wiredash 0.4.0 copy "wiredash: ^0.4.0" to clipboard
wiredash: ^0.4.0 copied to clipboard


Wiredash is an interactive user feedback tool for Flutter apps.

Wiredash Logo

Wiredash SDK for Flutter #

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Wiredash is probably the easiest, and most convenient way to capture in-app user feedback, wishes, ratings and much more. The SDK is completely written in Dart and runs on Android, iOS, Desktop and the Web. For more info, head over to wiredash.io.

Getting Started #

Visit docs.wiredash.io for the full documentation

Quick start guide #

1. Create a free account on wiredash.io #

Sign in with a valid Google or GitHub account.

2. Add wiredash to your pubspec.yaml. #

name: your_flutter_app
    sdk: flutter
  wiredash: ^0.4.0

3. Wrap your root widget with Wiredash #

Fill in the projectId and secret from Wiredash console > Project > Settings

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:wiredash/wiredash.dart';

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  // It's important that Wiredash and your root Material- / Cupertino- / WidgetsApp
  // share the same Navigator key.
  final _navigatorKey = GlobalKey<NavigatorState>();

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Wiredash(
      projectId: 'YOUR-PROJECT-ID',
      secret: 'YOUR-SECRET',
      navigatorKey: _navigatorKey,
      child: MaterialApp(
        navigatorKey: _navigatorKey,
        title: 'Flutter Demo',
        home: YourSuperDuperAwesomeApp(),

4. Launch the feedback flow #

From anywhere in your app

  // launch wiredash where appropriate in your App 
  onPressed: () => Wiredash.of(context).show(),
  child: Text('Give Feedback'),

bottom sheet

For more documentation, head over to docs.wiredash.io

Customization #

Setting user properties #

You can set user properties to be sent together with the feedback by calling:

  userEmail: '[email protected]',
  userId: 'custom-id',

Passing build information to Wiredash #

In runtime

You can receive information about build number and build version together with the user feedback. Set build properties before sending the feedback by calling:

  buildNumber: '42',
  buildVersion: '1.42',

You can also define them during compile-time instead.

Setting build properties during compile time

Available only when using Flutter 1.17 or newer

If you want to receive information about build number, build version or specific commit related to the feedback you can pass additional parameters to your flutter build or flutter run command.

To receive the build information along with your feedback you mast pass --dart-define flags to your flutter build command as follows:

flutter build --dart-define=BUILD_NUMBER=$BUILD_NUMBER --dart-define=BUILD_VERSION=$BUILD_VERSION --dart-define=BUILD_COMMIT=$FCI_COMMIT

Supported keys are:


In the example above $BUILD_NUMBER is an environment variable defined in CI. Of course you can also use any other value or variable like --dart-define=BUILD_NUMBER="1.0.42".

Most of the CI platforms define some common environment variables containing current build number and SHA of commit used to build the app. For instance, on Codemagic these are BUILD_NUMBER and FCI_COMMIT respectively.

Be aware that this feature was added in Flutter 1.17 and won't work in previous versions.

Android / iOS / MacOS specific setup #

Wiredash is by design written in Dart and relies on very few dependencies by the official Flutter team. However, when running on Android it needs the internet permission (for sending user feedback back to you). If you already use Flutter in production, chances are quite high that you already added the internet permission to the manifest - if not, add the following line to the AndroidManifest.xml in your Android project folder:

<manifest ...>
 <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
 <application ...

That's it!

On MacOS, you also need the internet permission, so don't forget to open Runner.xcodeproj located in the macos folder in the root directory of your app, then go in the "Signing & Capabilities" tab of your XCode project. There, be sure to check the box "Outgoing Connections (Client)".

Voilà !

Localization/internationalization support 🇬🇧🇵🇱🇩🇪 #

Wiredash supports several languages out of the box (see the list of supported translation files here). By default Wiredash will be shown in the device language provided it's supported by the package.

If you want to override the default locale just pass locale parameter as follows. If the locale is not supported then English will be used by default.

return Wiredash(
  options: WiredashOptionsData(
    /// You can set your own locale to override device default (`window.locale` by default)
    locale: const Locale.fromSubtags(languageCode: 'pl'),
    textDirection: TextDirection.ltr,

Providing custom terms #

You can also provide custom translations. You can choose if you want to provide all the possible terms or only selected (e.g. you want to get rid of the emojis in current locale).

For instance you can provide locale for unsupported language and use this locale by providing proper value to locale property. You can also override default text direction - this is recommended step if your app is using right-to-left language (TextDirection.rtl).

return Wiredash(
  options: WiredashOptionsData(
    customTranslations: {
      const Locale.fromSubtags(languageCode: 'zh'):
          const DemoCustomTranslations()
    locale: const Locale.fromSubtags(languageCode: 'zh'),
    textDirection: TextDirection.rtl,

If you want to add new locale the custom translation class should extend WiredashTranslations:

// WiredashTranslations is abstract
class DemoCustomTranslations extends WiredashTranslations {
  const DemoCustomTranslations() : super();

  String get feedbackStateIntroTitle => 'Good morning!';
  /// override all the terms

Or if you want to override only selected Polish terms you should extend built-in WiredashLocalizedTranslations:

import 'package:wiredash/src/common/translation/l10n/messages_pl.dart' as pl;

class DemoPolishTranslations extends pl.WiredashLocalizedTranslations {
  const DemoPolishTranslations() : super();

  String get feedbackStateIntroTitle => 'Dzień dobry!';

Then provide the instance of this class to WiredashOptionsData as in the snippet below:

return Wiredash(
  options: WiredashOptionsData(
    customTranslations: {
      const Locale.fromSubtags(languageCode: 'pl'):
          const DemoPolishTranslations(),
    locale: const Locale('pl'),

Contribute your translations 🎉 #

If you want to contribute your own translations you can join our public POEditor project here.

Translation contributors

Thank you so much to following people who helped translate Wiredash! 🙌

License #

The Wiredash SDK is released under the Attribution Assurance License. See LICENSE for details.

pub points


verified publisherwiredash.io

Wiredash is an interactive user feedback tool for Flutter apps.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)


file, flutter, http, http_parser, path_provider, shared_preferences


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