReactElement into a given node, with support for safely rendering/updating via render and safely unmounting via tryUnmount.
Annotation used with the over_react builder to declare a UiState mixin for a component.
Provides a representation of a single state declared within a UiState subclass or state mixin.
The return value of useState.
Works in conjunction with MapViewMixin to provide dart.collection.MapView-like functionality to UiState subclasses.
Metadata for the state fields declared in a specific state class-- a class annotated with @State, @StateMixin, @AbstractState, etc. for which state accessors are generated.
Annotation used with the over_react builder to declare a mixin for use in a UiState class.
The concrete props class for the Suspense component.
A SyntheticEvent wrapper that is specifically backed by a AnimationEvent.
A SyntheticEvent wrapper that is specifically backed by a ClipboardEvent.
A cross-browser wrapper around the browser's nativeEvent.
A SyntheticEvent wrapper that is specifically backed by a FocusEvent.
A SyntheticEvent wrapper that represents a form event.
A SyntheticEvent wrapper that is specifically backed by a KeyboardEvent.
A SyntheticEvent wrapper that is specifically backed by a MouseEvent.
A SyntheticEvent wrapper that is specifically backed by a TouchEvent.
A SyntheticEvent wrapper that is specifically backed by a TransitionEvent.
A SyntheticEvent wrapper that is specifically backed by a UIEvent.
A SyntheticEvent wrapper that is specifically backed by a SyntheticWheelEvent.
UiComponent<TProps extends UiProps>
See: component_base.UiComponent
UiComponent2<TProps extends UiProps>
The basis for an over_react component that is compatible with ReactJS 16 (react.Component2).
UiFactoryConfig<TProps extends UiProps>
Helper class used to keep track of generated information for uiFunction.
A dart.collection.MapView-like class with strongly-typed getters/setters for React props that is also capable of creating React component instances.
A MapView helper that stubs in unimplemented pieces of UiProps.
A dart.collection.MapView-like class with strongly-typed getters/setters for React state.
UiStatefulComponent<TProps extends UiProps, TState extends UiState>
See: component_base.UiStatefulComponent
UiStatefulComponent2<TProps extends UiProps, TState extends UiState>
The basis for a stateful over_react component that is compatible with ReactJS 16 (react.Component2).
Utility for logging validation errors or warnings.


The transition phase of the AbstractTransitionComponent.


$FluxUiPropsMixin<ActionsT, StoresT>
ErrorBoundaryMixin<T extends ErrorBoundaryPropsMixin, S extends ErrorBoundaryStateMixin>
A component mixin you can use to implement / extend from the behaviors of an ErrorBoundary within a custom component:
FluxUiPropsMixin<ActionsT, StoresT>
Builds on top of UiProps, adding typed Action and Store props for use with FluxUiComponent2.
PureComponentMixin<T extends UiProps>
A mixin to make a Component2 instance behave like a ReactJS PureComponent.
Mixin that enforces consistent typing of the snapshot parameter returned by Component2.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate and passed into Component2.componentDidUpdate.
UiStatefulMixin2<TProps extends UiProps, TState extends UiState>
A mixin that allows you to add typed state to a UiComponent2.


DataTransferHelper on SyntheticMouseEvent
PropsToForward on T
Helper static extension methods to make forwarding props easier.
SyntheticEventTypeHelpers on SyntheticEvent
UiFactoryHelpers on UiFactory<TProps>
UiFactoryTypeMeta on UiFactory<UiProps>
Extensions to allow setting type-checking-related metadata on components.
UiPropsSelfTypedExtension on T
Extension with methods whose typings rely on the current type T.


