omniversify_core library


Ensures the use of Colors without context
Navigation bar in case the app is in mobile mode
Additional options for the NavBar and the NavRail
Navigation rail in case the app is in tablet or desktop mode
A standalone page that is an error page. add it to your routing system are shown in the example to handle your rounting errors
Initial binding of the homecontroller
A getx controller to control the switching between pages and languages and themes
The Main widget that is used at the start of the any app
The unified navigation system
The unified settings page, use it in routing, contains a language switch (will be replaced by a list of language except french), licenses page, privacy page, and terms & conditions page, tat you can add in the rounting page
The wrapper around every page in the omniversify_core package, by filling its pre-requisits you ensure to have a page that follow the design pattern with little to no errors
Hardcoded translations of some words that can be used and have been used in the Omniversify apps, feel free to submit other words for arabic translation, or if you can help adding another language by translating the english words there, that would be great.
Ensures the use of TextStyles without context


errorSnack(dynamic e) → GetSnackBar
A custom snackbar widget for error
gamerTheme() ThemeData
The unified theme for the omniversify apps, more themes are coming soon
getBorderIcon(Set<MaterialState> states) BorderSide
getColor(Set<MaterialState> states) Color
Material state widgets color function for the DarkBlue theme
getOverlayColor(Set<MaterialState> states) Color
Material state widgets overlay color function for the DarkBlue theme
getOverlayIcon(Set<MaterialState> states) IconThemeData
Material state icon overlay color function for the DarkBlue theme
getOverlayTextStyle(Set<MaterialState> states) TextStyle
Material state text overlay color function for the DarkBlue theme
omniverseMain() → dynamic
This is the main app and the first thing you call to ensure theme and language persistence
soonSnack() → GetSnackBar
A custom snackbar widget for features that haven't been implemented yet
successSnack(dynamic e) → GetSnackBar
A custom snackbar widget for success