amplify_authenticator library

A prebuilt sign in/sign up experience for Amplify Auth.

See Authenticator for an overview on getting started.


A widget for wrapping portions of the application (typically routes) that are intended to be protected by authentication.
Amplify Authenticator
Base class for Authenticator forms and ancestor of all Authenticator form fields.
State of the Amplify Authenticator.
AuthProvider Auth
The class that is accepted by the Authenticator to override strings
BackToSignInButton Prebuilt Widgets
A prebuilt button for navigating back to the Sign In step.
The resolver class for shared button Widgets
ConfirmResetPasswordButton Prebuilt Widgets
A prebuilt button for completing the reset password flow.
ConfirmResetPasswordForm Prebuilt Widgets
A prebuilt form for completing the reset password flow.
ConfirmSignInCustomAuthForm Prebuilt Widgets
A prebuilt form for completing the sign in process with a Custom Auth Flow.
ConfirmSignInCustomButton Prebuilt Widgets
A prebuilt button for completing Sign In with a custom challenge.
ConfirmSignInFormField<FieldValue extends Object> Prebuilt Widgets
A prebuilt form field widget for use on the Confirm Sign In step.
ConfirmSignInMFAButton Prebuilt Widgets
A prebuilt button for completing Sign In with and MFA code.
ConfirmSignInMFAForm Prebuilt Widgets
A prebuilt form for completing the sign in process with an MFA code, from either SMS or TOTP.
ConfirmSignInNewPasswordButton Prebuilt Widgets
A prebuilt button for completing the force reset password flow.
ConfirmSignInNewPasswordForm Prebuilt Widgets
A prebuilt form for completing the force new password flow.
ConfirmSignUpButton Prebuilt Widgets
A prebuilt button for completing the sign up flow with a confirmation code.
ConfirmSignUpForm Prebuilt Widgets
A prebuilt form for completing the sign up flow with a confirmation code.
ConfirmSignUpFormField<FieldValue extends Object> Prebuilt Widgets
A prebuild form field widget for use on the Reset Password Step.
ConfirmVerifyUserButton Prebuilt Widgets
A prebuilt button for skipping the verify user flow.
ConfirmVerifyUserForm Prebuilt Widgets
A prebuilt form for completing the account recovery attribute verification process.
ContinueSignInWithMfaSelectionForm Prebuilt Widgets
A prebuilt form for selecting MFA preference.
ContinueSignInWithTotpSetupForm Prebuilt Widgets
A prebuilt form for completing the totp setup process.
The options for displaying dial codes in popup modals.
ForgotPasswordButton Prebuilt Widgets
A prebuilt button for changing the current step to AuthenticatorStep.resetPassword.
The resolver class for input widgets.
LostCodeButton Prebuilt Widgets
A prebuilt button for resending a confirmation code during the sign up process.
The resolver class for messages
ResetPasswordButton Prebuilt Widgets
A prebuilt button for initiating the reset password flow.
ResetPasswordForm Prebuilt Widgets
A prebuilt form for initiating the reset password flow.
ResetPasswordFormField Prebuilt Widgets
A prebuild form field widget for use on the Reset Password Step.
SignInButton Prebuilt Widgets
A prebuilt button for signing in a user.
SignInForm Prebuilt Widgets
A prebuilt form for signing in a user.
SignInFormField<FieldValue extends Object> Prebuilt Widgets
A prebuilt form field widget for the Sign In step.
SignOutButton Prebuilt Widgets
A prebuilt button for Signing Out.
SignUpButton Prebuilt Widgets
A prebuilt button for registering a new user.
SignUpForm Prebuilt Widgets
A prebuilt form for registering a new user.
SignUpFormField<FieldValue extends Object> Prebuilt Widgets
A prebuilt form field widget for use on the Sign Up step.
SkipVerifyUserButton Prebuilt Widgets
A prebuilt button for skipping the verify user flow.
The resolver class for step titles
Options for configuring the TOTP MFA Experience
TotpSetupFormField<FieldValue extends Object> Prebuilt Widgets
Prebuilt form field widgets for setting up TOTP.
A value emitted from username form fields when a user has updated their input.
VerifyUserButton Prebuilt Widgets
A prebuilt button for initiating the account recovery attribute verification process.
VerifyUserForm Prebuilt Widgets
A prebuilt form for initiating the account recovery attribute verification process.
VerifyUserFormField<FieldValue extends Object> Prebuilt Widgets
A prebuilt Radio widget for use on the Verify User step.


The current step of the authentication flow.
A list of ISO 3166-1 dial codes.
The location on the screen to show error banners.
The username type to use during sign up and sign in for configurations that allow email OR phone number.
The type of username input field presented to the user.


BlocEventPredicate = bool Function(AuthState state)
ExceptionHandler = void Function(AuthenticatorException)
A user-specified exception handler for errors originating within the Authenticator.

Exceptions / Errors

An exception originating within the Authenticator as part of the sign up/ sign in flow.