animationEventCallbacks → const CallbackUtil1Arg<SyntheticAnimationEvent>
Provides chaining utilities for AnimationEventCallback.
callbacks → const CallbackUtil0Arg
Provides chaining utilities for Callback.
clipboardEventCallbacks → const CallbackUtil1Arg<SyntheticClipboardEvent>
Provides chaining utilities for ClipboardEventCallback.
defaultErrorBoundaryLoggerName → const String
defaultTestIdKey → const String
The string used by default for the key of the attribute added by UiProps.addTestId.
disableRequiredPropValidation → const _DisableRequiredPropValidation
Prevents required prop validation from being performed on a prop.
domEventCallbacks → const CallbackUtil1Arg<SyntheticEvent>
Provides chaining utilities for DomEventCallback.
focusEventCallbacks → const CallbackUtil1Arg<SyntheticFocusEvent>
Provides chaining utilities for FocusEventCallback.
formEventCallbacks → const CallbackUtil1Arg<SyntheticFormEvent>
Provides chaining utilities for FormEventCallback.
horizontalEllipsis → const String
'…' - The horizontal ellipsis character.
inputTypesWithSelectionRangeSupport → const List<String>
A list of the type attribute values for an HTML <input> element that implement TextInputElementBase.
keyboardEventCallbacks → const CallbackUtil1Arg<SyntheticKeyboardEvent>
Provides chaining utilities for KeyboardEventCallback.
middleDot → const String
'·' - The middle dot character.
mouseEventCallbacks → const CallbackUtil1Arg<SyntheticMouseEvent>
Provides chaining utilities for MouseEventCallback.
multiplicationSign → const String
'×' - The multiplication sign character.
nonBreakingSpace → const String
' ' - The non-breaking space character.
nullableRequiredProp → const Accessor
Marks a prop as required to be set, but allowed to be set explicitly to null.
requiredProp → const Accessor
Marks a prop as required to be set.
resizeEventCallbacks → const CallbackUtil1Arg<ResizeSensorEvent>
Provides chaining utilities for ResizeSensorHandler.
toBeGenerated → const _ToBeGenerated
Annotation that denotes that a given member will be implemented via code generation.
touchEventCallbacks → const CallbackUtil1Arg<SyntheticTouchEvent>
Provides chaining utilities for TouchEventCallback.
transitionEventCallbacks → const CallbackUtil1Arg<SyntheticTransitionEvent>
Provides chaining utilities for TransitionEventCallback.
uiEventCallbacks → const CallbackUtil1Arg<SyntheticUIEvent>
Provides chaining utilities for UIEventCallback.
wheelEventCallbacks → const CallbackUtil1Arg<SyntheticWheelEvent>
Provides chaining utilities for WheelEventCallback.


$_Dummy2ComponentFactory → ReactDartComponentFactoryProxy2<Component2>
$ErrorBoundaryComponentFactory → ReactDartComponentFactoryProxy2<Component2>
$FragmentConfig UiFactoryConfig<_$$FragmentProps>
$r → dynamic
Returns a reference to the currently selected component in the React Dev Tools.
no setter
$ResizeSensorComponentFactory → ReactDartComponentFactoryProxy2<Component2>
$StrictModeConfig UiFactoryConfig<_$$StrictModeProps>
$SuspenseConfig UiFactoryConfig<_$$SuspenseProps>
changeSensor → dynamic
no setter
changeSensorMountNode Element?
no setter
ErrorBoundary UiFactory<ErrorBoundaryProps>
A higher-order component that will catch ReactJS errors anywhere within the child component tree and display a fallback UI instead of the component tree that crashed.
getter/setter pair
Fragment UiFactory<FragmentProps>
Fragment component that allows the wrapping of children without the necessity of using an element that adds an additional layer to the DOM (div, span, etc).
onRemChange Stream<double>
A Stream of changes to the root font size (rem) value.
ResizeSensor UiFactory<ResizeSensorProps>
A wrapper component that detects when its parent is resized, providing a ResizeSensorEvent as a callback argument to ResizeSensorPropsMixin.onResize.
getter/setter pair
rootFontSize double
The latest component root font size (rem) value, in pixels.
no setter
StrictMode UiFactory<StrictModeProps>
A tool for highlighting potential problems in an application.
getter/setter pair
Suspense UiFactory<SuspenseProps>
Suspense lets you display a fallback UI until its children have finished loading.
getter/setter pair


ariaProps([Map? backingMap]) AriaPropsMapView
Returns a new AriaPropsMapView, optionally backed by a specified Map.
castUiFactory<T extends UiProps>(dynamic value) UiFactory<T>
Casts value to UiFactory<T>, which can be inferred from the surrounding context, allowing you to perform casts of dynamic values without having to repeat the type or worry about how formatting affects ignore comment placement.
chainRef(ReactElement element, CallbackRef? newCallbackRef) CallbackRef?
