inputDecoratorUnfocusedBorderIsColored property

bool inputDecoratorUnfocusedBorderIsColored

Determines if the InputDecorator unfocused state has a colored border.

Defaults to true.

Applies to both outline and underline mode. Does not have any effect if inputDecoratorUnfocusedHasBorder is false.

The default design in FlexColorScheme when this is true, creates unfocused border that use inputDecoratorSchemeColor as it s color with alpha set to kEnabledBorderAlpha (90%) using the thinBorderWidth as its width.

When false the border/underline will revert back to using Flutter M2 defaults when unselected, which is ColorScheme.onSurface with 38% opacity.

The unfocused border color selection also applies to it hovered state.


final bool inputDecoratorUnfocusedBorderIsColored;