observable library


ChangeNotifier<C extends ChangeRecord>
Supplies changes and various hooks to implement Observable.
Result of a change to an observed object.
ChangeRecords<RecordType extends ChangeRecord>
Represents a list of change records.
Generic comparisons between two comparable objects.
Uses Equality to determine a simple ChangeRecord.ANY response.
A ChangeRecord that denotes adding or removing nodes at index.
Determines differences between two lists, returning ListChangeRecords.
MapChangeRecord<K, V>
A ChangeRecord that denotes adding, removing, or updating a map.
MapDiffer<K, V>
Determines differences between two maps, returning MapChangeRecords.
Observable<C extends ChangeRecord>
Represents an object with observable state or properties.
Represents an observable list of model values. If any items are added, removed, or replaced, then observers that are listening to changes will be notified.
ObservableMap<K, V>
Represents an observable map of model values. If any items are added, removed, or replaced, then observers that are listening to changes will be notified.
Supplies property changes and various hooks to implement Observable.
A change record to a field of a generic observable object.


toObservable(dynamic value, {bool deep = true}) → dynamic
Converts the Iterable or Map to an ObservableList or ObservableMap, respectively. This is a convenience function to make it easier to convert literals into the corresponding observable collection type.
toObservableList<T>(Iterable<T> value, {bool deep = true}) ObservableList<T>
Converts the Iterable to an ObservableList.
toObservableMap<K, V>(Map<K, V> value, {bool deep = true}) ObservableMap<K, V>
Converts the Map to an ObservableMap.