Returns a function that chains the callback or createRef-based ref of the provided element with newCallbackRef.
chainRefs(dynamic ref1, dynamic ref2) → dynamic
Returns a ref that updates both ref1 and ref2, effectively allowing you to set multiple refs.
cloneElement(ReactElement element, [Map? props, Iterable? children]) ReactElement
Dart wrapper for React.cloneElement.
closest(Element lowerBound, String selector, {Element? upperBound}) Element?
Returns the closest element in the hierarchy of lowerBound up to an optional upperBound (both inclusive) that matches selector, or null if no matches are found.
composeHocs<R>(Iterable<R Function(R)> functions) → R Function(R)
Returns a single HOC instance from multiple of the same instance.
createContext<TValue>([TValue? defaultValue, int calculateChangedBits(TValue?, TValue?)?]) Context<TValue?>
Creates a Context object.
createContextInit<TValue>(TValue defaultValue, [int calculateChangedBits(TValue, TValue)?]) Context<TValue>
Creates a Context object.
createPortal(dynamic children, Element container) → ReactPortal
Returns a portal that renders children into a container.
createRef<T>() Ref<T?>
Creates a Ref object that can be attached to a ReactElement via the ref prop.
createSyntheticAnimationEvent({SyntheticAnimationEvent? baseEvent, bool? bubbles, bool? cancelable, Object? currentTarget, bool? defaultPrevented, void preventDefault()?, void stopPropagation()?, num? eventPhase, bool? isTrusted, Object? nativeEvent, Object? target, num? timeStamp, String? type, String? animationName, num? elapsedTime, String? pseudoElement}) SyntheticAnimationEvent
Returns a newly constructed SyntheticAnimationEvent instance.
createSyntheticClipboardEvent({SyntheticClipboardEvent? baseEvent, bool? bubbles, bool? cancelable, Object? currentTarget, bool? defaultPrevented, void preventDefault()?, void stopPropagation()?, num? eventPhase, bool? isTrusted, Object? nativeEvent, Object? target, num? timeStamp, String? type, Object? clipboardData}) SyntheticClipboardEvent
Returns a newly constructed SyntheticClipboardEvent instance.
createSyntheticCompositionEvent({SyntheticCompositionEvent? baseEvent, bool? bubbles, bool? cancelable, Object? currentTarget, bool? defaultPrevented, void preventDefault()?, void stopPropagation()?, num? eventPhase, bool? isTrusted, Object? nativeEvent, Object? target, num? timeStamp, String? type, String? data}) → SyntheticCompositionEvent
Returns a newly constructed SyntheticCompositionEvent instance.
createSyntheticEvent({SyntheticEvent? baseEvent, bool? bubbles, bool? cancelable, Object? currentTarget, bool? defaultPrevented, void preventDefault()?, void stopPropagation()?, num? eventPhase, bool? isTrusted, Object? nativeEvent, Object? target, num? timeStamp, String? type}) SyntheticEvent
Returns a newly constructed SyntheticEvent instance.
createSyntheticFocusEvent({SyntheticFocusEvent? baseEvent, bool? bubbles, bool? cancelable, Object? currentTarget, bool? defaultPrevented, void preventDefault()?, void stopPropagation()?, num? eventPhase, bool? isTrusted, Object? nativeEvent, Object? target, num? timeStamp, String? type, Object? relatedTarget}) SyntheticFocusEvent
Returns a newly constructed SyntheticFocusEvent instance.
createSyntheticFormEvent({SyntheticFormEvent? baseEvent, bool? bubbles, bool? cancelable, Object? currentTarget, bool? defaultPrevented, void preventDefault()?, void stopPropagation()?, num? eventPhase, bool? isTrusted, Object? nativeEvent, Object? target, num? timeStamp, String? type}) SyntheticFormEvent
Returns a newly constructed SyntheticFormEvent instance.
