theme_tailor 1.0.0 copy "theme_tailor: ^1.0.0" to clipboard
theme_tailor: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard

Theme Tailor. Utility for generating themes, Flutter's ThemeExtension classes and extensions on BuildContext and ThemeData to access themes

Welcome to Theme Tailor, theming utility for generating Flutter ThemeExtension classes and application themes.

Motivation #

Flutter 3.0 provides new way of theming applications via ThemeData's theme extensions. To declara ThemeExtension we have to:

  • define class that extends ThemeData,
  • define a constructor and fields,
  • implement copyWith,
  • implement lerp.

Implementing all of this thakes a lof of lines of code and might be error-prone.

In addition to generating themes we may want to declare utility extensions to access theme properties via extension on BuildContext or ThemeData. If we wish to access these properties directly (not via the theme class) it requires additional work.

Before After
before after

Index #

How to use #

Install #

ThemeTailor is a code generator and requires build_runner to run. Make sure to add these packages to the project dependencies:

flutter pub add --dev build_runner
flutter pub add --dev theme_tailor
flutter pub add theme_tailor_annotation

Add imports and part directive #

ThemeTailor is a generator for annotation, it will generate code in a part file that needs to be specified. Make sure to add following imports and part directive in the file where you use the annotation.

Make sure to speficy correct file name in a part directive. In an example below, replace 'this_is_a_name_of_your_file' with the name of the file.

import 'package:theme_tailor_annotation/theme_tailor_annotation.dart';

part 'this_is_a_name_of_your_file.tailor.dart'

Run the code generator #

To run the code generator, run following commands:

flutter run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs

Create Theme class #

ThemeTailor will generate ThemeExtension class based on the configuration class that you are required to annotate with theme_tailor_annotation. Following conditions must be met:

  • class name starts with "_$" or "$_". The former is recommended as it ensures that the configuration class is private. If class name does not contain required prefix, additional suffix to the class name may be added,
  • class contains static List<T> fields (e.g. "static List<Color> surface = []). If there are no fields in the config class, empty ThemeExtension class will be generated.


import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:theme_tailor_annotation/theme_tailor_annotation.dart';

part 'my_theme.tailor.dart';

class _$MyTheme {
  static List<Color> background = [Colors.white,];

The following code snippet defines theme extension class namesd MyTheme

  • MyTheme extnds ThemeExtension<MyTheme>
  • defined class is immutable with final fields
  • there is a one field of type Color named background
  • there are 2 static MyTheme fields: light and dark. These are default theme names supplied by theme_tailor_annotation
  • copy method is created (override of ThemeExtension) with nullable argument of type Color and name background
  • lerp method is created (override of ThemeExtension) with default lerping method for type Color

Additionally theme_tailor_annotation by default generates extension on BuildContext

  • MyThemeBuildContextProps extension on BuildContext is generated
  • getter on background of type Color is added directly to BuildContext

Change themes quantity and names #

By default @tailor will generate 2 themes: light and dark. Theme names and their quantity can be changed by specyfying themes property in the @Tailor() annotation

@Tailor(themes: ['baseTheme'])
class _$MyTheme {}

Change generated extensions #

By default @tailor will generate extension on BuildContext and expand theme properties as getters. If this is undesired behaviour, it can be disabled completely by changing themeGetter property in the @Tailor() annotation

@Tailor(themeGetter: ThemeGetter.none)

ThemeGetter has several variants for generating common extensions to ease out access to the declared themes.

Custom property encoding #

ThemeTailor will attempt to provide lerp method for types like:

  • Color
  • Color?
  • TextStyle
  • TextStyle?

In the case of unrecognized or unsupported types, default lerping function will be used (It won't use linear interpolation). When encoding custom types is is possible to specyfiy lerping function for provided type or for a single property. To do so, one must extend ThemeEncoder class from theme_tailor_annotation

Example of adding custom encoder for an int.

import 'dart:ui';

class IntEncoder extends ThemeEncoder<int> {
  const IntEncoder();

  int lerp(int a, int b, double t) {
    return lerpDouble(a, b, t)!.toInt();

Then it can be used in several ways:

/// 1 Add it to the encoders list in the @Tailor() annotation
@Tailor(encoders: [IntEncoder()])
class _$Theme1 {}

/// 2 Add it as a separate annotation below @Tailor() or @tailor annotation
class _$Theme2 {}

/// 3 Add it below your custom tailor annotation
const appTailor = Tailor(themes: ['superLight'])

class _$Theme3 {}

/// 4 Add it on the property
class _$Theme4 {
    static const List<int> someValues = [1,2];

/// 5 IntEncoder() can be assigned to a variable and used as an annotation
/// It works for any of the previous examples
const intEncoder = IntEncoder();

class _$Theme5 {}

Encoder for a given field will be choosen based on the closest annotation related to the field in a following order:

  • annotation on the field
  • annotation on the class
  • property from encoders list in the @Tailor(encoders: []) annotation
  • if property has no declared encoders and it it is not one of the default supported ones, default lerp function will be applied
  • if encoder is added for one of the supported properties e.g. Color this encoder will be used in place of a default one
pub points



Theme Tailor. Utility for generating themes, Flutter's ThemeExtension classes and extensions on BuildContext and ThemeData to access themes

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (LICENSE)


analyzer, build, build_config, collection, meta, source_gen, source_helper, theme_tailor_annotation


Packages that depend on theme_tailor