snackBarBackgroundSchemeColor property

SchemeColor? snackBarBackgroundSchemeColor

Defines which Theme based ColorScheme based color the SnackBars use as their base color. Typically one of inverse brightness compared to theme's surface color brightness.

If not defined, defaults to the opinionated color FlexColorScheme (FCS) choices below.

  • Default in light theme mode:

    • FCS: onSurface with primary blend at 45% opacity, with total opacity 95%
    • Flutter SDK M2 uses: colorScheme.onSurface with opacity 80%, alpha blended on top of colorScheme.surface.
    • Flutter SDK M3 uses: colorScheme.inverseSurface.
  • In dark theme mode:

    • FCS: onSurface with primary blend at 39% opacity, with total opacity 93%
    • Flutter SDK M2 uses: colorScheme.onSurface
    • Flutter SDK M2 uses: colorScheme.inverseSurface

In M3 design the default is ColorScheme.inverseSurface, which you can assign by selecting that as its property here too.


final SchemeColor? snackBarBackgroundSchemeColor;