createSyntheticKeyboardEvent({SyntheticKeyboardEvent? baseEvent, bool? bubbles, bool? cancelable, Object? currentTarget, bool? defaultPrevented, void preventDefault()?, void stopPropagation()?, num? eventPhase, bool? isTrusted, Object? nativeEvent, Object? target, num? timeStamp, String? type, bool? altKey, String? char, bool? ctrlKey, String? locale, num? location, String? key, bool? metaKey, bool? repeat, bool? shiftKey, num? keyCode, num? charCode}) SyntheticKeyboardEvent
Returns a newly constructed SyntheticKeyboardEvent instance.
createSyntheticMouseEvent({SyntheticMouseEvent? baseEvent, bool? bubbles, bool? cancelable, Object? currentTarget, bool? defaultPrevented, void preventDefault()?, void stopPropagation()?, num? eventPhase, bool? isTrusted, Object? nativeEvent, Object? target, num? timeStamp, String? type, bool? altKey, num? button, num? buttons, num? clientX, num? clientY, bool? ctrlKey, Object? dataTransfer, bool? metaKey, num? pageX, num? pageY, Object? relatedTarget, num? screenX, num? screenY, bool? shiftKey}) SyntheticMouseEvent
Returns a newly constructed SyntheticMouseEvent instance.
createSyntheticPointerEvent({SyntheticPointerEvent? baseEvent, bool? bubbles, bool? cancelable, Object? currentTarget, bool? defaultPrevented, void preventDefault()?, void stopPropagation()?, num? eventPhase, bool? isTrusted, Object? nativeEvent, Object? target, num? timeStamp, String? type, num? pointerId, num? width, num? height, num? pressure, num? tangentialPressure, num? tiltX, num? tiltY, num? twist, String? pointerType, bool? isPrimary}) → SyntheticPointerEvent
Returns a newly constructed SyntheticPointerEvent instance.
createSyntheticTouchEvent({SyntheticTouchEvent? baseEvent, bool? bubbles, bool? cancelable, Object? currentTarget, bool? defaultPrevented, void preventDefault()?, void stopPropagation()?, num? eventPhase, bool? isTrusted, Object? nativeEvent, Object? target, num? timeStamp, String? type, bool? altKey, Object? changedTouches, bool? ctrlKey, bool? metaKey, bool? shiftKey, Object? targetTouches, Object? touches}) SyntheticTouchEvent
Returns a newly constructed SyntheticTouchEvent instance.
createSyntheticTransitionEvent({SyntheticTransitionEvent? baseEvent, bool? bubbles, bool? cancelable, Object? currentTarget, bool? defaultPrevented, void preventDefault()?, void stopPropagation()?, num? eventPhase, bool? isTrusted, Object? nativeEvent, Object? target, num? timeStamp, String? type, String? propertyName, num? elapsedTime, String? pseudoElement}) SyntheticTransitionEvent
Returns a newly constructed SyntheticTransitionEvent instance.
createSyntheticUIEvent({SyntheticUIEvent? baseEvent, bool? bubbles, bool? cancelable, Object? currentTarget, bool? defaultPrevented, void preventDefault()?, void stopPropagation()?, num? eventPhase, bool? isTrusted, Object? nativeEvent, Object? target, num? timeStamp, String? type, num? detail, Object? view}) SyntheticUIEvent
Returns a newly constructed SyntheticUIEvent instance.
createSyntheticWheelEvent({SyntheticWheelEvent? baseEvent, bool? bubbles, bool? cancelable, Object? currentTarget, bool? defaultPrevented, void preventDefault()?, void stopPropagation()?, num? eventPhase, bool? isTrusted, Object? nativeEvent, Object? target, num? timeStamp, String? type, num? deltaX, num? deltaMode, num? deltaY, num? deltaZ}) SyntheticWheelEvent
Returns a newly constructed SyntheticWheelEvent instance.
destroyRemChangeSensor() Future<Null>
A utility that destroys the _changeSensor added to the DOM by initRemChangeSensor.
disableTestMode() → void
Disables test mode.
domProps([Map? backingMap]) DomProps
Returns a new DomProps, optionally backed by a specified Map.
enableTestMode() → void
Enables test mode.
fakeSyntheticFormEvent(Element element, String type) SyntheticFormEvent
If the consumer specifies a callback like onChange on one of our custom form components that are not actually form elements - we still need a valid SyntheticFormEvent to pass as the expected parameter to that callback.
findDomNode(dynamic instance) Element?
