widgets/ar_view library


Android-specific implementation of PlatformARView Uses Hybrid Composition to increase peformance on Android 9 and below (https://flutter.cn/docs/development/platform-integration/platform-views)
If camera permission is granted, ARView creates a platform-dependent view from the factory method PlatformARView. To instantiate an ARView, the calling widget needs to pass the callback function onARViewCreated to which the function createManagers returns managers such as the ARSessionManager and the ARObjectManager. planeDetectionConfig is passed to the constructor to determine which types of planes the underlying AR frameworks should track (defaults to none). If camera permission is not given, the user is prompted to grant it. To modify the UI of the prompts, the following named parameters can be used: permissionPromptDescription, permissionPromptButtonText and permissionPromptParentalRestriction.
iOS-specific implementation of PlatformARView
Factory method for creating a platform-dependent AR view


createManagers(int id, BuildContext? context, ARViewCreatedCallback? arViewCreatedCallback, PlaneDetectionConfig? planeDetectionConfig) → dynamic
Instantiates ARSessionManager, ARObjectManager and returns them to the widget instantiating the ARView using the arViewCreatedCallback


ARViewCreatedCallback = void Function(ARSessionManager arSessionManager, ARObjectManager arObjectManager, ARAnchorManager arAnchorManager, ARLocationManager arLocationManager)