serialize method

  1. @override
Object? serialize(
  1. DartType targetType,
  2. String expression,
  3. TypeHelperContext context

Returns Dart code that serializes an expression representing a Dart object of type targetType.

If targetType is not supported, returns null.

Let's say you want to serialize a class Foo as just its id property of type int.

Treating expression as a opaque Dart expression, the serialize implementation could be a simple as:

String serialize(DartType targetType, String expression) =>


Object? serialize(
  DartType targetType,
  String expression,
  TypeHelperContext context,
) {
  final converter = _typeConverter(targetType, context);

  if (converter == null) {
    return null;

  return LambdaResult(expression, '${converter.accessString}.toJson');