Returns the DOM node associated with a mounted React component instance, which can be a ReactComponent/Element or react.Component2.
forwardUnconsumedProps(Map props, {bool omitReactProps = true, bool onlyCopyDomProps = false, Iterable? keysToOmit, Iterable<Iterable>? keySetsToOmit, required Map propsToUpdate}) → void
Adds unconsumed props to a passed in Map reference (propsToUpdate).
forwardUnconsumedPropsV2(Map props, {bool omitReactProps = true, bool onlyCopyDomProps = false, Iterable? keysToOmit, Iterable<Iterable>? keySetsToOmit, required Map propsToUpdate}) → void
Adds unconsumed props to a passed in Map reference (propsToUpdate).
generateGuid([int length = 4]) String
Returns a random GUID with the given length consisting of numbers and uppercase/lowercase letters.
getActiveElement() Element?
Returns the currently focused element (Document.activeElement), or null if nothing is focused (e.g. Document.activeElement is BodyElement).
getBackingMap(Map map) Map
Returns the underlying map object of either UiProps or UiState.
getDartComponent<T extends Component>(dynamic instance) → T?
Returns the native Dart component associated with a mounted component instance.
getInstanceKey(ReactElement instance) → dynamic
Returns the ReactElement.key associated with the specified instance.
getInstanceRef(ReactElement instance) → dynamic
Returns the ReactElement.ref associated with the specified instance.
getPropKey<T extends Map>(void accessProp(T keySpy), T factory(Map props)) String
Returns the string key of the factory prop accessed in accessProp.
getProps(dynamic instance, {bool traverseWrappers = false}) Map
Returns an unmodifiable Map view of props for a ReactElement or composite ReactComponent instance.
getPropsToForward(Map props, {bool omitReactProps = true, bool onlyCopyDomProps = false, Iterable? keysToOmit, Iterable<Iterable>? keySetsToOmit}) Map
Returns a copy of the specified props map, omitting reserved React props by default, in addition to any specified keysToOmit or keySetsToOmit.
getSelectionStart(Element? input) int?
Returns the index of the first selected character in input.
initRemChangeSensor() Future<Null>
isComponentOfType(ReactElement? instance, dynamic typeAlias, {bool traverseWrappers = true, bool matchParentTypes = true}) bool
Returns whether instance is of the type associated with typeAlias, which can be a component's:
isDartComponent(Object? instance) bool
Returns whether an instance is a native Dart component (a react-dart ReactElement or ReactComponent).
isDomElement(dynamic instance) bool
Returns whether instance is a ReactElement for a DOM node.
isOrContains(Element? root, Element? other) bool
Returns whether root is the same as or contains the other node.
isValidElement(dynamic object) bool
Dart wrapper for React.isValidElement.
isValidElementOfType(dynamic instance, dynamic typeAlias) bool
Returns whether instance is a valid ReactElement of the type associated with typeAlias, which can be a component's:
memo<TProps extends UiProps>(UiFactory<TProps> factory, {bool areEqual(TProps prevProps, TProps nextProps)?, String? displayName}) UiFactory<TProps>
A higher order component for function components that behaves similar to the way React.PureComponent does for class-based components.
newStyleFromProps(Map? props) Map<String, dynamic>
Returns a copy of the DomPropsMixin.style map found in props.
preparePropsChangeset(ReactElement element, Map? newProps, [Iterable? newChildren]) → dynamic
Returns a new JS map with the specified props and children changes, properly prepared for consumption by React JS methods such as cloneElement, setProps, and other methods that accept changesets of props to be merged into existing props.
prettyPrintMap(Map map) String
Returns a pretty-printed version of map, with namespaced keys grouped together.
propsOrStateMapsEqual(Map a, Map b) bool
Returns whether maps a and b have identical sets of values for the same keys.
