web3mq 0.2.0-dev.2 copy "web3mq: ^0.2.0-dev.2" to clipboard
web3mq: ^0.2.0-dev.2 copied to clipboard

Provides a modern way of implementing Web3MQ APIs. Web3MQ is the fastest and most scalable social Layer 1 & messaging network.

Quick Start #

What we can learn from this tutorial #

  • how to integrate the Web3MQ Flutter SDK into your own projects
  • how to initialize the Web3MQ client and configure it
  • how to join & create a group
  • how to send & receive messages specifically in a group


  • Dart SDK: “>=2.19.4 <4.0.0”
  • Flutter SDK: “>=3.7.0”
  • A Web3MQ API Key


Before all, you should have Flutter development environment, see more details on: https://docs.flutter.cn/get-started/install

While we are committed to building an open and collectively owned public good, our early stage testnet requires an API key in order to connect. This is to control capacity to make sure that each early partner and developer is able to build a great experience on top of Web3MQ. Apply here.


Add dependency #

Add this to your package’s pubspec.yaml file, use the latestversion

  web3mq: 0.2.0-dev.1

You should then run flutter packages get

Example Project #

There is a detailed Flutter example project in the example folder. You can directly run and play on it.

Setup API Client #

First you need to instantiate a chat client. The chat client will manage API call, event handling and manage the web socket connection to Web3mq servers. You should only create the client once and re-use it across your application. The simplest way to initialize the client is to pass your API key to the constructor. The API key should be applied from our team.

final client = Web3MQClient("api-key");

Endpoint #

You can customize the baseURL, which is set to TestnetEndpoint.sg1 by default, or use UtilsApi().findTheLowestLatencyEndpoint() to get the endpoint with the lowest latency and assign it to baseURL.

final endpoint = await UtilsApi().findTheLowestLatencyDevEndpoint();
final client = Web3MQClient("api-key", baseURL: endpoint);

During this initial testing phase, we’ve hosted complete networks of Web3MQ nodes in different regions around the globe. Connect to these endpoints below, to access the Web3MQ Testnet.

Wallet Connector #

Some methods that SDK provides require wallet signature, you should setup the WalletConnector before calling those methods.

client.walletConnector = yourWalletConnector;

Each project may have a different way to connect to a wallet. We provide a unified interface as the entry point for connecting and signing wallets. When the SDK needs wallet information or signatures, it will call the corresponding methods in WalletConnector. Because wallet communication supports the unified CAIP standard, whether through WalletConnectV2 or other wallet communication SDKs, it can be easily adapted to the WalletConnectorinterface.

abstract class WalletConnector {
  /// Gets the signature of `personal_sign`.
  Future<String> personalSign(String message, String address,
      {String? password});

  /// Connects wallet, and gets the user wallet info.
  Future<Wallet> connectWallet();

here’s a example code for implementing a WalletConnectV2 connector:

WalletConnectV2 Connector

Offline storage #

To add data persistence you can extend the class PersistenceClient and pass an instance to the ChatClient. Web3MQPersistenceClient is a default implementation.

client.persistenceClient = Web3MQPersistenceClient();

Create credentials #

For any first-time user of Web3MQ’s network, you’ll need to create credentials on Web3MQ’s network.

This method needs wallet signature, make sure you have setup WalletConnector already. credentials contains your PrivateKey and UserId.


DIDs have two parts: a type and a value. The type can be "eth" or "starknet", and the value is a wallet address.


// Keep your credentials in a safe place!
final credentials = await client.createCredentials(did, password);

Connect #

After you have created credentials, let’s continue to connect to Web3MQ’s network.

Session key #

The SessionKey is a temporary key that is used to connect to Web3MQ’s network.

To generate a session key with DID and PrivateKey:

final sessionKey = await client.generateSessionKey(credentials.did, credentials.privateKey, expiredDuration);

you could persist SessionKey for the connection next time.

