flex_color_scheme library

A library to help you make beautiful color scheme based themes for Flutter.


Functions for blending in HCT and CAM16.
An intermediate concept between the key color for a UI theme, and a full color scheme. 5 tonal palettes are generated, all except one use the same hue as the key color, and all vary in chroma.
Defines colors, names and color schemes used to make maps and a list of predefined FlexSchemeData objects that can be used by FlexColorScheme.
Make beautiful Flutter themes using pre-designed color schemes or custom colors. Get the resulting ThemeData with the toTheme method.
An intermediate concept between the key color for a UI theme, and a full color scheme. Five tonal palettes are generated, plus a default error palette if not provided.
Immutable data class that configures if and how FlexColorScheme uses key colors to populate the Material 3 ColorScheme it creates and uses to generate its ThemeData object.
Immutable color data class for the main scheme colors used in a FlexColorScheme based color scheme and theming engine.
Immutable data class that holds name and description string scheme descriptions, light and dark, FlexSchemeColor definitions.
Immutable data class used to create "on" colors for displaying text and icons on surface, background, error colors and the primary, secondary and tertiary colors.
Immutable data class used to make the six different surface colors in a FlexColorScheme.
Contains static sub-theme helpers used by opt-in widget sub theming in FlexColorScheme.
Parameters used by FlexColorScheme to configure its used FlexSubThemes.
Stateless widget that draws a box with the 4 colors, primary, primary variant secondary and secondary variant in the properties of passed in flexSchemeColor.
A 3-way Light, Dark and System theme-mode switch widget.
A convenience class for retrieving colors that are constant in hue and chroma, but vary in tone.
Configuration data class that defines which tone to use from each FlexTonalPalette when assigning used color to each ColorScheme color.
HCT, hue, chroma, and tone. A color system that provides a perceptually accurate color measurement system that can also accurately render what colors will appear as in different lighting environments.
A convenience class for retrieving colors that are constant in hue and chroma, but vary in tone.
In traditional color spaces, a color can be identified solely by the observer's measurement of the color. Color appearance models such as CAM16 also use information about the environment where the color was observed, known as the viewing conditions.


Enum to select the used AppBarTheme style in FlexColorScheme based themes when using its light and dark factories.
Enum used to select the type of border used on by the input decorator in FlexSubThemes.inputDecorationTheme.
Enum used to select tones included in produced FlexTonalPalette.
Enum that can be used to lookup predefined FlexSchemeData scheme definition objects.
Enum for using predefined surface blend modes for surface and background colors in FlexColorScheme based themes.
Enum used to define the SystemUiOverlayStyle for the system navigation bar.
Enum to select TabBarTheme preference in FlexColorScheme based themes.
Enum used to define the order, from left to right, of the theme mode selection buttons on the FlexThemeModeSwitch.
Enum used to described which color from the active theme's 30 ColorScheme colors, should be used for by color properties available in component sub-themes.


FlexColorExtensions on Color
Extensions on Color to brighten, lighten, darken and blend colors and can get a shade for gradients.
FlexStringExtensions on String
Extensions on String.
FlexThemeData on ThemeData
A convenience extension on ThemeData to define a FlexColorScheme object and return the ThemeData object defined by its instance, using its FlexColorScheme.toTheme method in one go.
SeedColorScheme on ColorScheme
Extension on ColorScheme to provide a more flexible alternative to Flutter's Material 3 ColorScheme.fromSeed.