recomputeRootFontSize() → void
Forces re-computation of the font size of the HtmlDocument.
registerAbstractComponent(Type abstractComponentClass, {ReactDartComponentFactoryProxy<Component>? parentType}) → ReactDartComponentFactoryProxy<Component>
Helper function that wraps registerComponent, and allows an easier way to register abstract components with the main purpose of type-checking against the abstract component.
registerAbstractComponent2(Type abstractComponentClass, {ReactDartComponentFactoryProxy2<Component2>? parentType}) → ReactDartComponentFactoryProxy2<Component2>
Helper function that wraps registerComponent2, and allows an easier way to register abstract components with the main purpose of type-checking against the abstract component.
registerComponent(Component dartComponentFactory(), {bool isWrapper = false, ReactDartComponentFactoryProxy<Component>? parentType, UiFactory<UiProps>? builderFactory, Type? componentClass}) → ReactDartComponentFactoryProxy<Component>
Helper function that wraps react.registerComponent, and allows attachment of additional component factory metadata.
registerComponent2(Component2 dartComponentFactory(), {bool isWrapper = false, ReactDartComponentFactoryProxy<Component>? parentType, UiFactory<UiProps>? builderFactory, Type? componentClass, Iterable<String> skipMethods = const ['getDerivedStateFromError', 'componentDidCatch']}) → ReactDartComponentFactoryProxy2<Component2>
Helper function that wraps react.registerComponent2, and allows attachment of additional component factory metadata.
setClientConfiguration() → void
Method used to initialize the React environment.
setSelectionRange(Element? input, int start, int end, [String? direction]) → void
Custom implementation to prevent the error that TextInputElementBase.setSelectionRange throws when called on an EmailInputElement or NumberInputElement since ONLY Chrome does not support it.
splitSpaceDelimitedString(String string) List<String>
Returns a List of space-delimited tokens efficiently split from the specified string.
supportsSelectionRange(InputElement element) bool
Returns whether the provided element supports setSelectionRange.
toPx(dynamic value, {bool treatNumAsPx = false, bool passThroughUnsupportedUnits = false}) CssValue?
Converts a rem value to its pixel (px) equivalent using the current font size found on the HtmlDocument.
toRem(dynamic value, {bool treatNumAsRem = false, bool passThroughUnsupportedUnits = false}) CssValue?
Converts a pixel (px) value to its rem equivalent using the current font size found on the HtmlDocument.
typedDefaultPropsFor<T extends UiProps>(UiFactory<T> factory) → T
Returns a typed view into the unmodifiable default props map for the component associated with factory.
uiForwardRef<TProps extends UiProps>(dynamic functionComponent(TProps props, dynamic ref), dynamic _config) UiFactory<TProps>
Creates a function component capable of forwarding its ref to a component it renders.
uiFunction<TProps extends UiProps>(dynamic functionComponent(TProps props), dynamic _config) UiFactory<TProps>
Declares a function component and returns a factory that can be used to render it.
unindent(String multilineString) String
Allows the use of ''' string blocks, without having to unindent them when used within something like markdown's markdownToHtml function.
useCallback<T extends Function>(T callback, List dependencies) → T
Returns a memoized version of callback that only changes if one of the dependencies has changed.
useContext<T>(Context<T> context) → T
Returns the value of the nearest Context.Provider for the provided context object every time that context is updated.
useDebugValue<T>(T value, [dynamic format(T)?]) → dynamic
Displays value as a label for a custom hook in React DevTools.
useEffect(dynamic sideEffect(), [List<Object?>? dependencies]) → void
Runs sideEffect after every completed render of a uiFunction component.
useImperativeHandle(dynamic ref, dynamic createHandle(), [List? dependencies]) → void
Customizes the ref value that is exposed to parent components when using uiForwardRef by setting Ref.current to the return value of createHandle.
useLayoutEffect(dynamic sideEffect(), [List<Object?>? dependencies]) → void
Runs sideEffect synchronously after a dart function component renders, but before the screen is updated.
useMemo<T>(T createFunction(), [List? dependencies]) → T
Returns a memoized version of the return value of createFunction.
