fireauth library


A response from calling checkActionCode.
Interface that defines the required continue/state URL with optional Android and iOS bundle identifiers.
A structure containing additional user information from a federated identity provider.
The auth credential returned from calling AppleAuthProvider.credential.
This class should be used to either create a new Apple credential with an access code, or use the provider to trigger user authentication flows.
This class contains static methods that help you access the Authentication methods effectively
Interface that represents the credentials returned by an auth provider. Implementations specify the details about each auth provider's credential requirements.
ChangeNotifierProvider<T extends ChangeNotifier?>
Listens to a ChangeNotifier, expose it to its descendants and rebuilds dependents whenever ChangeNotifier.notifyListeners is called.
ChangeNotifierProxyProvider<T, R extends ChangeNotifier?>
A ChangeNotifierProvider that builds and synchronizes a ChangeNotifier with external values.
ChangeNotifierProxyProvider0<R extends ChangeNotifier?>
A ChangeNotifierProvider that builds and synchronizes a ChangeNotifier with external values.
ChangeNotifierProxyProvider2<T, T2, R extends ChangeNotifier?>
A ChangeNotifierProvider that builds and synchronizes a ChangeNotifier with external values.
ChangeNotifierProxyProvider3<T, T2, T3, R extends ChangeNotifier?>
A ChangeNotifierProvider that builds and synchronizes a ChangeNotifier with external values.
ChangeNotifierProxyProvider4<T, T2, T3, T4, R extends ChangeNotifier?>
A ChangeNotifierProvider that builds and synchronizes a ChangeNotifier with external values.
ChangeNotifierProxyProvider5<T, T2, T3, T4, T5, R extends ChangeNotifier?>
A ChangeNotifierProvider that builds and synchronizes a ChangeNotifier with external values.
ChangeNotifierProxyProvider6<T, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, R extends ChangeNotifier?>
A ChangeNotifierProvider that builds and synchronizes a ChangeNotifier with external values.
A result from a phone number sign-in, link, or reauthenticate call.
Obtains Provider<T> from its ancestors and passes its value to builder.
Consumer2<A, B>
Obtains Provider<T> from its ancestors and passes its value to builder.
Consumer3<A, B, C>
Obtains Provider<T> from its ancestors and passes its value to builder.
Consumer4<A, B, C, D>
Obtains Provider<T> from its ancestors and passes its value to builder.
Consumer5<A, B, C, D, E>
Obtains Provider<T> from its ancestors and passes its value to builder.
Consumer6<A, B, C, D, E, F>
Obtains Provider<T> from its ancestors and passes its value to builder.
DeferredInheritedProvider<T, R>
An InheritedProvider where the object listened is not the object emitted.
The auth credential returned from calling EmailAuthProvider.credential.
A EmailAuthCredential can be created by calling EmailAuthProvider.credential with an email and password.
The auth credential returned from calling FacebookAuthProvider.credential.
This class should be used to either create a new Facebook credential with an access code, or use the provider to trigger user authentication flows.
This ChangeNotifier exposes the entire Authentication System
The entry point for accessing Firebase.
Represents a single Firebase app instance.
The entry point of the Firebase Authentication SDK.
The options used to configure a Firebase app.
Listens to a Future and exposes its result to child and its descendants.
The auth credential returned from calling GithubAuthProvider.credential.
This class should be used to either create a new GitHub credential with an access code, or use the provider to trigger user authentication flows.
The auth credential returned from calling GoogleAuthProvider.credential.
This class should be used to either create a new Google credential with an access code, or use the provider to trigger user authentication flows.
This class iis basically a HotRestartBypassMechanism. the firebaseSDK went through a bunch of updates from the firebase team which fixed a few production bugs, in that process a dev bug was discovered that basically doesn't allow StreamBuilder to work properly with Flutter Web on Hot Restart hence, I had to come up with a custom solution to fix it.
Interface representing ID token result obtained from getIdTokenResult. It contains the ID token JWT string and other helper properties for getting different data associated with the token as well as all the decoded payload claims.
A BuildContext associated to an InheritedProvider.
A generic implementation of an InheritedWidget.
ListenableProvider<T extends Listenable?>
Listens to a Listenable, expose it to its descendants and rebuilds dependents whenever the listener emits an event.
ListenableProxyProvider<T, R extends Listenable?>
A variation of ListenableProvider that builds its value from values obtained from other providers.
ListenableProxyProvider0<R extends Listenable?>
