BrnDialogConfig class

描述: Dialog 弹框主配置类



BrnDialogConfig({double? dialogWidth, double? radius, EdgeInsets? iconPadding, EdgeInsets? titlePaddingSm, EdgeInsets? titlePaddingLg, BrnTextStyle? titleTextStyle, TextAlign? titleTextAlign, EdgeInsets? contentPaddingSm, EdgeInsets? contentPaddingLg, BrnTextStyle? contentTextStyle, TextAlign? contentTextAlign, EdgeInsets? warningPaddingSm, EdgeInsets? warningPaddingLg, BrnTextStyle? warningTextStyle, TextAlign? warningTextAlign, EdgeInsets? dividerPadding, BrnTextStyle? mainActionTextStyle, BrnTextStyle? assistActionsTextStyle, Color? mainActionBackgroundColor, Color? assistActionsBackgroundColor, double? bottomHeight, Color? backgroundColor, String configId = GLOBAL_CONFIG_ID})


assistActionsBackgroundColor Color
no setter
assistActionsTextStyle BrnTextStyle
no setter
backgroundColor Color
no setter
bottomHeight double
no setter
commonConfig BrnCommonConfig
no setterinherited
configId String
no setterinherited
contentPaddingLg EdgeInsets
no setter
contentPaddingSm EdgeInsets
no setter
contentTextAlign TextAlign
no setter
contentTextStyle BrnTextStyle
no setter
dialogWidth double
no setter
dividerPadding EdgeInsets
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
iconPadding EdgeInsets
no setter
mainActionBackgroundColor Color
no setter
mainActionTextStyle BrnTextStyle
no setter
radius double
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
titlePaddingLg EdgeInsets
no setter
titlePaddingSm EdgeInsets
no setter
titleTextAlign TextAlign
no setter
titleTextStyle BrnTextStyle
no setter
warningPaddingLg EdgeInsets
no setter
warningPaddingSm EdgeInsets
no setter
warningTextAlign TextAlign
no setter
warningTextStyle BrnTextStyle
no setter


copyWith({double? dialogWidth, double? radius, EdgeInsets? iconPadding, EdgeInsets? titlePaddingSm, EdgeInsets? titlePaddingLg, BrnTextStyle? titleTextStyle, TextAlign? titleTextAlign, EdgeInsets? contentPaddingSm, EdgeInsets? contentPaddingLg, BrnTextStyle? contentTextStyle, TextAlign? contentTextAlign, EdgeInsets? warningPaddingSm, EdgeInsets? warningPaddingLg, BrnTextStyle? warningTextStyle, TextAlign? warningTextAlign, EdgeInsets? dividerPadding, BrnTextStyle? mainActionTextStyle, BrnTextStyle? assistActionsTextStyle, Color? mainActionBackgroundColor, Color? assistActionsBackgroundColor, double? bottomHeight, Color? backgroundColor}) BrnDialogConfig
initThemeConfig(String configId, {BrnCommonConfig? currentLevelCommonConfig}) → void
按优先级,打平 【Bruno 内置配置】 < 【用户全局的默认配置】 < 【用户特殊配置】 < 【临时组件配置】
initThemeConfigPersonal() → void
当自定义组件的配置时调用 根据自定义时传入的 configId 对配置字段打平
merge(BrnDialogConfig? other) BrnDialogConfig
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.