useReducer<TState, TAction, TInit>(TState reducer(TState state, TAction action), TState initialState) ReducerHook<TState, TAction, TInit>
Initializes state of a uiFunction component to initialState and creates ReducerHook.dispatch method.
useReducerLazy<TState, TAction, TInit>(TState reducer(TState state, TAction action), TInit initialArg, TState init(TInit)) ReducerHook<TState, TAction, TInit>
Initializes state of a uiFunction component to init(initialArg) and creates ReducerHook.dispatch method.
useRef<T>([T? initialValue]) Ref<T?>
Returns an empty mutable Ref object.
useRefInit<T>(T initialValue) Ref<T>
Returns a mutable Ref object with Ref.current property initialized to initialValue.
useState<T>(T initialValue) StateHook<T>
Adds local state to a uiFunction component by returning a StateHook with StateHook.value initialized to initialValue.
useStateLazy<T>(T init()) StateHook<T>
Adds local state to a uiFunction component by returning a StateHook with StateHook.value initialized to the return value of init.
wrapNativeKeyboardEvent(KeyboardEvent nativeEvent) SyntheticKeyboardEvent
Helper util that wraps a native KeyboardEvent in a SyntheticKeyboardEvent.
wrapNativeMouseEvent(MouseEvent nativeEvent) SyntheticMouseEvent
Helper util that wraps a native MouseEvent in a SyntheticMouseEvent.


AnimationEventCallback = dynamic Function(SyntheticAnimationEvent event)
BoolCallback = dynamic Function(bool value)
A generic callback that takes a single bool value.
BuilderOnlyUiFactory<TProps extends UiProps> = TProps Function()
A utility variation on UiFactory, without a backingProps parameter.
Callback = dynamic Function()
A generic callback that takes no arguments.
Callback0Arg = dynamic Function()
Callback1Arg<T1> = dynamic Function(T1 arg1)
Callback2Arg<T1, T2> = dynamic Function(T1 arg1, T2 arg2)
Callback3Arg<T1, T2, T3> = dynamic Function(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3)
Callback4Arg<T1, T2, T3, T4> = dynamic Function(T1 arg1, T2 arg2, T3 arg3, T4 arg4)
CallbackRef = dynamic Function(dynamic ref)
A function that, when supplied as ReactPropsMixin.ref, is called with the component instance as soon as it is mounted.
ClipboardEventCallback = dynamic Function(SyntheticClipboardEvent event)
CustomRenderFunction<T extends UiProps, S extends UiState, C extends UiComponent<UiProps>> = ReactElement? Function(T props, S state, C component)
A custom rendering prop typedef that allows a custom rendering function to be provided with the current props and state of the component.
DomEventCallback = dynamic Function(SyntheticEvent event)
DomPropsFactory = DomProps Function()
ElementCallback = Element Function()
Callback for DOM elements
FocusEventCallback = dynamic Function(SyntheticFocusEvent event)
FormEventCallback = dynamic Function(SyntheticFormEvent event)
KeyboardEventCallback = dynamic Function(SyntheticKeyboardEvent event)
MouseEventCallback = dynamic Function(SyntheticMouseEvent event)
PointerEventCallback = dynamic Function(SyntheticPointerEvent event)
PropsModifier = dynamic Function(Map props)
Enforces that a function take a single parameter of type Map.
ResizeSensorHandler = void Function(ResizeSensorEvent event)
Callback for ResizeSensorEvents
TouchEventCallback = dynamic Function(SyntheticTouchEvent event)
TransitionEventCallback = dynamic Function(SyntheticTransitionEvent event)
UIEventCallback = dynamic Function(SyntheticUIEvent event)
UiFactory<TProps extends UiProps> = TProps Function([Map? backingProps])
A function that returns a new TProps instance, optionally backed by the specified backingProps.
ValidationUtilWarningCallback = void Function(String message)
WheelEventCallback = dynamic Function(SyntheticWheelEvent event)

Exceptions / Errors

Thrown when a class is directly instantiated when it should not be.
Errors thrown due to a value within UiComponent2.props being set incorrectly.
Thrown when stubbed code (usually annotated with ToBeGenerated) that expects to be overridden by generated code is called unexpectedly.