Results158 packages
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A Flutter plugin to play multiple audio files simultaneously
A feature-rich audio player for Flutter. Loop, clip and concatenate any sound from any source (asset/file/URL/stream) in a variety of audio formats with gapless playback.#audio#sound#player#background
A fast, extra light and synchronous key-value storage written entirely in Dart
Europe Stand With Ukraine. Pray for Ukraine. A complete api for audio playback and recording. Audio player, audio recorder.
Flutter integration for Supabase. This package makes it simple for developers to build secure and scalable products.
LocalStorage for Flutter. Alternative to React Native's AsyncStorage.
Appwrite is an open-source self-hosted backend server that abstract and simplify complex and repetitive development tasks behind a very simple REST API
Wiredash is an interactive user feedback tool for Flutter apps including Promoter Score.#analytics#feedback#bug-reporting#nps
The Amplify Flutter Storage category plugin using the AWS S3 provider.
A JSON file-based storage package provides a persistent repository for simple NoSQL database.

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