Config class

Configuration for jnigen binding generation.


Config({required OutputConfig outputConfig, required List<String> classes, Set<Experiment?>? experiments, BindingExclusions? exclude, List<Uri>? sourcePath, List<Uri>? classPath, String? preamble, Map<String, String>? customClassBody, AndroidSdkConfig? androidSdkConfig, MavenDownloads? mavenDownloads, SummarizerOptions? summarizerOptions, Level logLevel = Level.INFO, String? dumpJsonTo, List<Uri>? imports})


androidSdkConfig AndroidSdkConfig?
Configuration to search for Android SDK libraries (Experimental).
classes List<String>
List of classes or packages for which bindings have to be generated.
getter/setter pair
classPath List<Uri>?
class path for scanning java libraries. If backend is asm, the specified classpath is used to search for classes, otherwise it's merely used by the doclet API to find transitively referenced classes, but not the specified classes / packages themselves.
getter/setter pair
configRoot Uri?
Directory containing the YAML configuration file, if any.
no setter
customClassBody Map<String, String>?
Custom code that is added to the end of the class body with the specified binary name.
dumpJsonTo String?
File to which JSON summary is written before binding generation.
exclude BindingExclusions?
Methods and fields to be excluded from generated bindings.
experiments Set<Experiment?>?
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
importedClasses Map<String, ClassDecl>
Call importClasses before using this.
imports List<Uri>?
List of dependencies.
logLevel ↔ Level
Log verbosity. The possible values in decreasing order of verbosity are verbose > debug > info > warning > error. Defaults to
getter/setter pair
mavenDownloads MavenDownloads?
Configuration for auto-downloading JAR / source packages using maven, along with their transitive dependencies.
outputConfig OutputConfig
Output configuration for generated bindings
getter/setter pair
preamble String?
Common text to be pasted on top of generated C and Dart files.
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
sourcePath List<Uri>?
Paths to search for java source files.
getter/setter pair
summarizerOptions SummarizerOptions?
Additional options for the summarizer component.
getter/setter pair


importClasses() Future<void>
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

parseArgs(List<String> args) Config