DartDevcFrontendServerClient class

Wraps a FrontendServerClient with opinionated web specific functionality, and provides some typical defaults.

Loads into memory the CompileResults from each compile call, and provides access to the up to date sources and source maps.

Also has the ability to create a bootstrap file for the current entrypoint.

Implemented types


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


accept() → void
Should be invoked when results of compilation are accepted by the client.
assetBytes(String path) Uint8List?
Returns the current bytes for the asset at path.
bootstrapJs() String
The contents of a JS file capable of bootstrapping the current app.
compile([List<Uri>? invalidatedUris]) Future<CompileResult?>
Compiles _entrypoint, using an incremental recompile if possible.
compileExpression({required String expression, required List<String> definitions, required bool isStatic, required String klass, required String libraryUri, required List<String> typeDefinitions}) Future<CompileResult>
TODO: Document
compileExpressionToJs({required String expression, required int column, required Map<String, String> jsFrameValues, required Map<String, String> jsModules, required String libraryUri, required int line, required String moduleName}) Future<CompileResult>
TODO: Document
kill({ProcessSignal processSignal = ProcessSignal.sigterm}) bool
Kills the server forcefully by calling kill on the process, and returns the result.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
reject() Future<void>
Should be invoked when results of compilation are rejected by the client.
reset() → void
Should be invoked when frontend server compiler should forget what was accepted previously so that next call to compile produces complete kernel file.
shutdown() Future<int>
Stop the service gracefully (using the shutdown command)
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.

Static Methods

start(String entrypoint, String outputDillPath, {String dartdevcModuleFormat = 'amd', bool debug = false, bool enableHttpUris = false, List<String> fileSystemRoots = const [], String fileSystemScheme = 'org-dartlang-root', String? frontendServerPath, String packagesJson = '.dart_tool/package_config.json', String? platformKernel, String? sdkRoot, bool verbose = false, bool printIncrementalDependencies = true}) Future<DartDevcFrontendServerClient>
Starts the frontend server.