flame_tailored_isolate library


BackpressureStrategy<Q, R>
Class to implement to support a backpressure strategy. This is used to make sure job queues are handled properly.
CombineBackPressureStrategy<Q, R>
An implementation of BackpressureStrategy that allows for manual merge of input data for calls to the isolate function.
DiscardNewBackPressureStrategy<Q, R>
An implementation of BackpressureStrategy that has a job queue with size one, and as long as the queue is populated all new jobs will be dropped.
Interface for exposing the compute function for a StatefulIsolate.
NoBackPressureStrategy<Q, R>
An implementation of BackpressureStrategy that uses a FIFO stack for handling backpressure.
ReplaceBackpressureStrategy<Q, R>
An implementation of BackpressureStrategy that has a job queue with size one, and discards the queue upon adding a new job.
A class that makes running code in an isolate almost as easy as running Flutter's compute function.
TailoredIsolateGetter<Q, R>
Interface for exposing the compute function for a TailoredStatefulIsolate.
TailoredStatefulIsolate<Q, R>
A class that makes running code in an isolate almost as easy as running Flutter's compute function.


FlameTailoredIsolate<Q, R>
Mixin on Component that holds an instance of a long running tailored isolate using the library integral_isolates.


IsolateCallback<Q, R> = FutureOr<R> Function(Q message)
Signature for the callback passed to StatefulIsolate.compute.
IsolateComputeImpl = Future<R> Function<Q, R>(IsolateCallback<Q, R> callback, Q message, {String? debugLabel})
Data type of the implementation of the computation function.
IsolateStream<Q, R> = Stream<R> Function(Q message)
Signature for the callback passed to StatefulIsolate.computeStream.
IsolateStreamComputeImpl = Future<R> Function<Q, R>(IsolateStream<Q, R> callback, Q message, {String? debugLabel})
Data type of the implementation of the stream function.
TailoredIsolateComputeImpl<Q, R> = Future<R> Function(IsolateCallback<Q, R> callback, Q message, {String? debugLabel})
Data type of the implementation of the computation function.

Exceptions / Errors

Exception that is thrown when a job is dropped due to backpressure.
Base exception that is thrown when job is dropped.
Exception that is thrown if init has not been called before starting to use isolate.
Exception that is thrown when a job is dropped due to isolate being closed.
Exception that preferably should never occur, but that will be thrown when the isolate call was dropped in unexpected cases.