keyForProp method

String keyForProp(
  1. void accessProp(
    1. TProps props

Returns the string key of the factory prop accessed in accessProp, including the namespace if one exists.

Intended for use within propTypes.


mixin MyProps on UiProps {
  bool? somePropKey;

  @Accessor(keyNamespace: '')
  String? id;

class MyComponent extends UiComponent2<MyProps> {
  void someInstanceMethod() {
    print(keyForProp((p) => p.somePropKey)); // Prints "MyProps.somePropKey"
    print(keyForProp((p) =>; // Prints "id"


String keyForProp(void Function(TProps props) accessProp) => prop_key_util.getPropKey(accessProp, typedPropsFactory);