tintedDisabledControls property

bool tintedDisabledControls

Use color tint on disabled controls.

Set to true to make disabled controls use a slight color tint of their own main enabled color on their disabled state. Enabling this feature makes the theme even more color expressive than Material-3 is by default.

This setting impacts disabled state of all UI widgets that can be disabled and can be themed to have a different disable color than the widget default disabled color. Some widgets even have two different tinted colors for their disabled state. Starting from FlexColorScheme version 7 a consistent tinted style is used an all widgets when opting in on this feature.

The feature is implemented by always in all sub-themes' MaterialState disabled states using the FlexSubThemes.tintedDisable function. Sometimes with a different alpha value than the default one, to deliver the two tones of tinted disabled colors.

This feature also set ThemeData.disabledColor in same style, however this color is used by very few widgets in Material 3 mode starting in Flutter 3.7. The ThemeData.disabledColor might eventually be added back to the deprecation roadmap, see Material ThemeData issue, but probably not very soon. Regardless, this feature in FlexColorScheme is well prepared for any such deprecation.

Implementing this theming feature manually on all widgets, is tedious and requires a large number of theming definitions on every used control.

Set to false to opt-out and use Flutter's default grey disabled controls.

Defaults to true.


final bool tintedDisabledControls;