Results44022 packages
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A reactive caching and data-binding framework. Riverpod makes working with asynchronous code a breeze.
A Dart library for accessing common Win32 APIs using FFI. No C required! #win32#windows#ffi
A parser for YAML, a human-friendly data serialization standard#yaml#config-format
Utilities for working with English words. Counts syllables, generates well-sounding word combinations, and provides access to the top 5000 English words by usage.
An extension to the bloc state management library which automatically persists and restores bloc states.#bloc#cache#state-management
A simple Event Bus using Dart Streams for decoupling applications
Lock mechanism to prevent concurrent access to asynchronous code.
Audio recorder from microphone to file or stream with multiple codecs, bit rate and sampling rate options.
A unified form representation in Dart which aims to simplify form representation and validation in a generic way.
A Flutter package providing a Avatar Glow Widget with cool background glowing animation#glow-effect#custom-widget#ripple-effect#sound-wave#avatar

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