A variation of ListenableProvider that builds its value from values obtained from other providers.
ListenableProxyProvider2<T, T2, R extends Listenable?>
A variation of ListenableProvider that builds its value from values obtained from other providers.
ListenableProxyProvider3<T, T2, T3, R extends Listenable?>
A variation of ListenableProvider that builds its value from values obtained from other providers.
ListenableProxyProvider4<T, T2, T3, T4, R extends Listenable?>
A variation of ListenableProvider that builds its value from values obtained from other providers.
ListenableProxyProvider5<T, T2, T3, T4, T5, R extends Listenable?>
A variation of ListenableProvider that builds its value from values obtained from other providers.
ListenableProxyProvider6<T, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, R extends Listenable?>
A variation of ListenableProvider that builds its value from values obtained from other providers.
The auth credential returned from calling MicrosoftAuthProvider.credential.
This class should be used to either create a new Microsoft credential with an access code, or use the provider to trigger user authentication flows.
Defines multi-factor related properties and operations pertaining to a User. This class acts as the main entry point for enrolling or un-enrolling second factors for a user, and provides access to their currently enrolled factors.
Represents an assertion that the Firebase Authentication server can use to authenticate a user as part of a multi-factor flow.
Represents a single second factor means for the user.
Utility class that contains methods to resolve second factor requirements on users that have opted into two-factor authentication.
Identifies the current session to enroll a second factor or to complete sign in when previously enrolled.
A provider that merges multiple providers into a single linear widget tree. It is used to improve readability and reduce boilerplate code of having to nest multiple layers of providers.
A generic OAuth credential.
A generic provider instance.
The auth credential returned from calling PhoneAuthProvider.credential.
This class should be used to either create a new Phone credential with an verification ID and SMS code.
Provider for generating a PhoneMultiFactorAssertion.
Represents the information for a phone second factor.
A Provider that manages the lifecycle of the value it provides by delegating to a pair of Create and Dispose.
ProxyProvider<T, R>
A provider that builds a value based on other providers.
A provider that builds a value based on other providers.
ProxyProvider2<T, T2, R>
A provider that builds a value based on other providers.
ProxyProvider3<T, T2, T3, R>
A provider that builds a value based on other providers.
ProxyProvider4<T, T2, T3, T4, R>
A provider that builds a value based on other providers.
ProxyProvider5<T, T2, T3, T4, T5, R>
A provider that builds a value based on other providers.
ProxyProvider6<T, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, R>
A provider that builds a value based on other providers.
If you need your provider to be notified when 'Hot Reload' occurs, use this class
An reCAPTCHA-based application verifier.
Security Assertion Markup Language based provider.
Selector<A, S>
An equivalent to Consumer that can filter updates by selecting a limited amount of values and prevent rebuild if they don't change.
A base class for custom Selector.
Selector2<A, B, S>
An equivalent to Consumer that can filter updates by selecting a limited amount of values and prevent rebuild if they don't change.
Selector3<A, B, C, S>
An equivalent to Consumer that can filter updates by selecting a limited amount of values and prevent rebuild if they don't change.
Selector4<A, B, C, D, S>
An equivalent to Consumer that can filter updates by selecting a limited amount of values and prevent rebuild if they don't change.
Selector5<A, B, C, D, E, S>
An equivalent to Consumer that can filter updates by selecting a limited amount of values and prevent rebuild if they don't change.
Selector6<A, B, C, D, E, F, S>
An equivalent to Consumer that can filter updates by selecting a limited amount of values and prevent rebuild if they don't change.
Listens to a Stream and exposes its content to child and descendants.
The auth credential returned from calling TwitterAuthProvider.credential.
This class should be used to either create a new Twitter credential with an access code, or use the provider to trigger user authentication flows.
A user account.
A UserCredential is returned from authentication requests such as createUserWithEmailAndPassword.
User profile information, visible only to the Firebase project's apps.
Interface representing a user's metadata.
Listens to a ValueListenable and exposes its current value.
The auth credential returned from calling YahooAuthProvider.credential.
This class should be used to either create a new Yahoo credential with an access code, or use the provider to trigger user authentication flows.


