flutter_adaptive_scaffold library


Layout an app that adapts to different screens using predefined slots.
Implements the basic visual layout structure for Material Design 3 that adapts to a variety of screens.
An interface to define the conditions that distinguish between types of screens.
A group of standard breakpoints built according to the material specifications for screen width size.
A Widget that takes a mapping of SlotLayoutConfigs to Breakpoints and adds the appropriate Widget based on the current screen size.
Defines how SlotLayout should display under a certain Breakpoint.
A class that can be used to quickly generate Breakpoints that depend on the screen width and the platform.


kMaterialCompactMinMargin → const double
Margin value of the compact breakpoint layout according to the material design 3 spec.
kMaterialExpandedMinMargin → const double
/ Margin value of the expanded breakpoint layout according to the material design 3 spec.
kMaterialGutterValue → const double
Gutter value between different parts of the body slot depending on material 3 design spec.
kMaterialMediumMinMargin → const double
Margin value of the medium breakpoint layout according to the material design 3 spec.