shortestPathAll method

Iterable<Path<V, num>> shortestPathAll(
  1. V source,
  2. Predicate1<V> targetPredicate, {
  3. num edgeCost(
    1. V source,
    2. V target
  4. num costEstimate(
    1. V target
  5. StorageStrategy<V>? vertexStrategy,

Performs a search for the shortest paths between source and the targetPredicate predicate.

  • edgeCost is a function that returns the cost to traverse an edge between two vertices. If no function is provided, the numeric edge value or a constant weight of 1 is used.

  • costEstimate is a function that returns the remaining cost from the provided vertex. If an estimate is provided a faster A*-Search is performed, otherwise a Dijkstra Search.


Iterable<Path<V, num>> shortestPathAll(
  V source,
  Predicate1<V> targetPredicate, {
  num Function(V source, V target)? edgeCost,
  num Function(V target)? costEstimate,
  StorageStrategy<V>? vertexStrategy,
}) =>
    costEstimate == null
        ? DijkstraSearchIterable<V>(
            startVertices: [source],
            targetPredicate: targetPredicate,
            successorsOf: successorsOf,
            edgeCost: edgeCost ?? _getDefaultEdgeValueOr(1),
            vertexStrategy: vertexStrategy ?? this.vertexStrategy,
        : AStarSearchIterable<V>(
            startVertices: [source],
            targetPredicate: targetPredicate,
            successorsOf: successorsOf,
            costEstimate: costEstimate,
            edgeCost: edgeCost ?? _getDefaultEdgeValueOr(1),
            vertexStrategy: vertexStrategy ?? this.vertexStrategy,