web3mq 0.1.3-dev.2 copy "web3mq: ^0.1.3-dev.2" to clipboard
web3mq: ^0.1.3-dev.2 copied to clipboard

Provides a modern way of implementing Web3MQ APIs. Web3MQ is the fastest and most scalable social Layer 1 & messaging network.

Quick Start #


  • Dart SDK: “>=2.18.5 <4.0.0”
  • A Web3MQ API Key

Add dependency #

Add this to your package's pubspec.yaml file, use the latestversion

  web3mq: 0.1.3-dev.1

You should then run flutter packages get

Example Project #

There is a detailed Flutter example project in the example folder. You can directly run and play on it.

Setup API Client #

First you need to instantiate a chat client. The chat client will manage API call, event handling and manage the web socket connection to Web3mq servers. You should only create the client once and re-use it across your application.

final client = Web3MQClient("api-key");

Logging #

By default, the chat client will write all messages with level Warn or Error to stdout.

Change Logging Level #

During development, you might want to enable more logging information, you can change the default log level when constructing the client.

final client = Web3MQClient("api-key", logLevel: Level.INFO);

Custom Logger #

You can handle the log messages directly instead of have them written to stdout, this is very convenient if you use an error tracking tool or if you want to centralize your logs into one facility.

myLogHandlerFunction = (LogRecord record) {
// do something with the record (ie. send it to Sentry or Fabric)

final client = Web3MQClient("api-key", logHandlerFunction: myLogHandlerFunction);

Wallet Connector #

Some methods that SDK provides require wallet signature, you should setup the WalletConnector before calling those methods.

client.walletConnector = walletConnector;
abstract class WalletConnector {
  /// Gets the signature of `personal_sign`.
  Future<String> personalSign(String message, String address,
      {String? password});

  /// Connects wallet, and gets the user wallet info.
  Future<Wallet> connectWallet();

abstract class Wallet {
  /// account_id support CAIP-10
  final List<String> accounts;

Offline storage #

To add data persistence you can extend the classPersistenceClientand pass an instance to theChatClient. Web3MQPersistenceClient is a default implementation.

client.persistenceClient = Web3MQPersistenceClient();

Register #

For any first-time user of Web3MQ's network, you'll need to register on Web3MQ's network.

This method needs wallet signature, make sure you have setup WalletConnector already. RegisterResponse contains your PrivateKey and UserId.

// Keep your private key in a safe place!
final registerResponse = await client.register(did, password);

Retrieve Private Key #

Whenever you want, you can retrieve your own PrivateKey through this method.

// Keep your private key in a safe place!
final privateKeyHex = await client.retrievePrivateKey(did, password);

Connect #

Get a User #

Get a user with DID and password, also with an duration for expired.

final user = await client.user(did, password, expiredDuration);

Or if you has the PrivateKey .

final user = await client.user(did, privateKeyHex, expiredDuration)

you could persist user for the connection next time.

Connect with a User #

Now you can connect to Web3MQ with the User which you may want to persist.

await client.connectUser(user)

listen the wsConnectionStatusStream to track connection status:

client.wsConnectionStatusStream.listen((event) { 
    // handle the event 

Notifications #

Subscribe #

Subscribe a topic with topicId, then you can receive notifications from that topic.


Receive #

You can use the following method to subscribe notifications from the web3mq server.

client.notificationStream.listen( (notifications) {
  // handle the notifications.

Read Status #

You may need other side to know if you have read the notification.


Query #

You can query all historical notifications by types and pagination.

Page<Notification> res = await client.queryNotifications(type, pagination);

Chat #

Channel List #

To keep track of the list of channels, listen to the channelsStream event:

client.state.channelsStream.listen((event) {
  // handle the channel list 

Sending message #

To send a text message, call the sendText method with the message text and the ID of the topic:

client.sendText('hello, world!', topicId)

Message sending status #

To receive updates on the message sending status, listen to the messageUpdated event:

client.on(EventType.messageUpdated).listen((event) {
  // handle the message status update 
  final status = event.messageStatusResponse;

Receiving new messages #

To receive new messages, listen to the newMessageStream event:

client.newMessageStream.listen((message) {
  // handle the message.   

Query the message list #

To query the message list, call the queryMessagesByTopic method with the ID of the topic and a pagination object:

client.queryMessagesByTopic('topicId', pagination)

Create Thread #

To create a thread, call the createThreadByMessage method with the ID of the original message, the ID of the topic, and the name of the thread:

client.createThreadByMessage(messageId, 'topicId', 'threadName')

Thread List #

To query the list of threads by given topic.

final list = await client.threadListByTopic('topicId')
pub points


unverified uploader

Provides a modern way of implementing Web3MQ APIs. Web3MQ is the fastest and most scalable social Layer 1 & messaging network.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)


adaptive_number, collection, convert, cryptography, dio, drift, equatable, fixnum, flutter, graphql, http_parser, intl, json_annotation, meta, mutex, path, path_provider, pointycastle, protobuf, rxdart, shared_preferences, url_launcher, uuid, web3mq_core, web3mq_websocket, web_socket_channel


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