divideTiles static method

Iterable<Widget> divideTiles({
  1. BuildContext? context,
  2. required Iterable<Widget> tiles,
  3. Color? color,

Add a one pixel border in between each tile. If color isn't specified the ThemeData.dividerColor of the context's Theme is used.

See also:

  • VerticalDivider, which you can use to obtain this effect manually. todo material make it equal to ListTile.divideTiles


static Iterable<Widget> divideTiles(
    {BuildContext? context,
    required Iterable<Widget> tiles,
    Color? color}) sync* {
  assert(color != null || context != null);

  final Iterator<Widget> iterator = tiles.iterator;
  final bool hasNext = iterator.moveNext();
  if (!hasNext) return;

  final Decoration decoration = BoxDecoration(
    border: Border(
      right: Divider.createBorderSide(context, color: color),

  Widget tile = iterator.current;
  while (iterator.moveNext()) {
    yield DecoratedBox(
      position: DecorationPosition.foreground,
      decoration: decoration,
      child: tile,
    tile = iterator.current;
  if (hasNext) yield tile;