flutter_request_bloc library


BaseRepository<S extends BaseService, T>
Agent that handles the structure process of raw data, coming from a Service agent.
This class serves as a base for building API clients.
RequestBuilder<C extends RequestCubit<BaseRepository<BaseService, dynamic>, dynamic>, T>
This widget makes contruction UI using Request object pretty easily. It has a RequestWidgetBuilder parameter for each RequestState value, so that the interface can adapt to the current status of the request.
RequestCubit<R extends BaseRepository<BaseService, dynamic>, T>
Cubit that simplyfies state and repository management. It uses RequestState as the main state, with the specific type T. The repository R is also used to download the data. Events are emited from the loadData method, to signify the change of state within the network request process.
RequestPersistantCubit<R extends BaseRepository<BaseService, dynamic>, T>
Cubit that extends on RequestCubit by adding the ability to store its internal state using HydratedBloc. Serialization is handled automatically by the state and the cubit state.
Class that handles state, value and possible errors generated during a network data transmission.


Variable that represents the current state of the response operation.


RequestWidgetBuilderError<T> = Widget Function(BuildContext context, RequestState<T> state, String? errorMessage)
RequestWidgetBuilderInit<T> = Widget Function(BuildContext context, RequestState<T> state)
RequestWidgetBuilderLoaded<T> = Widget Function(BuildContext context, RequestState<T> state, T? value)