dockerize_sidekick_plugin library


Standard ANSI escape code for customizing terminal text output.
The type of code represented by AnsiCode.
Exit code constants.
A basic Logger which wraps stdio and applies various styles.
A theme object which contains styles for all log message types.
A class that can be used to display progress information to the user.
An object which contains configuration for the animation of a Progress instance.
An object containing configuration for a Progress instance.


Indicates the desired logging level.


backgroundBlack → const AnsiCode
Background black
backgroundBlue → const AnsiCode
Background blue
backgroundColors → const List<AnsiCode>
All of the AnsiCode values that represent AnsiCodeType.background.
backgroundCyan → const AnsiCode
Background cyan
backgroundDarkGray → const AnsiCode
Background dark gray
backgroundDefault → const AnsiCode
Background default
backgroundGreen → const AnsiCode
Background green
backgroundLightBlue → const AnsiCode
Background light blue
backgroundLightCyan → const AnsiCode
Background light cyan
backgroundLightGray → const AnsiCode
Background light gray
backgroundLightGreen → const AnsiCode
Background light green
backgroundLightMagenta → const AnsiCode
Background light magenta
backgroundLightRed → const AnsiCode
Background light red
backgroundLightYellow → const AnsiCode
Background light yellow
backgroundMagenta → const AnsiCode
Background magenta
backgroundRed → const AnsiCode
Background red
backgroundWhite → const AnsiCode
Background white
backgroundYellow → const AnsiCode
Background yellow
black → const AnsiCode
Foreground black
blue → const AnsiCode
Foreground blue
cyan → const AnsiCode
Foreground cyan
darkGray → const AnsiCode
Foreground dark gray
defaultForeground → const AnsiCode
Foreground default
foregroundColors → const List<AnsiCode>
All of the AnsiCode values that represent AnsiCodeType.foreground.
green → const AnsiCode
Foreground green
lightBlue → const AnsiCode
Foreground blue
lightCyan → const AnsiCode
Foreground cyan
lightGray → const AnsiCode
Foreground light gray
lightGreen → const AnsiCode
Foreground light green
lightMagenta → const AnsiCode
Foreground magenta
lightRed → const AnsiCode
Foreground light red
lightYellow → const AnsiCode
Foreground yellow
magenta → const AnsiCode
Foreground magenta
red → const AnsiCode
Foreground red
resetAll → const AnsiCode
Reset values
Reset Blink
resetBold → const AnsiCode
Reset Bold NOTE: bold is weird. The reset code seems to be 22 sometimes – not 21 See
resetDim → const AnsiCode
Reset Dim
resetItalic → const AnsiCode
Reset Italic
resetReverse → const AnsiCode
Reset Reverse
resetUnderlined → const AnsiCode
Reset Underlined
sha256 → const Hash
An implementation of the SHA-256 hash function.
sha384 → const Hash
An implementation of the SHA-384 hash function.
sha512 → const Hash
An implementation of the SHA-512 hash function.
styleBold → const AnsiCode
styleDim → const AnsiCode
styleItalic → const AnsiCode
styleReverse → const AnsiCode
styles → const List<AnsiCode>
All of the AnsiCode values that represent
styleUnderlined → const AnsiCode
white → const AnsiCode
Foreground white
yellow → const AnsiCode
Foreground yellow


ansiOutputEnabled bool
Whether formatted ANSI output is enabled for AnsiCode.wrap.
no setter


checkDockerInstall(Logger logger) → void
Checks if docker is installed Exit the process if docker is not installed
createDockerImage({String? mainProjectName, required String entryPointPath, required String workingDirectoryPath, required Logger logger, required EnvironmentBase environment, bool buildFlutter = true, List<String> buildArgs = const []}) Future<void>
Creates a docker image
hashScripts({required Hash hashType, required Logger logger, required File htmlFile}) List<String>
isDockerRunning(Logger logger) bool
Returns true if docker is running
isPortValid(String port, Logger logger) bool
Wraps uri with an escape sequence so it's recognized as a hyperlink. An optional message can be used in place of the uri. If no message is provided, the text content will be the full uri.
moveToServerDirectory() → void
overrideAnsiOutput<T>(bool enableAnsiOutput, T body()) → T
Allows overriding ansiOutputEnabled to enableAnsiOutput for the code run within body.
printUsage(String cliName) String
Prints the Usage of the dockerize Sidekick Plugin
runImage({required DartPackage? mainProject, required bool withoutHotReload, required EnvironmentBase environment, String? port, List<String> buildArgs = const []}) Future<void>
Starting the docker image
stopImage({bool silent = false, required String mainProjectName, required Directory workingDirectory, required Logger logger}) Future<void>
Stoping the currently running docker image
writeToVersionFile({Map<String, dynamic>? entries, required File versionFile}) → void


DirectoryWatcherBuilder = DirectoryWatcher Function(String directory)
LogStyle = String? Function(String? message)
Type definition for a function which accepts a log message and returns a styled version of that message.

Exceptions / Errors