Connect with a SessionKey #

Now you can connect to Web3MQ with the SessionKey.

await client.connectUser(sessionKey)

listen the connectionStatusStream to track connection status.

client.connectionStatusStream.listen((event) {
    // handle the event

Chat #

Let’s continue by sending your first message to another user and joining a chat group and sending messages.

Chat with another user #

It's very easy to send a message to another user, you just need to know their UserId.

final message = await client.sendText('hello, world!', userId);

// If you'd like to track the messag status updting,
client.messageStatusUpdingStream.listen((res) {
  // handle the status updting response
  if (res.messageId == message.messageId) {

Create a chat group #

A group contains messages and a list of members who are permanently associated with the group. More docs about group see Group.

One way to join a group is to create your own group.

final group = await client.createGroup('Group Name', 'avatar url',
      permissions: GroupPermission.public);

Group chat permission currently only has group:join rule, which indicates the permission to join a group. group:join rule has GroupPermission.public and GroupPermission.invite values, and its value type is ‘enum’

  • GroupPermission.public: Everyone can join without restrictions.
  • GroupPermission.invite: Only the group owner can invite friends to join.

Join a chat group #

If you prefer to join a existing group, you can use the joinGroup method with the group id:

await client.joinGroup(groupId);

Send a message to a group #

Now we have a group, let’s send a message to the group:

final message = await client.sendText('hello, world!', group.groupId);

Receive messages #

To receive new messages from the group or single chat, listen to the newMessageStream event:

client.newMessageStream.listen((message) {
 // filter the messages you need to handle.
  if (message.topic == group.groupId) {
    // handle the message in the group
 if (message.topic == userId) {
    // handle the message with the user

Query the message list #

If you want to view the historical messages:

final pagination = TimePagination(limit: 20, timestampBefore: DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch);
// group messages 
final messages = await client.queryMessagesByGroupId(group.groupId, pagination)
// single chat messages 
final messages = await client.queryMessagesByUserId(userId, pagination)

Code example #

// init a client
final client = Web3MQClient(apiKey, baseURL: TestnetEndpoint.us1);

// impl `WalletConnector` to interact with wallet.
final walletConnector = WalletConnectV2Connector();
// setup wallet connector 
client.walletConnector = walletConnector;

final wallet = await walletConnector.connectWallet();
final did = wallet.dids.firstOrNull;
if (did == null) {
 throw Exception('you should connect wallet first');
// creates credential by a password
final credential = await client.createCredentials(did, password);
// generates session key by privateKey
final sessionKey = await client.generateSessionKey(did, credential.privateKey, expiredDuration)
// connect 
await client.connectUser(sessionKey)
// listen connection status 
client.connectionStatusStream.listen((event) {
    // handle the status

//  creates a group 
final group = await client.createGroup('Group Name', 'avatar url',
      permissions: GroupPermission.public);
// sends a message to a group 
final message = await client.sendText('hello, world!', group.groupId);

// track the message sending status 
client.messageStatusUpdingStream.listen((status) {
  if (message.messageId == status.messageId) {
    if (status == 'received') {
      // Congrats! you did it!

client.state.channelsStream.listen((channelMap) {
    // handle the new channel list 
    final channels = channelMap.values.toList()

// receives new messages
client.newMessageStream.listen((message) {
  if (message.topic == group.groupId) {
    // handle the message in the group
// to query the historical messages
final pagination = TimePagination(limit: 20);
final messages = await client.queryMessagesByGroupId(group.groupId, pagination);

What’s next #

For detailed API documentation, please refer to other sections. Chat Client Docs

pub points


unverified uploader

Provides a modern way of implementing Web3MQ APIs. Web3MQ is the fastest and most scalable social Layer 1 & messaging network.

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unknown (LICENSE)


adaptive_number, collection, convert, cryptography, dio, drift, equatable, fixnum, flutter, graphql, http_parser, intl, json_annotation, logging, meta, mutex, path, path_provider, pointycastle, protobuf, rxdart, shared_preferences, url_launcher, uuid, web3mq_websocket, web_socket_channel


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