The type of operation that generated the action code from calling checkActionCode.
An enumeration of the possible persistence mechanism types.
A enum to represent a reCAPTCHA widget size.
A enum to represent a reCAPTCHA widget theme.


ReadContext on BuildContext
Exposes the read method.
SelectContext on BuildContext
Adds a select method on BuildContext.
WatchContext on BuildContext
Exposes the watch method.


defaultFirebaseAppName → const String
The default Firebase application name.


initializeFirebase() → dynamic
Initializes Firebase for Mobile Devices


Create<T> = T Function(BuildContext context)
A function that creates an object of type T.
DeferredStartListening<T, R> = VoidCallback Function(InheritedContext<R?> context, void setState(R value), T controller, R? value)
A callback used to handle the subscription of controller.
Dispose<T> = void Function(BuildContext context, T value)
A function that disposes an object of type T.
ErrorBuilder<T> = T Function(BuildContext context, Object? error)
A callback used to build a valid value from an error.
Locator = T Function<T>()
A generic function that can be called to read providers, without having a reference on BuildContext.
PhoneCodeAutoRetrievalTimeout = void Function(String verificationId)
Typedef for handling automatic phone number timeout resolution.
PhoneCodeSent = void Function(String verificationId, int? forceResendingToken)
Typedef for handling when Firebase sends a SMS code to the provided phone number.
PhoneVerificationCompleted = void Function(PhoneAuthCredential phoneAuthCredential)
Typedef for a automatic phone number resolution.
PhoneVerificationFailed = void Function(FirebaseAuthException error)
Typedef for handling errors via phone number verification.
ProviderBuilder<R> = Widget Function(BuildContext context, R value, Widget child)
ProxyProviderBuilder<T, R> = R Function(BuildContext context, T value, R? previous)
ProxyProviderBuilder2<T, T2, R> = R Function(BuildContext context, T value, T2 value2, R? previous)
ProxyProviderBuilder3<T, T2, T3, R> = R Function(BuildContext context, T value, T2 value2, T3 value3, R? previous)
ProxyProviderBuilder4<T, T2, T3, T4, R> = R Function(BuildContext context, T value, T2 value2, T3 value3, T4 value4, R? previous)
ProxyProviderBuilder5<T, T2, T3, T4, T5, R> = R Function(BuildContext context, T value, T2 value2, T3 value3, T4 value4, T5 value5, R? previous)
ProxyProviderBuilder6<T, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, R> = R Function(BuildContext context, T value, T2 value2, T3 value3, T4 value4, T5 value5, T6 value6, R? previous)
RecaptchaVerifierOnError = void Function(FirebaseAuthException exception)
Called when the reCAPTCHA widget errors (such as a network error).
RecaptchaVerifierOnExpired = void Function()
Called when the time to complete the reCAPTCHA widget expires.
RecaptchaVerifierOnSuccess = void Function()
Called on successful completion of the reCAPTCHA widget.
ShouldRebuild<T> = bool Function(T previous, T next)
Used by providers to determine whether dependents needs to be updated when the value exposed changes
StartListening<T> = VoidCallback Function(InheritedContext<T?> element, T value)
A callback used to start the listening of an object and return a function that cancels the subscription.
UpdateShouldNotify<T> = bool Function(T previous, T current)
A function that returns true when the update from previous to current should notify listeners, if any.

Exceptions / Errors

Generic exception related to Firebase Authentication. Check the error code and message for more details.
MultiFactor exception related to Firebase Authentication. Check the error code and message for more details.
A generic class which provides exceptions in a Firebase-friendly format to users.
The error that will be thrown if Provider.of fails to find a Provider as an ancestor of the BuildContext used.
Called Provider.of<T> instead of Provider.of<T?> but the provider returned null.